17 research outputs found

    Archbishop Bartholomeo Zabarella (400-1445): Ecclesiastical Career between Padua, Rome, Split and Florence

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    Biografija Bartolomea Zabarelle slična je biografijama mnogih njegovih vrÅ”njaka iz uglednih padovanskih obitelji. Kao nećak utjecajnoga kardinala i uglednoga profesora na drugome najstarijemu talijanskom SveučiliÅ”tu, od rane je mladosti uključen u važna druÅ”tvena i politička događanja svoga rodnoga grada. Nakon zavrÅ”enoga studija prava, poput mnogih svojih vrÅ”njaka pripremao se za crkvenu karijeru. Poticaji za odlazak u Rim doÅ”li su pred kraj pontifikata pape Martina V., iz rimske plemićke obitelji Colonna. Međutim, vrhunac karijere dostigao je obavljajući razne kurijalne službe tijekom pontifikata Eugena IV., Mlečanina Gabriela Condulmera. Novopronađeni i neobjavljeni izvori iz nekoliko serija registara Vatikanskoga tajnog arhiva, međusobno isprepleteni s objavljenim dokumentima iz padovanskoga kruga, osvjetljavaju neke ključne trenutke ove uspjeÅ”ne kurijalne karijere između Rima i Firence, a ukazuju i na rijetke i sporadične veze sa Splitom.Biography of Bartholomeo Zabarella (1400-1445) is similar to the biographies of many young men, offsprings of influential Paduan families in the early decades of the fifteenth century. He was a nephew to Francesco Zabarella, one of the most famous professors of canon law at the University of Padua, well trained diplomat in the service of the Carrara family, and the cardinal of the Holy See. His career path was therefore well programmed: with the doctor in utroque degree he embraced the ecclesiastical career within the Curia of Martin V (Colonna) and Eugenius IV (Condulmer). Starting from the office of apostolic protonotary in 1418, in the late twenties, at the age of 28, he was appointed archbishop of Split. However, he continued to reside in the Roman residence of the Patriarch of Constantinople and pope Gregory XII, Angelo Correr. By the end of 1432 he was assumed to the college of referendarii utriusque signaturae, and on 21 June 1434 he became auditor litterarum contradictarum which made him work in close contact with the cardinals Francesco Condulmer and Giordano Orsini, patriarch of Grado Biagio Molino, bishop of Cervia/Rimini Cristoforo Marcello, bishop of Concordia Daniele Scoti, bishop of Poreč and Trogir Angelo Cavazza, and the pope himself, both in Rome and in Florence during the 1430s. In the course of his busy curial career he witnessed important historical events such as the consecration of the Florentine cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore on 25 March 1436, or the Union of Latin and Greek Churches on 6 July 1439 in Florence. Bartholomeoā€™s fidelity to the pope in the most difficult period of his pontificate, was rewarded with the appointment to the archbishopric of Florence at the end of 1439, followed by that of apostolic legate to France and England. Both of these offices would have led him to the cardinalate, had he not died in Sutri on 13 August 1445. He certainly showed considerable ability as he shrewdly balanced within two important, complex and complicated networks that animated his affairs. One was the University of Padua, led by teachers and students: a degree in canon and both laws could launch them to the successful Curial career. The other network was Roman Curia, delineated by the relationships internal to the Church hierarcy and personal favouritism


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    Autorica prati razvoj proučavanja, sakupljanja i istraživanja antičkih epigrafskih spomenika na latinskom jeziku od prvih humanista i humanističkih zajednica aktivnih u Zadru, Trogiru i Splitu u prvoj polovici 15. stoljeća sve do generacije velikih imena naÅ”e arheologije Duje Rendića Miočevića, Mate Suića i Marina Zaninovića

    Franz Posset: Marcus Marulus and the Biblia Latina of 1489: An Approach to his Biblical Hermeneutics...

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    How to become a bishop of Zagreb in the post-tridentine age: Petar Petretić and the Zagreb bishopric in 1648

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    Oslanjajući se na koncilske odredbe i papine konstitucije iz 16. i prve polovice 17. stoljeća, Rimska je kurija stvorila kompleksan sustav dodjele biskupskih časti. Dosljedna provedba informativnih postupaka, u sklopu kojih su čelnici Katoličke crkve dobivali sve relevantne biografske podatke o biskupskome kandidatu, nametnula se kao glavno sredstvo papine reforme u odnosu prema lokalnim dijecezama. U ovome radu analizira se način na koji je Rimska kurija od kasnoga srednjeg vijeka do prve polovice 17. stoljeća razvijala koncept i strukturu informativnih postupaka. Jedan se takav informativni postupak odvio 1648. godine u sjediÅ”tu Apostolske nuncijature u Beču, a odnosio se na kandidaturu Petra Petretića za zagrebačkoga biskupa. Zapisnik se čuva u dvije kopije u Tajnome vatikanskom arhivu i bogato je vrelo podataka o biskupskome kandidatu i o sustavu stjecanja biskupske časti u promatranome razdoblju. Budući da je Petretić u konačnici imenovan zagrebačkim biskupom, na temelju iskaza svjedokĆ¢ utvrđuje se koje je sve preduvjete morao ispuniti kako bi zadovoljio visoke standarde Rimske kurije. Analizirajući ovu prvu fazu Petretićeva biskupskog imenovanja, razmatra se sustav stjecanja biskupske časti od pokretanja postupka imenovanja ā€“ nakon Å”to habsburÅ”ki vladar iskoristi svoje patronatsko pravo i predstavi odgovarajućega kandidata ā€“ preko ispitivanja svjedoka pa sve do razmatranja kandidatova slučaja na Tajnome konsistoriju u Rimu. Pored profila biskupskoga kandidata donosi se i portret Zagrebačke biskupije sredinom 17. stoljeća, kakav je nakon provedenoga postupka u Beču stigao u Rim. Kao prilog radu donosi se cjeloviti prijepis informativnoga postupka provedenoga povodom imenovanja Petra Petretića za zagrebačkoga biskupa.The Roman Curial administration developed a very complex system of bishop appointments which relied on decisions reached at the Tridentine council (concluded on 4 December 1563) as well as upon papal constitutions isued in the course of the 16th and during the first decades of the 17th century. In the posttridentine age informative processes became an important instrument used both for collecting information on candidates to be promoted bishops, and for implementing papal reform of local dioceses. They consisted of three witnessesā€™ interrogation on personal qualities of candidates and the state of the diocese. Although some processes have been organised in the Curia too, they were prevalenty organised by the apostolic nunzio in the residence of his Nunziature. A rich source of information not only on the candidate himself and the diocese he is going to administer, they tell us much more on the entire system of appointments to vacant bishoprics in the researched period. The informative process the authors analysed in this essay was organised in May 1648 by the apostolic nunzio to the Court in Vienna Camillo Melzi, about the candidacy of Petar Petretić following the death of late bishop of Zagreb Martin Bogdan. As Petar Petretić was actually appointed bishop of Zagreb on the Secret Consistory held on 1 February 1649 in the Apostolic palace at Quirinale, and soon consacrated in Bratislava by three catholic bishops, the authors discuss the prerequisites the successful candidate had to satisfy. By analysing the first phase of the long process of his appointment, the authors investigated into the system of acquiring the bishopā€™s dignity in the lands under the Habsburg dominion which usually started with the monarchā€™s use of his right of patronage and the presentation of a convenient candidate, continued with the interrogation of witnesses in the Nunziature, and ended with the case discussion on the Secret Consistory in Rome which regularly produced the papal letter of appointment. Along with the profile of Petar Petretić, the portrait of Zagreb, a bishopric on the frontiers of the catholic world in the central years of the 17th century, depicted by the witnesses and the Apostolic nunzio was sent to the Roman Curial administration. The appendix publishes the copy kept in the Vatican Secret Archives of the informative process organised by the Apostolic nunzio in Vienna Camillo Melzi upon the qualities of Petar Petretić and the state of the Zagreb bishopric in 1648