6 research outputs found

    Modern digital technologies in the professional-oriented multicultural education

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    In modern reality, when economic, trade, scientific and cultural ties are rapidly developing in the world, exchanges are being carried out in the scientific and technical fields, knowledge of a foreign language becomes a priority for specialists of almost all levels. The very concept of a “foreign language” is increasingly being replaced by a “language of communication” in various fields of culture, science and technology. There are many different languages in the world, and even more dialects. But the trends are such that for most people knowledge of one common language is enough. And this language does not have to be native to the interlocutors. A common language is able to unite different peoples and cultures, even absolutely opposite, into one common cause. In addition to strengthening cultural ties, the language brings together experts in science and technology. At the same time, the authors acknowledge the lack of research in modern pedagogical science devoted to identifying the potential of information and communication technologies in the process of professional foreign language training of future specialists that meet the requirements of the Russian state and society, imposed on modern specialists of different profiles, reflected in national and international documents

    Effective principles in the foreign language education

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    In modern reality, when economic, trade, scientific and cultural ties are rapidly developing in the world, exchanges are being carried out in the scientific and technical fields, knowledge of a foreign language becomes a priority for specialists of almost all levels. The very concept of a “foreign language” is increasingly being replaced by a “language of communication” in various fields of culture, science and technology. There are many different languages in the world, and even more dialects. But the trends are such that for most people knowledge of one common language is enough. And this language does not have to be native to the interlocutors. A common language is able to unite different peoples and cultures, even absolutely opposite, into one common cause. In addition to strengthening cultural ties, the language brings together experts in science and technology. At the same time, the authors acknowledge, the lack of research in modern pedagogical science devoted to identifying the potential of information and communication technologies in the process of professional foreign language training of future specialists that meet the requirements of the Russian state and society, imposed on modern specialists of different profiles, reflected in national and international documents

    Academic support of the process for preparing students for intercultural interaction in the context of the subject-language integrated environment

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    The issue of preparing non-linguistic faculty students for intercultural interaction in the context of the subject-language integrated environment is quite a topical one, and theory and practice of higher education have accumulated considerable experience in this process. However, we have to admit that in modern pedagogical science no research has been so far dedicated either to the development of effective and logical system of preparing non-linguistic faculty students for intercultural interaction, or to the identification of optimal conditions for the functioning of such system. The statements above convinced us in the need to develop the respective proprietary system and pedagogical conditions, which would meet the peculiarities of the given age of students, of the requirements of the Federal State Education Standards of higher education, and of the requirements to the personality of the modern world reflected in national and international documents

    Training sessions for postgraduates to pass the English exam

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    Foreign language is a mandatory subject at all stages of higher education - from bachelors to doctoral studies. Knowledge of a foreign language at the present stage of development of science and technology is a very important skill for expanding the exchange of scientific ideas. It is impossible to conduct research in a single country without using world experience. Even with advanced technologies that no one else owns, scientists are forced to study the world’s experience in different fields of activity in order to develop them. Any sphere of human activity involves various developments, so all Sciences are interconnected. Training of young scientists in various fields of science is also based on communication. Without a language, both native and foreign, it is impossible to communicate and understand the subject of study. Reading scientific articles in a foreign language requires knowledge of language grammar and terminology, but as for scientists, this terminology should be narrowly focused. There can be no ambiguity or different interpretations. On the other hand, if we take English words as an example, most of them are polysemantic. Accordingly, it is necessary to operate with the meaning that is applicable in a specific area of use of the term

    The problem of digital transformation of Russian universities

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    There are numerous disputes and discussions about the need to introduce online learning technologies into the educational process of the university. However, the welcoming examples of individual educational institutions should not give rise to the illusion of complete and widespread prosperity. In many Russian universities, the situation with the introduction of new teaching aids is, to put it mildly, difficult both in terms of the availability of an organizational strategy and in terms of cultural changes. The article attempts to characterize the situation with online education in universities based on an analysis of the expectations of students who seem ready to move to digital, and the decisions of the Bologna process, requiring the introduction of online components in the educational process of universities. In addition, the authors of the article provide an overview of the initial attempts to introduce online learning into the educational process of universities in a particular region, taking into account the systematic and psychological difficulties that have arisen. As the best option, the authors propose a combination of online education with a research component in order to preserve the university’s status as a center of science and education

    Digital translation tools in the process of teaching of foreign languages

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    The scientific article describes the problems of using electronic automated translation tools in the educational process of a non-linguistic university. A description of the positive and negative factors of the use of electronic translators is given, which affect the quality of the assimilation of educational material about a foreign language. Some examples of translation implementation using electronic translators and additional services that they offer for the accurate transfer of information from one language to another are given. In addition, additional sources of information are proposed for the formation of students’ skills in the correct implementation of translation from a foreign language into Russian. Examples of visualization of the result are given for a visual representation of the translated facts and realities