67 research outputs found

    Evolving Regulation of Corporate Governance and the Implications for D&O Liability: The United States and Australia

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    This Article compares the modern corporate regulatory environments in the United States and Australia, including an analysis of the climate for Directors & Officers (D & O) liability coverage. Comparing these regulations across two large markets with similar historical bases for assessing director and officer liability allows us to explore which reforms may be more effective as new scandals emerge

    Decomposing the misery index: A dynamic approach

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    YesThe misery index (the unweighted sum of unemployment and inflation rates) was probably the first attempt to develop a single statistic to measure the level of a population’s economic malaise. In this letter, we develop a dynamic approach to decompose the misery index using two basic relations of modern macroeconomics: the expectations-augmented Phillips curve and Okun’s law. Our reformulation of the misery index is closer in spirit to Okun’s idea. However, we are able to offer an improved version of the index, mainly based on output and unemployment. Specifically, this new Okun’s index measures the level of economic discomfort as a function of three key factors: (1) the misery index in the previous period; (2) the output gap in growth rate terms; and (3) cyclical unemployment. This dynamic approach differs substantially from the standard one utilised to develop the misery index, and allow us to obtain an index with five main interesting features: (1) it focuses on output, unemployment and inflation; (2) it considers only objective variables; (3) it allows a distinction between short-run and long-run phenomena; (4) it places more importance on output and unemployment rather than inflation; and (5) it weights recessions more than expansions

    Nothing New in the (North) East? Interpreting the Rhetoric and Reality of Japanese Corporate Governance

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    Japan finally seems to be pulling itself out of its lost decade (and a half) of economic stagnation. Some grudgingly or triumphantly attribute this to micro-economic reforms, freeing up arthritic markets, although there is also evidence that macro-economic policy failures have been a major cause of poor performance since the 1990s. Many point to overlapping transformations in corporate governance, broadly defined to cover relationships among managers and employees as well as between firms and outside shareholders, creditors, and other stakeholders. These relationships are in flux, with moves arguably favouring shareholders and more market-driven control mechanisms. It has certainly been a found decade for law reform in Japan, particularly in corporate law, with a plethora of legislative amendments commencing around 1993 and culminating in the enactment of a consolidated Company Law in 2005. This modernisation project, particularly since 2001, is reportedly aimed at (i) securing better corporate governance, (ii) bringing the law into line with a highly-developed information society, (iii) liberalising fundraising measures, (iv) bringing corporate law into line with the internationalization of corporate activity, and (v) modernizing terms and consolidating corporate law. Because the suite of revisions has moved away from strict mandatory rules set out originally in Japan\u27s Commercial Code of 1899, modeled primarily on German law, another growing perception is that Japanese corporate law and practice is or will soon be converging significantly on US models. However, assessments remain divided as to whether these moves in corporate governance and capitalism more generally in Japan amount to a new paradigm or regime shift . Focusing primarily on quite influential commentary in English, Part I of this paper outlines two pairs of views. It concludes that the most plausible assessment is of significant but gradual transformation towards a more market-driven approach, evident also in other advanced political economies. Drawing more generally from these often virulently divided views, Part II sets out five ways forward through the proliferating literature and source material on corporate governance in Japan. Particular care must be taken in: (i) selecting the temporal timeframe, (ii) selecting countries to compare, (iii) balancing black-letter law and broader socio-economic context, (iv) reflecting on and disclosing normative preferences, and (v) giving weight to processes as well as outcomes, when assessing change in Japan - and any other country\u27s governance system. Part III ends with a call for further research particularly on law- and policy-producing processes, rather than mainly outcomes. It also outlines the usefulness of this analytical framework for analysing the broader field of Corporate Social Responsibility, now emerging as the next major area of debate and transformation in Japan - as elsewhere

    Nothing New in the (North) East? Interpreting the Rhetoric and Reality of Japanese Corporate Governance

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    De therapie van fissura ani. Een literatuuronderzoek.

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    The work presented in this thesis has provided new insights into the mechanisms involved in the regulation of innate immune responses in zebrafish embryos. Furthermore, cell-specific transcriptome profiling studies identified novel marker genes for distinguishing immune cell types, which is highly useful information to fulfill the demand for new fluorescent reporter lines and lineage-specific antibodies in the zebrafish model. We have shown that Ptpn6, a protein tyrosine phosphatase homolog of human SHP1, functions as a critical negative regulator, required for a properly balanced innate immune response and for controlling infections with bacterial pathogens. In Salmonella typhimurium infection, ptpn6 deficiency caused a general hyperinduction of pro-inflammatory genes, which was contraproductive as it impaired the infection control. In Mycobacterium marinum infection, a more specific effect of ptpn6 deficiency on matrix metalloproteinase gene expression was found as a major underlying cause of increased bacterial burden. We further concluded that Ptpn6 functions as a much stronger negative regulator than infection-inducible miRNAs of the miR-146 family, which may be involved in more subtle fine-tuning of the innate immune response. Knowledge about the distinct roles of Ptpn6 and miR-146 miRNAs has practical applicability in regard to their potential as therapeutic targets for inflammatory diseases and cancer.</p

    De etiologie van fissura ani. Een literatuuronderzoek.

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    De therapie van fissura ani. Een literatuuronderzoek.

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