143 research outputs found
Production of para-- and orthopositronium at relativistic heavy ion colliders
We consider the ortho-- and parapositronium production in the process Ps where A is a nucleus with the charge number Z. The inclusive cross
section and the energy distribution of the relativistic Ps are calculated which
are of primary interest from the experimental point of view. The accuracy of
the corresponding cross sections is given by omitting terms for the para--Ps and for the ortho--Ps production
where and 16 for the RHIC and the LHC. Within this
accuracy the multiphoton (Coulomb) corrections are taken into account. We show
that the RHIC and the LHC will be Ps factories with a productions rate of about
relativistic Ps per day. The fraction of the ortho--Ps is
expected to be of the same order as that of the para--Ps for Au--Au and Pb--Pb
collisions.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX, misprint correcte
Perturbative fragmentation
The Berger model of perturbative fragmentation of quarks to pions is improved
by providing an absolute normalization and keeping all terms in a (1-z)
expansion, which makes the calculation valid at all values of fractional pion
momentum z. We also replace the nonrelativistic wave function of a loosely
bound pion by the more realistic procedure of projecting to the light-cone pion
wave function, which in turn is taken from well known models. The full
calculation does not confirm the (1-z)^2 behavior of the fragmentation function
(FF) predicted in for , and only works at very large z>0.95, where it is
in reasonable agreement with phenomenological FFs. Otherwise, we observe quite
a different z-dependence which grossly underestimates data at smaller z. The
disagreement is reduced after the addition of pions from decays of light vector
mesons, but still remains considerable. The process dependent higher twist
terms are also calculated exactly and found to be important at large z and/or
pT.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
Bound-state beta-decay of a neutron in a strong magnetic field
The beta-decay of a neutron into a bound state and an antineutrino
in the presence of a strong uniform magnetic field ( G) is
considered. The beta-decay process is treated within the framework of the
standard model of weak interactions. A Bethe-Salpeter formalism is employed for
description of the bound system in a strong magnetic field. For the
field strengths G G the estimate for the
ratio of the bound-state decay rate and the usual (continuum-state) decay
rate is derived. It is found that in such strong magnetic fields . This is in contrast to the field-free case, where [J. N. Bahcall, Phys. Rev. {\bf 124}, 495 (1961); L.
L. Nemenov, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. {\bf 15}, 582 (1972); X. Song, J. Phys. G:
Nucl. Phys. {\bf 13}, 1023 (1987)]. The dependence of the ratio on
the magnetic field strength exhibits a logarithmic-like behavior. The
obtained results can be important for applications in astrophysics and
cosmology.Comment: 22 pages (revtex4), 1 figure; v2: more detailed discussion on
astrophysical applications in conclusion section, accepted for publication in
Phys. Rev.
Direct calculation of the probability of pionium ionization in the target
We performed the first direct calculation of the probability of pionium
(pi+pi- atom) ionization in the target. The dependence of the probability of
pionium ionization in the target as a function of the pionium lifetime is
established. These calculations are of interest of the DIRAC experiment at
CERN, which aims to measure the pionium lifetime with high precision.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; submitted to "Physics of Atomic Nuclei"
("Yadernaya Fizika"
Dynamics of the Pionium with the Density Matrix Formalism
The evolution of pionium, the hydrogen-like atom, while passing
through matter is solved within the density matrix formalism in the first Born
approximation. We compare the influence on the pionium break-up probability
between the standard probabilistic calculations and the more precise picture of
the density matrix formalism accounting for interference effects. We focus our
general result in the particular conditions of the DIRAC experiment at CERN.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phy
Density Matrix Kinetic Equation Describing a Passage of Fast Atomic Systems Through Matter
The quantum-mechanical consideration of a passage of fast dimesoatoms through
matter is given. A set of quantum-kinetic equations for the density matrix
elements describing their internal state evolution is derived. It is shown that
probabilistic description of internal dynamics of hydrogen-like atoms is
impossible even at sufficiently low energies because of the ``accidental''
degeneracy of their energy levels.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX, submitted to J. Phys.
We predict that production of the K+K- atom in pd-3^HeX and similar reactions
exhibits a drastic missing mass spectrum due to the interplay with f_0(975)
resonance. We point out that high precision studies of the K+K- atom may shed a
new light on the nature of f_0(975).Comment: 13 page
Production of the Smallest QED Atom: True Muonium (mu^+ mu^-)
The "true muonium" (mu^+ mu-) and "true tauonium" (tau^+ tau^-) bound states
are not only the heaviest, but also the most compact pure QED systems. The
rapid weak decay of the tau makes the observation of true tauonium difficult.
However, as we show, the production and study of true muonium is possible at
modern electron-positron colliders.Comment: 4 pages, ReVTeX, 4 eps figures; minor wording changes and reordering
of a reference. Version accepted by Phys. Rev. Let
Production of relativistic positronium in collisions of photons and electrons with nuclei and atoms
We consider the production of ultrarelativistic positronium (Ps) in and processes where is an atom or a nucleus
with charge . For the photoproduction of para- and ortho-Ps and the
electroproduction of para-Ps we obtain the most complete description compared
with previous works. It includes high order corrections and
polarization effects. The accuracy of the obtained cross sections is determined
by omitted terms of the order of the inverse Ps Lorentz factor squared. The
studied high order multi-photon electroproduction of ortho-Ps dominates for the
collision of electrons with heavy atoms over the bremsstrahlung production from
the electron via a virtual photon proposed by Holvik and Olsen. Our results
complete and correct the studies of those authors.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, RevTex; v2: minor corrections for the accuracy
of the results, a discussion of the literature added in a footnote, one
additional reference; v3: diagram of Fig.2 correcte
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