99 research outputs found

    Učinkovitost inovativnog didaktičkog pristupa u nastavi grafičkog dizajna

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    Modern educational methods enable the development of pupilsā€™ creative design expression, but the role and importance of the didactic approaches in secondary schools have not been thoroughly researched. The paper presents the research results regarding the influence of an innovative didactic approach from the point of view of the development of art design creativity and artistic knowledge in graphic design teaching. The differences were monitored among pupils in the 3rd year of secondary school (age 17-18) in Slovenia. We have confirmed positive effects in favour of the experimental group, as a result of a set of didactic decisions, namely the combination, diversity and dynamics of teaching methods, teaching forms and didactic communication. The positive effects of the experimental approach show that the introduction of minor methodological changes can significantly improve the development of artistic creativity and artistic knowledge. By introducing the basic ideas of the innovative didactic approach (Duh, 2004), we have confirmed the effectiveness, flexibility and subtlety of innovation at the level of secondary school. We also found that the experimental program was suitable for both girls and boys, and that it could be implemented in various social environments.Suvremeno obrazovanje omogućuje razvoj kreativnog dizajnerskog izražavanja učenika, ali uloga i značaj didaktičkog pristupa u srednjoj Å”koli nije potpuno proučavana. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja utjecaja inovativnog nastavnog pristupa u pogledu razvoja likovno-dizajnerske kreativnosti i likovne vjeÅ”tine u nastavi grafičkog dizajna. Razlike smo pratili među učenicima 3. godine (17-18 godina) u slovenskim srednjim Å”kolama. Potvrdili smo pozitivan učinak u korist eksperimentalne skupine sa sklopom didaktičkih odluka i to kroz ispreplitanje, raznolikost i dinamičnost nastavnih metoda, oblika učenja i didaktičke komunikacije. Pozitivan učinak eksperimentalnog pristupa pokazuje da je moguće uz uvođenje manjih metodičkih izmjena značajno unaprijediti razvoj likovne kreativnosti i likovnih vjeÅ”tina. S uvođenjem temeljnih ideja inovativnog didaktičkog pristupa u osnovnoj Å”koli (Duh, 2004.), potvrdili smo učinkovitosti, fleksibilnost i suptilnost inovacija na razini srednje Å”kole. Također smo ispitivali ulogu spola i stratuma u ukupnom likovnom kreativnom razvoju i utvrdili da je eksperimentalni program pogodan i za djevojčice i dječake, te da se može provoditi u različitim socijalnim sredinama

    The comparison of web-based GIS applications used by municipal administrations

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    Space is a property that has to be managed, planned and in which the activities have to be distributed to ensure the highest quality of living. In the past, the spatial data was stored in analogue documents and different maps, but today it is stored digitally. Municipal administrations use web-based GIS-aplications when working with spatial data. With the development of the new technological approach, named cloud computing, the execution of these systems has become cheaper, and above all, simpler. GIS have a typical clientā€“server model. Various architecture of client-server models are described. Cloud computing is divided into public, private and hybrid clouds. The business model is divided into three layers: infrastructure as service, platform as service and software as service. Practically predominating in the field of GIS-technology and the Internet are the industrial open standards, which are described in detail. Described is also the following free software: MapServer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS and the three most frequently used free programming licences: GPL, LGPL and MIT. The chapter Internet protocols, web standards and recommendations describes the recommendations and standards of the World Wide Web Consortium that are applied to the basic web entities, like data formats, scripting language, protocols, objects, cookies and others. In the end we compare the web GIS-solutions that are used by Slovene municipal administrations. We compared the criteria and we determine the best available system

    Uporaba trajnega drenažnega plevralnega katetra pri malignih plevralnih izlivih ā€“ naÅ”e izkuÅ”nje

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    IzhodiŔča: Vstavitev trajnega drenažnega plevralnega katetra (TDPK) nudi možnost trajnega paliativnega zdravljenja malignega plevralnega izliva (MPI). Namen naŔe raziskave je oceniti uporabnost in varnost zdravljenja naŔih bolnikov s TDPK pri ponavljajočih se MPI. Metode: V retrospektivno kohortno raziskavo smo vključili 105 bolnikov z MPI, pri katerih smo med aprilom 2009 in julijem 2017 na Univerzitetni kliniki Golnik vstavili TDPK. Analizirali smo demografske podatke, indikacijo za vstavitev TDPK, zaplete in delež spontane plevrodeze. Rezultati: Med pogostejŔimi vzroki MPI pri vključenih bolnikih so bili pljučni rak (59,0 %), mezoteliom (9,5 %), rak dojke (6,7 %) in rak jajčnikov (4,8 %). Razlog za vstavitev TDPK namesto opravljene plevrodeze je bil nepopolno razpenjanje pljuč pri 50 (47,6 %) bolnikih, slaba sploŔna zmogljivost, kratko pričakovano preživetje ali pridružene bolezni pri 50 (47,6 %) in dotlej neuspeŔno opravljene torakoskopske plevrodeze pri 5 (4,8 %) bolnikih. Do zapletov je priŔlo pri 14 (13,3 %) bolnikih: zamaŔitev katetra pri 7, izpad katetra pri 3, zatekanje ob katetru pri 2 in okužba pri 2 bolnikih (empiem pri enem bolniku in celulitis pri enem bolniku). Plevrodeza, ki je omogočila odstranitev katetra, je bila dosežena pri 10 (9,5 %) bolnikih. Zaključek: Vstavitev TDPK je varna in učinkovita metoda trajnega paliativnega zdravljenja MPI

    The Role of Redox Potential Measurement in Oak Barrel Wine Maturation

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    Redox potential measurement was efficiently used for monitoring the two-year maturation process of cultivar Blau FrƤnkisch wine in 225-L oak barrels. Redox potential of maturing wine was measured at six levels from the top to the bottom of the barrel. During the process of wine maturation, the formation and heterogeneity of redox layers, as well as the formation of various oxidoreductive zones were indicated. The end of barrel maturation process was represented with homogeneity of all redox zones where no differences in all measured levels were indicated

    The cost - effectiveness analysis of implementing a truck tracking and operation monitoring system

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    WebEye internetski alat jedan je od alata koji je osmiÅ”ljen u svrhu rjeÅ”avanja problema praćenja kretanja i rada vozila. KoriÅ”tenje navedenoga alata poduzećima pruža mnoge benefite kao Å”to su praćenje flote u realnom vremenu, olakÅ”ana komunikacija zaposlenih, smanjenje ukupnih troÅ”kova poslovanja poduzeća i slično. U ovom radu prikazane su i opisane funkcionalnosti navedenoga alata na primjeru prometnoga poduzeća i rezultati provedene analize troÅ”kova u promatranom poduzeću u dva vremenska razdoblja, prije i nakon uvođenja WebEye alata u poslovanje. Analiza je provedena s ciljem utvrđivanja isplativosti njegova uvođenja. Rezultati provedene analize pokazuju poboljÅ”anje profitabilnosti poduzeća i time stvaranje konkurentske prednosti na tržiÅ”tu.Internet tool WebEye is one of the tools designed to address the issue of tracking the movement and operation of vehicles. Utilizing this tool provides many benefits to businesses, such as real-time fleet tracking, streamlined employee communication, reduced overall operating costs, and more. This paper illustrates and describes the functionalities of this tool using the example of a transportation company and presents the results of a cost analysis conducted within the observed company over two time periods, before and after the implementation of the WebEye tool into its operations, aiming to determine the cost-effectiveness of its introduction. The results showed an improvement in the company\u27s profitability and the creation of a competitive advantage in the market

    Benefits of organic selenium in feeding broiler breeders and laying hens

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    Tkiva pilećeg embrija i spermatozoidi obiluju dugolančanim viÅ”estruko nezasićenim masnim kiselinama Å”to ih čini posebno osjetljivim prema peroksidaciji lipida. Selen kao sastavni dio antioksidativnog enzima glutationā€“peroksidaze, posebno je važan u održavanju odgovarajuće antioksidativne obrane za vrijeme embrionalnog razvoja i u spermatogenezi. Prikladne koncentracije (0,3 ā€“ 0,5 mg/kg) organskog selena u hranidbi nesilica stvaraju značajno veću količinu selena u jajima u usporedbi s istim koncentracijama anorganskog selena. O količini selena u jajima ovisi antioksidativni status pilića tijekom embrionalnog razvoja i u prvim danima života, pa se većim količinama selena povećava i vitalnost pilića. Konzumnim jajima obogaćenim selenom moguće je povećati količinu selena u prehrani ljudi, Å”to bi doprinijelo prevenciji raznih bolesti, prvenstveno kancerogenih oboljenja.Chicken embryo tissues and spermatozoa are rich in long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and as a result are very vulnerable to lipid peroxidation. Selenium as an integral part of glutathion peroxidase is a crucial factor in maintaining appropriate antioxidant defence during embrionic development and spermatogenesis. Provision of organic selenium in concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 ppm in henā€™s feed tends to accumulate 30 % more selenium in the eggs when compared with same concentrations of inorganic selenium. Antioxidant status of chicks during embrional development and neonatal life is related to amount of selenium in eggs. Therefore higher egg selenium content increases vitality of chicks in first few days posthatch. Eggs enriched with selenium can be placed in functional food category and can substantially improve human selenium status, thus help preventing various diseases, especially cancer

    Energy and economic analysis of Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) used in non-domestic buildings

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    The potential savings in space heating energy from the installation of Fumed Silica (FS) and Glass Fibre (GF) Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) were compared to conventional expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation for three different non-domestic buildings situated in London (UK). A discounted payback period analysis was used to determine the time taken for the capital cost of installing the insulation to be recovered. VIP materials were ranked using cost and density indexes. The methodology of the Payback analysis carried out considered the time dependency of VIP thermal performance, fuel prices and rental income from buildings. These calculations show that VIP insulation reduced the annual space heating energy demand and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by approximately 10.2%, 41.3% and 26.7% for a six storey office building, a two floor retail unit building and a four storey office building respectively. FS VIPs had the shortest payback period among the insulation materials studied, ranging from 2.5 years to 17 years, depending upon the rental income of the building. For GF VIPs the calculated payback period was considerably longer and in the case of the typical 4 storey office building studied its cost could not be recovered over the life time of the building. For EPS insulation the calculated payback period was longer than its useful life time for all three buildings. FS VIPs were found to be economically viable for installation onto non-domestic buildings in high rental value locations assuming a lifespan of up to 60 years
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