45 research outputs found

    Application of Reduced Stiffness of Complex Laminate in Finite Elements for Chair Analysis

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    This paper presents a numerical procedure for the analysis of complex laminate structures. The procedure is based on the application of reduced stiffness of complex laminate. Introduction of reduced stiffness of composite facilitates both linear and nonlinear numerical integration, i.e. the tangential stiffness matrix is translated in the classical plate theory problem. The formulated numerical procedure was implemented in the program system KOMIPS. Special subroutine REDKRUT that calculates reduced stiffness of the laminate was written, and its application in numerical verification of experiments conducted on chairs was presented in (Nestorovic, 2010). At the end of this work, for 3D stress and strain analysis of veneer composites, recommendations were given for experimental determination of all nine independent material constants E-x, E-y, E-z, v(xy), v(xz), G(xy), G(xz), G(yz), five of which were determined in the previous paper of the author (Nestorovic, 2010)

    Adrb2 gene polymorphisms and salbutamol responsiveness in Serbian children with asthma

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    Inhaled beta 2 adrenergic receptor (beta 2-AR) agonists are the mainstay of asthma therapy. The beta 2-AR protein is encoded by the ADRB2 gene and variants within this gene can have significant consequences for modulating the response to asthma therapy. This cross-sectional study performed at the University Children's Hospital in Belgrade, included 54 children with asthma. The subjects were genotyped for ADRB2 +46A gt G (Arg16Gly, rs1042713) and +79C gt G (G1n27G1u, rs1042714) polymorphisms and the association with asthma severity and response to inhaled salbutamol was examined. In Serbian asthmatic children, allele +46A was detected with a frequency of 41.7% and allele +79G was detected with a frequency of 23.1%. Allele +460 was found to be associated with a better response to inhaled salbutamol (p lt 0.05) and with mild form of asthma (p lt 0.05). Polymorphism ADRB2 +46A gt G may be a determinant of asthma severity and response to salbutamol in children with asthma. We did not find any association of +79C gt G polymorphisms with the asthma severity and bronchodilator response to inhaled salbutamol. The results of this study can be potentially useful for personalization of asthma treatment

    Effect of phytase supplementation on growing pigs performance

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    Dietary concentrations of phytate are crucial for its anti-nutritive properties and its negative impact on P availability. The increase of dietary phytate level is shown to increase endogenous losses of amino acids and minerals in pigs. The partial availability of the P component of phytate to simple-stomached species attains importance as the world's rock phosphate reserves are not renewable, which could lead to a P supply crisis in the future. Supplementing phytase is becoming increasingly common as a method to improve the availability of P in plant ingredients containing high levels of phytate P. Fourty-eight pigs (Swedish Landrace boars Ɨ Dutch landrace sows) weaned at day 35 with an initial BW of 8.72Ā±0.28 kg were used for a 40-day weaner performance study. The study was structured as a complete randomized design to evaluate the response of weaner pigs to four concentrations of microbial phytase produced by Aspergillus niger: (T1) basal diet; (T2) basal diet + 1000 FTU/kg; (T3) diet with decreased dicalcium phosphate + 1000 FTU/kg; and (T4) diet with no dicalcium phosphate + 1000 FTU/kg. Control group of piglets (T1) has achieved standard body mass while addition of phytase in meal increased body mass by 6.59% in T2 and 7.52% in T3. Phytase supplementation prevented decreased body weight gain diets where available phosphorous level was reduced by 50. The amount of consumed feed per day was not significantly different. Feed efficiency of T2 and T3 groups was by 3.23% better and of T4 for 11.29% lower compared to the control group of piglets (T1). Lower production results achieved by the use of low phosphorous diets can be avoided to a certain level by the use of microbial phytase. The use of phytase in pig diet significantly improved phosphorous availability, as well as of other mineral substances from the phytate complex. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46002

    Influence of maternal dexamethasone treatment on morphometric characteristics of pituitary GH cells and body weight in near-term rat fetuses.

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    Growth hormone (GH) and glucocorticoids have a powerful influence on controlling fetal growth, differentiation and maturation of numerous tissues. In the present study, the effect of maternal dexamethasone (Dx) treatment on GH cells and body weight in 19- and 21-day-old rat fetuses was investigated using immunocytochemical and morphometric methods. Pregnant female rats received daily injections of 1.0-0.5-0.5 mg Dx/kg b.w. on days 16-18 of pregnancy (experimental group), while the control group received an equal volume of saline. Dx treatment of pregnant rats enhanced immunostaining intensity and significantly increased (

    The effect of SRIH-14 or octreotide on the morphological characteristics of adrenal medulla using newcast

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    The effects of chronic treatments with either SRIH-14 or octreotide on the adrenal medulla of male Wistar rats were examined. Adult males received subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of 20 Ī¼g/100 g body weight of either SRIH-14 or octreotide twice a day for 28 consecutive days. The absolute weights and the absolute volumes of the adrenal glands significantly (p<0.05) decreased after either treatment. The adrenal medulla was analyzed by histological and stereological methods using newCAST. Compared to the control, the relative volumes of the vascular tissues significantly (p < 0.05) decreased - by 40% and 25% in the SRIH-14- and octreotide-treated groups, respectively. In the SRIH-14- and octreotide-treated groups the relative volumes of chromaffin and interstitial tissue increased by 6% and 5% (p < 0.05), respectively. These findings show that both SRIH-14 and octreotide affect the morphological characteristics of the adrenal zona medullaris in a similar manner.Projekat ministarstva br. 143007

    Effect of estradiol or calcium treatment on mammotrophs of female middle-aged rats

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    The effects of estradiol dipropionate (EDP) or calcium glucoheptonate (Ca) on the morphology and stereology of the PRL cells in 14-month-oldWistar female rats were studied. The animals were treated daily with EDP in the dose of 0.625 mg/kg b.w. or calcium glucoheptonate (Ca; 11.4 mg/kg b.w.) for two weeks. The controls were injected with vehicle alone by the same schedule. Mammotrophs (PRL cells) were immunocytochemically localized by the PAP method. Blood PRL concentration was determined by Delfia procedure. In animals treated with EDP the volume of both, PRL cells and their nuclei, as well as the volume densities were significantly (p0.05) decreased compared to control rats. Serum concentration of PRL was significantly increased (p0.05) changed by 2% compared to controls. Based on these results, it can be concluded that EDP expresses a strong stimulatory effect on the morphology and function of pituitary PRL cells.Ispitivani su efekti viÅ”ekratnih doza estradiol dipropionata (EDP) ili kalcijum glukoheptonata (Ca) na morfoloÅ”ke i stereoloÅ”ke karakteristike mamotropnih (PRL) ćelija u acikličnih ženki pacova. Aciklične ženke su svakodnevno tokom dve nedelje dobijale 0,625 mg/kg tm EDP-a ili 11,4 mg/kg tm Ca. PRL ćelije su imunocitohemijski obeležavane PAP metodom. U životinja tretiranih sa EDP-om zapremina ćelija i njihovih jedara kao i volumenska gustina signifikantno (p0,05) promenjeni. Koncentracija PRL u serumu značajno (p<0,05) je bila povećana (za 17%) posle tretmana estradiolom dok tretman kalcijumom nije izazvao značajne promene (2% u odnosu na kontrole). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključ iti da EDP ima snažan stimulatorni efekat na PRL ćelije u hipofizi.nul

    Effects of intracerebroventricularly administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells in female rats

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    Effects of intracerbroventricularly (ICV) administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells (FSH and LH) of adult Wistar female rats were examined by immunocytochemical and morphometric methods. The animals received ICV three 1.0 mg doses of octreotide dissolved in 10 mL saline every second day. The controls were treated with equivalent volume of physiological saline by the same schedule. FSH- and LH-producing cells were examined using peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure. Morphometric and stereologic examinations were performed to evaluate changes in the number, volume and volume densities of gonadotrophic cells. In females treated with octreotide, the gonadotrophic cells were smaller and often pycnotic, while the number of FSH- and LH-immunopositive cells per unit area (mm2) was significantly reduced. Octreotide also induced a significant reduction of the FSH- and LH-immunoreactive cells volume, as well as of their volume densities. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that octeotride, centrally administered to adult female rats provokes changes in immunocytochemical and morphometric features of both types of gonadotrophic cells.Ispitivani su efekti oktreotida davanog intracerebroventrikularno (ICV) odraslim ženkama pacova na gonadotropne ćelije (FSH i LH). Životinje su tretirane sa ukupno tri doze od 1 mg oktreotida rastvorenog u 10 mL fizioloÅ”kog rastvora svakog drugog dana. Kontrole su na isti način primile odgovarajuću zapreminu fizioloÅ” kog rastvora. FSH i LH ćelije su ispitivane imunocitohemijskim postupkom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza. Da bi se ustanovile promene u broju, zapremini i zapreminskoj gustini gonadotropnih ćelija primenjen je morfometrijski kao i stereoloÅ”ki pristup. Kod ženki tretiranih oktreotidom, gonadotropne ćelije su bile manje i često piknotič ne. Broj imunopozitivnih FSH i LH ćelija po jedinici povrÅ”ine (mm2) je bio statistički značajno smanjen. Oktreotid je, takodje, izazvao značajno smanjenje zapremine FSH i LH imunoreaktivnih ćelija, kao i njihove zapreminske gustine. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je oktreotid, dat ICV odraslim ženkama pacova doveo do promena imunocitohemijskih i morfometrijskih osobina oba ispitivana tipa gonadotropnih ćelija

    The effect of SRIH-14 or octreotide on the morphological characteristics of adrenal medulla using newcast

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    The effects of chronic treatments with either SRIH-14 or octreotide on the adrenal medulla of male Wistar rats were examined. Adult males received subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of 20 Ī¼g/100 g body weight of either SRIH-14 or octreotide twice a day for 28 consecutive days. The absolute weights and the absolute volumes of the adrenal glands significantly (p<0.05) decreased after either treatment. The adrenal medulla was analyzed by histological and stereological methods using newCAST. Compared to the control, the relative volumes of the vascular tissues significantly (p < 0.05) decreased - by 40% and 25% in the SRIH-14- and octreotide-treated groups, respectively. In the SRIH-14- and octreotide-treated groups the relative volumes of chromaffin and interstitial tissue increased by 6% and 5% (p < 0.05), respectively. These findings show that both SRIH-14 and octreotide affect the morphological characteristics of the adrenal zona medullaris in a similar manner.Projekat ministarstva br. 143007

    Effect of estradiol or calcium treatment on mammotrophs of female middle-aged rats

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    The effects of estradiol dipropionate (EDP) or calcium glucoheptonate (Ca) on the morphology and stereology of the PRL cells in 14-month-oldWistar female rats were studied. The animals were treated daily with EDP in the dose of 0.625 mg/kg b.w. or calcium glucoheptonate (Ca; 11.4 mg/kg b.w.) for two weeks. The controls were injected with vehicle alone by the same schedule. Mammotrophs (PRL cells) were immunocytochemically localized by the PAP method. Blood PRL concentration was determined by Delfia procedure. In animals treated with EDP the volume of both, PRL cells and their nuclei, as well as the volume densities were significantly (p0.05) decreased compared to control rats. Serum concentration of PRL was significantly increased (p0.05) changed by 2% compared to controls. Based on these results, it can be concluded that EDP expresses a strong stimulatory effect on the morphology and function of pituitary PRL cells.Ispitivani su efekti viÅ”ekratnih doza estradiol dipropionata (EDP) ili kalcijum glukoheptonata (Ca) na morfoloÅ”ke i stereoloÅ”ke karakteristike mamotropnih (PRL) ćelija u acikličnih ženki pacova. Aciklične ženke su svakodnevno tokom dve nedelje dobijale 0,625 mg/kg tm EDP-a ili 11,4 mg/kg tm Ca. PRL ćelije su imunocitohemijski obeležavane PAP metodom. U životinja tretiranih sa EDP-om zapremina ćelija i njihovih jedara kao i volumenska gustina signifikantno (p0,05) promenjeni. Koncentracija PRL u serumu značajno (p<0,05) je bila povećana (za 17%) posle tretmana estradiolom dok tretman kalcijumom nije izazvao značajne promene (2% u odnosu na kontrole). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključ iti da EDP ima snažan stimulatorni efekat na PRL ćelije u hipofizi.nul

    Effects of intracerebroventricularly administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells in female rats

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    Effects of intracerbroventricularly (ICV) administered octreotide on gonadotrophic cells (FSH and LH) of adult Wistar female rats were examined by immunocytochemical and morphometric methods. The animals received ICV three 1.0 mg doses of octreotide dissolved in 10 mL saline every second day. The controls were treated with equivalent volume of physiological saline by the same schedule. FSH- and LH-producing cells were examined using peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure. Morphometric and stereologic examinations were performed to evaluate changes in the number, volume and volume densities of gonadotrophic cells. In females treated with octreotide, the gonadotrophic cells were smaller and often pycnotic, while the number of FSH- and LH-immunopositive cells per unit area (mm2) was significantly reduced. Octreotide also induced a significant reduction of the FSH- and LH-immunoreactive cells volume, as well as of their volume densities. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that octeotride, centrally administered to adult female rats provokes changes in immunocytochemical and morphometric features of both types of gonadotrophic cells.Ispitivani su efekti oktreotida davanog intracerebroventrikularno (ICV) odraslim ženkama pacova na gonadotropne ćelije (FSH i LH). Životinje su tretirane sa ukupno tri doze od 1 mg oktreotida rastvorenog u 10 mL fizioloÅ”kog rastvora svakog drugog dana. Kontrole su na isti način primile odgovarajuću zapreminu fizioloÅ” kog rastvora. FSH i LH ćelije su ispitivane imunocitohemijskim postupkom peroksidaza-antiperoksidaza. Da bi se ustanovile promene u broju, zapremini i zapreminskoj gustini gonadotropnih ćelija primenjen je morfometrijski kao i stereoloÅ”ki pristup. Kod ženki tretiranih oktreotidom, gonadotropne ćelije su bile manje i često piknotič ne. Broj imunopozitivnih FSH i LH ćelija po jedinici povrÅ”ine (mm2) je bio statistički značajno smanjen. Oktreotid je, takodje, izazvao značajno smanjenje zapremine FSH i LH imunoreaktivnih ćelija, kao i njihove zapreminske gustine. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je oktreotid, dat ICV odraslim ženkama pacova doveo do promena imunocitohemijskih i morfometrijskih osobina oba ispitivana tipa gonadotropnih ćelija