14 research outputs found

    The Grueneberg ganglion controls odor-driven food choices in mice under threat.

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    The ability to efficiently search for food is fundamental for animal survival. Olfactory messages are used to find food while being aware of the impending risk of predation. How these different olfactory clues are combined to optimize decision-making concerning food selection remains elusive. Here, we find that chemical danger cues drive the food selection in mice via the activation of a specific olfactory subsystem, the Grueneberg ganglion (GG). We show that a functional GG is required to decipher the threatening quality of an unfamiliar food. We also find that the increase in corticosterone, which is GG-dependent, enhances safe food preference acquired during social transmission. Moreover, we demonstrate that memory retrieval for food preference can be extinguished by activation of the GG circuitry. Our findings reveal a key function played by the GG in controlling contextual food responses and illustrate how mammalian organisms integrate environmental chemical stress to optimize decision-making

    Morphological and physiological species-dependent characteristics of the rodent Grueneberg ganglion.

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    In the mouse, the Grueneberg ganglion (GG) is an olfactory subsystem implicated both in chemo- and thermo-sensing. It is specifically involved in the recognition of volatile danger cues such as alarm pheromones and structurally-related predator scents. No evidence for these GG sensory functions has been reported yet in other rodent species. In this study, we used a combination of histological and physiological techniques to verify the presence of a GG and investigate its function in the rat, hamster, and gerbil comparing with the mouse. By scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmitted electron microscopy (TEM), we found isolated or groups of large GG cells of different shapes that in spite of their gross anatomical similarities, display important structural differences between species. We performed a comparative and morphological study focusing on the conserved olfactory features of these cells. We found fine ciliary processes, mostly wrapped in ensheating glial cells, in variable number of clusters deeply invaginated in the neuronal soma. Interestingly, the glial wrapping, the amount of microtubules and their distribution in the ciliary processes were different between rodents. Using immunohistochemistry, we were able to detect the expression of known GG proteins, such as the membrane guanylyl cyclase G and the cyclic nucleotide-gated channel A3. Both the expression and the subcellular localization of these signaling proteins were found to be species-dependent. Calcium imaging experiments on acute tissue slice preparations from rodent GG demonstrated that the chemo- and thermo-evoked neuronal responses were different between species. Thus, GG neurons from mice and rats displayed both chemo- and thermo-sensing, while hamsters and gerbils showed profound differences in their sensitivities. We suggest that the integrative comparison between the structural morphologies, the sensory properties, and the ethological contexts supports species-dependent GG features prompted by the environmental pressure

    Food preference acquired by social transmission is altered by the absence of the olfactory marker protein in mice.

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    Food preference is conserved from the most primitive organisms to social animals including humans. A continuous integration of olfactory cues present both in food and in the different environmental and physiological contexts favors the intake of a given source of food or its avoidance. Remarkably, in mice, food preference can also be acquired by olfactory communication in-between conspecifics, a behavior known as the social transmission of food preference (STFP). STFP occurs when a mouse sniffs the breath of a conspecific who has previously eaten a novel food emitting specific odorants and will then develop a preference for this never encountered food. The efficient discrimination of odorants is performed by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). It is essential and supports many of the decision-making processes. Here, we found that the olfactory marker protein (OMP), an enigmatic protein ubiquitously expressed in all mature olfactory neurons, is involved in the fine regulation of OSNs basal activity that directly impacts the odorant discrimination ability. Using a previously described Omp null mouse model, we noticed that although odorants and their hedonic-associated values were still perceived by these mice, compensatory behaviors such as a higher number of sniffing events were displayed both in the discrimination of complex odorant signatures and in social-related contexts. As a consequence, we found that the ability to differentiate the olfactory messages carried by individuals such as those implicated in the social transmission of food preference were significantly compromised in Omp null mice. Thus, our results not only give new insights into the role of OMP in the fine discrimination of odorants but also reinforce the fundamental implication of a functional olfactory system for food decision-making

    Alarm pheromone and kairomone detection via bitter taste receptors in the mouse Grueneberg ganglion.

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    The mouse Grueneberg ganglion (GG) is an olfactory subsystem specialized in the detection of volatile heterocyclic compounds signalling danger. The signalling pathways transducing the danger signals are only beginning to be characterized. Screening chemical libraries for compounds structurally resembling the already-identified GG ligands, we found a new category of chemicals previously identified as bitter tastants that initiated fear-related behaviours in mice depending on their volatility and evoked neuronal responses in mouse GG neurons. Screening for the expression of signalling receptors of these compounds in the mouse GG yielded transcripts of the taste receptors Tas2r115, Tas2r131, Tas2r143 and their associated G protein α-gustducin (Gnat3). We were further able to confirm their expression at the protein level. Challenging these three G protein-coupled receptors in a heterologous system with the known GG ligands, we identified TAS2R143 as a chemical danger receptor transducing both alarm pheromone and predator-derived kairomone signals. These results demonstrate that similar molecular elements might be used by the GG and by the taste system to detect chemical danger signals present in the environment

    Impaired glucose homeostasis in mice lacking the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor subtype.

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    To assess the role of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) in glucose homeostasis, we investigated glucose metabolism in knockout mice deficient of this receptor subtype (alpha1b-AR-/-). Mutant mice had normal blood glucose and insulin levels, but elevated leptin concentrations in the fed state. During the transition to fasting, glucose and insulin blood concentrations remained markedly elevated for at least 6 h and returned to control levels after 24 h whereas leptin levels remained high at all times. Hyperinsulinemia in the post-absorptive phase was normalized by atropine or methylatropine indicating an elevated parasympathetic activity on the pancreatic beta cells, which was associated with increased levels of hypothalamic NPY mRNA. Euglycemic clamps at both low and high insulin infusion rates revealed whole body insulin resistance with reduced muscle glycogen synthesis and impaired suppression of endogenous glucose production at the low insulin infusion rate. The liver glycogen stores were 2-fold higher in the fed state in the alpha1b-AR-/- compared with control mice, but were mobilized at the same rate during the fed to fast transition or following glucagon injections. Finally, high fat feeding for one month increased glucose intolerance and body weight in the alpha1b-AR-/-, but not in control mice. Altogether, our results indicate that in the absence of the alpha1b-AR the expression of hypotalamic NPY and the parasympathetic nervous activity are both increased resulting in hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance as well as favoring obesity and glucose intolerance development during high fat feeding

    Mutational analysis of the highly conserved arginine within the Glu/Asp-Arg-Tyr motif of the alpha(1b)-adrenergic receptor: effects on receptor isomerization and activation.

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    We have suggested previously that both the negatively and positively charged residues of the highly conserved Glu/Asp-Arg-Tyr (E/DRY) motif play an important role in the activation process of the alpha(1b)-adreneric receptor (AR). In this study, R143 of the E/DRY sequence in the alpha(1b)-AR was mutated into several amino acids (Lys, His, Glu, Asp, Ala, Asn, and Ile). The charge-conserving mutation of R143 into lysine not only preserved the maximal agonist-induced response of the alpha(1b)-AR, but it also conferred high degree of constitutive activity to the receptor. Both basal and agonist-induced phosphorylation levels were significantly increased for the R143K mutant compared with those of the wild-type receptor. Other substitutions of R143 resulted in receptor mutants with either a small increase in constitutive activity (R143H and R143D), impairment (R143H, R143D), or complete loss of receptor-mediated response (R143E, R143A, R143N, R143I). The R413E mutant displayed a small, but significant increase in basal phosphorylation despite being severely impaired in receptor-mediated response. Interestingly, all the arginine mutants displayed increased affinity for agonist binding compared with the wild-type alpha(1b)-AR. A correlation was found between the extent of the affinity shift and the intrinsic activity of the agonists. The analysis of the receptor mutants using the allosteric ternary complex model in conjunction with the results of molecular dynamics simulations on the receptor models support the hypothesis that mutations of R143 can drive the isomerization of the alpha(1b)-AR into different states, highlighting the crucial role of this residue in the activation process of the receptor