3 research outputs found

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    Tectonic deformation structures in the Sarmatian (Miocene) Krakowiec clays atWylewa near Sieniawa (Carpathian foreland basin): a record of young strike-slip fault activity in the basement

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    Tectonic deformation structures (folds, strike-slip, reverse and normal faults as well as joints) are reported here from the topmost part of the youngest, clayey sediments of the Carpathian foreland basin (Krakowiec clays, Sarmatian, Miocene), in a clay pit located at a village ofWylewa near Sieniawa. Our structural study has revealed several joint sets, accompanying products of intense folding and faulting, and defining a structural pattern that can be easily interpreted in terms of structures formed in a transpressive regime above strike-slip faults in the basement. The origin of these structures is ascribed to tectonic activity of the NW-SE-trending Ryszkowa Wola horst known to occur directly beneath the Wylewa clay pit, at a depth of c. 500 to 1300 m and to involve the basement and the lower part of theMiocene succession. The structural pattern in question most likely reflects a sinistral strike-slip displacement on sub-vertical boundary faults of the lowermost part of the horst. Undisputable effects of this strike-slip motion have been recently documented by other authors using 3D seismic data. The deformation structures at Wylewa must have resulted from a young, late to post-Sarmatian tectonic activity in the basement of the Carpathian foreland basin, probably reflecting an E-W to ENE-WSW directed regional shortening episode

    Integrated biostratigraphy of carbonate deposits of the Cieszyn Beds in the Polish Western Carpathians

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    W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę stratygraficzną dolnych łupków i wapieni cieszyńskich w oparciu o zróżnicowane spektrum mikroskamieniałości. Rozmieszczenie i migracja tych mikroorganizmów do basenu cieszyńskiego, usytuowanego na południowej krawędzi Platformy Zachodnioeuropejskiej, były określone jego geotektoniczną transformacją. Pozycję niefliszowych, węglanowych utworów basenu (dolne łupki cieszyńskie i dolna część wapieni cieszyńskich) określają zespoły tytońskich mikroskamieniałości z pojedynczymi elementami późnego kimerydu. Natomiast sedymentacja węglanowych turbiditów (wyższa część wapieni cieszyńskich) miała miejsce głównie w okresie berias - walanżyn z prawdopodobną kontynuacją do (?późnego) hoterywu.Microfossils from the Tithonian-(?Late) Hauterivian carbonate deposits of the Cieszyn Beds (Lower Cieszyn Shales and Cieszyn Limestones) are reviewed. The distribution and migration of microorganisms into the Carpathian (Cieszyn) Basin were determined by geotectonic transformation of the Cieszyn Basin situated on the southern margin of the Western European Platform. The age of the nonflysch carbonate deposition in the Cieszyn basin (Lower Cieszyn Shales, and lower part of the Cieszyn Limestones) is documented by Tithonian calcareous microfossils accompanied by Late Kimmeridgian elements whereas the development of carbonate turbidite deposition in the Beriassian - Valanginian time (Cieszyn Limestones), probably continued up to the (?Late) Hauterivian