16 research outputs found

    Dynamic site characterization for brownfield risk management

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    Common remediation and land management approaches often preclude economically attractive and low risk brownfield redevelopment. The authors argue that recently developed dynamic site characterization techniques can greatly improve sound decision making on land revitalization options. A number of these in-situ soil and groundwater test methods, such as MIP, ROSTâ„¢/UVOSTâ„¢, XRF and BAT, based on geotechnical cone pressure testing and developed by Fugro and its partners, are introduced

    Person-centered support and athletes' motivation for performance

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of person-centered intervention on motivation for athletic performance. 74 volleyball players, 24 boys and 50 girls (M age = 13(-)yr., SD = 1.0), completed a motivation questionnaire, the Leistungs Motivations Test far Jugendlichen prior to and after an 8-mo. group treatment that included the application of Roger's person-centered method to the participants of the experimental group (1 boys' team n = 12; 1 girls' team n = 11), at a frequency of at least one session per week. In the control group (1-boys' team n=12; 3 girls' teams n = 39), no particular method was used apart from the pedagogical methods that coaches selected. Results revealed a statistically significant decrease in boys' scores on desire for performance and success between the pre and posttest measurements. No significant change in girls' scores was observed. Thus, the 8-mo. treatment using the person-centered method did not improve volleyball players' motivation for performance