33 research outputs found

    Vapor pressures, osmotic and activity coefficients for (LiBr + acetonitrile) between the temperatures (298.15 and 343.15) K

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    Precise vapor pressure data for pure acetonitrile and (LiBr + acetonitrile) are given for temps. ranging from 298.15 to 343.15 K. The molality range is from m = (0.0579 to 0.8298) mol/kg-1. The osmotic coeffs. are calcd. by taking into account the second virial coeff. of acetonitrile. The parameters of the extended Pitzer ion interaction model of Archer and the mole fraction-based thermodn. model of Clegg-Pitzer are evaluated. These models accurately reproduce the available osmotic coeffs. The parameters of the extended Pitzer ion interaction model of Archer are used to calc. the mean molal activity coeffs

    Vapor Pressures and Osmotic Coefficients of Aqueous LiOH Solutions at Temperatures Ranging from 298.15 to 363.15 K

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    Precise vapor-pressure data for solns. of lithium hydroxide in water at 298.15-363.15 K were measured by a procedure and equipment known to yield data of high precision. The investigated range of LiOH soln. molality was from 0.07 to 4.77 mol·kg-1. The values of the osmotic coeff. have been calcd., taking into account the second virial coeff. in the equation for the water vapor pressure. Adjustable parameters of Pitzer's model with Archer's extension and of the mean spherical approxn. of a nonrandom two-liq. model were evaluated. The new exptl. data are compared to literature values, which exhibit a surprising scattering

    Isobaric vapour-liquid equilibria of binary 1-propoxy-2-propanol mixtures with water and alcohols at reduced pressure

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    A dynamic recirculation app. has been used to det. the isobaric phase equil. of binary 1-propoxy-2-propanol (PnP) mixts. with water and different alcs. (methanol, ethanol, 2-butanol and 1-hexanol). The systems exhibit both pos. and neg. deviations from Raoult's law. No azeotropic mixt. is found in any of the systems under investigation. The binary diagram of water/PnP shows the well-known liq.-liq.-sepn. The exptl. results are correlated with the Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC model and also compared to the COSMO-RS predictive model and the modified UNIFAC group-contribution method. Addnl., the vapor pressure of PnP has been detd. exptl. up to 140 ° C as prerequisite for modeling of the data

    Vapor Pressures, Osmotic and Activity Coefficients of Electrolytes in Protic Solvents at Different Temperatures. 2. Lithium Bromide in Ethanol

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    Precise vapor pressure data for LiBr solns. in ethanol are given for temps. ranging from 298.15 to 348.15 K. The molality range investigated is from 0.0705 to 3.4451 mol-kg-1. Osmotic coeffs. are calcd. by taking into account the second virial coeff. of ethanol. The parameters of the extended Pitzer ion-interaction model of Archer, the MSA-NRTL model, and the chem. model of Barthel are evaluated and discussed. The parameters of the extended Pitzer ion-interaction model of Archer are used to calc. the mean molal activity coeffs. Osmotic and activity coeffs. both decrease with increasing temp. in this temp. range

    Vapor Pressures and Osmotic Coefficients of Aqueous Solutions of SDS, C6TAB, and C8TAB at 25 °C

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    A comparison is given between the osmotic coeffs. inferred from direct vapor pressure lowering and from indirect vapor pressure osmometry, for three aq. surfactant solns. at 25 °C. The results show that vapor pressure osmometry is a rapid but very reliable technique even at room temp., in contrast to the indications of the manufacturer. Furthermore, the comparison of both techniques reveals that dissolved gas has no noticeable influence on the osmotic coeffs

    Vapor Pressures, Osmotic and Activity Coefficients of Electrolytes in Protic Solvents at Different Temperatures. 3. Lithium Bromide in 2-Propanol

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    Precise vapor pressure data for LiBr solns. in 2-propanol are given for temps. ranging from (298.15 to 348.15) K. The molality range was from (0.0743 to 1.4825) mol-kg-1. Osmotic coeffs. were calcd. by taking into account the second virial coeff. of 2-propanol. The parameters of the Archer extension of the Pitzer model, MSA-NRTL model, and chem. model of Barthel are evaluated. The parameters of the Archer extension of the Pitzer model were used to calc. the activity coeffs. of LiBr in 2-propanol solns

    Vapor Pressure Determination of the Aliphatic C5 to C8 1-Alcohols

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    A precise static method is used to measure vapor pressures of 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol, and 1-octanol from 298.15 up to the boiling points of these alcohols. The vapor pressure data are correlated with the Antoine and Wagner equations. From the measured vapor pressures, the enthalpies of vaporization are calculated. The results are compared with literature values

    Osmotic coefficients of nonaqueous electrolyte solutions at thermodynamic and McMillan-Mayer level

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    Precise osmotic coeffs. from abs. vapor pressure measurements on various electrolyte solns. of org. solvents are given as the ref. data for use in relative vapor pressure measurement methods. The availability of reliable data is used for a study of the interdependence of thermodn. properties and theor. and exptl. McMillan-Mayer level methods, such as chem. model and hypernetted chain calcns. and small angle neutron scattering expts

    Thermodynamic properties of (LiCl + N,N-dimethylacetamide) and (LiBr + N,N-dimethylacetamide) at temperatures from (323.15 to 423.15) K

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    Precise vapor pressure data for LiCl and LiBr solns. in N,N-dimethylacetamide are given for T = 323.15 to 423.15 K. The molality ranges covered in this study are about m = 0.073 to 1.89 mol·kg-1 for lithium chloride and m = 0.06 to 1.75 mol·kg-1 for lithium bromide. Osmotic coeffs. are calcd. by taking into account the second virial coeff. of N,N-dimethylacetamide. The parameters of the extended Pitzer-ion interaction model of Archer, of the MSA-NRTL model, and of the chem. model of Barthel are evaluated. These models accurately reproduce the exptl. osmotic coeffs. within different concn. ranges. The parameters of the Pitzer-ion interaction model of Archer are used to calc. the mean molal activity coeffs. and excess Gibbs free energies. The non-ideal behaviors of these systems are discussed in terms of the model parameters

    Activity of water, osmotic and activity coefficients of sodium glutamate and sodium aspartate in aqueous solutions at 310.15 K

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    The vapor pressures of aq. solns. of sodium L-glutamate (mi = 0.05-0.57 mol kg-1) and sodium L-aspartate (mi = 0.005-0.48 mol kg-1) were precisely measured at T = 310.15 K and the activity of water and the osmotic and activity coeffs. of the solutes were calcd. from these data. The concn. dependence of the osmotic coeffs. is described with the help of the Pitzer equation and the mean spherical approxn. (MSA). It is shown that it is possible to describe thermodn. properties of sodium aspartate and sodium glutamate solns. up to 0.5 molkg-1 with distance parameter R as the single fit parameter