1,595 research outputs found

    On minor-closed classes of matroids with exponential growth rate

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    Let \cM be a minor-closed class of matroids that does not contain arbitrarily long lines. The growth rate function, h:\bN\rightarrow \bN of \cM is given by h(n) = \max(|M|\, : \, M\in \cM, simple, rank-$n$). The Growth Rate Theorem shows that there is an integer cc such that either: h(n)≀c nh(n)\le c\, n, or (n+12)≀h(n)≀c n2{n+1 \choose 2} \le h(n)\le c\, n^2, or there is a prime-power qq such that qnβˆ’1qβˆ’1≀h(n)≀c qn\frac{q^n-1}{q-1} \le h(n) \le c\, q^n; this separates classes into those of linear density, quadratic density, and base-qq exponential density. For classes of base-qq exponential density that contain no (q2+1)(q^2+1)-point line, we prove that h(n)=qnβˆ’1qβˆ’1h(n) =\frac{q^n-1}{q-1} for all sufficiently large nn. We also prove that, for classes of base-qq exponential density that contain no (q2+q+1)(q^2+q+1)-point line, there exists k\in\bN such that h(n)=qn+kβˆ’1qβˆ’1βˆ’qq2kβˆ’1q2βˆ’1h(n) = \frac{q^{n+k}-1}{q-1} - q\frac{q^{2k}-1}{q^2-1} for all sufficiently large nn

    Projective geometries in exponentially dense matroids. I

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    We show for each positive integer aa that, if \cM is a minor-closed class of matroids not containing all rank-(a+1)(a+1) uniform matroids, then there exists an integer nn such that either every rank-rr matroid in \cM can be covered by at most rnr^n sets of rank at most aa, or \cM contains the \GF(q)-representable matroids for some prime power qq, and every rank-rr matroid in \cM can be covered by at most rnqrr^nq^r sets of rank at most aa. This determines the maximum density of the matroids in \cM up to a polynomial factor

    Odd circuits in dense binary matroids

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    We show that, for each real number Ξ±>0\alpha > 0 and odd integer kβ‰₯5k\ge 5 there is an integer cc such that, if MM is a simple binary matroid with ∣M∣β‰₯Ξ±2r(M)|M| \ge \alpha 2^{r(M)} and with no kk-element circuit, then MM has critical number at most cc. The result is an easy application of a regularity lemma for finite abelian groups due to Green
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