41 research outputs found
Valoración del crecimiento: estado nutricio
La valoración adecuada del estado nutricional es un requisito indispensable en la vigilancia pediátrica del niño sano e imperativa en el niño enfermo, permite la identificación temprana de alteración y la posibilidad de tratamiento oportuno, además de prevención primaria de desarrollo futuro de obesidad o de desnutrición y por ende de enfermedades crónico degenerativas.
El peso es un marcador indirecto de la masa proteica y de los almacenes de energía. Pero… ¿Cuál es el peso corporal ideal? Establecer el peso ideal no es fácil teniendo en cuenta todos los factores implicados. Además, ¿ideal en términos de qué?, ¿de salud, de estética, de belleza, de rendimiento? El peso deseable debería ser aquel que dé lugar a una salud óptima y a un mínimo riesgo de enfermedades.
El pediatra debe mantener el peso deseable en cada etapa del paciente, pero fundamentalmente en los períodos críticos de crecimiento, para con ello realizar prevención primaria e identificar tempranamente a los niños en riesgo de desarrollar obesidad, diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y síndrome metabólico. El pediatra debe afrontar el reto de propiciar la expresión del máximo potencial de masa ósea y de masa magra, minimizar la expresión de genes de riesgo y permear así en cada niño su perfección como ser humano
Characteristics of non caloric dulcorants and their use in children
This is a descriptive review of the elaboration routes, the physical and chemical characteristics, metabolism and clearance, sweetener level, residual flavor, maximal recommended ingestion, security levels and the assessment of growth and development problems in children (from newborns, including prematures, to the end of puberty), of the main no caloric edulcorants used in Mexico. The no caloric edulcorants included in this review are: aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose, sacarin, ciclamates, thaumatin, D- tagatose, estevia and alitame
Use of non-caloric edulcorants in children
We analyze the health normativity for the denomination of non caloric edulcorants in Mexico, and the authorization for the use of natural and synthetic non caloric edulcorants in newborn and until puberty. Special emphasis was given to the consecutive points of safety required in order to assure that they are free of secondary effects. For each non caloric edulcorant available in Mexico, we looked into the studies which mention their side effects in terms of growth and overall
Amyloid Biomarkers in Conformational Diseases at Face Value: A Systematic Review
Conformational diseases represent a new aspect of proteomic medicine where diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms are evolving. In this context, the early biomarkers for target cell failure (neurons, β-cells, etc.) represent a challenge to translational medicine and play a multidimensional role as biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets. This systematic review, which follows the PICO and Prisma methods, analyses this new-fangled multidimensionality, its strengths and limitations, and presents the future possibilities it opens up. The nuclear diagnosis methods are immunoassays: ELISA, immunodot, western blot, etc., while the therapeutic approach is focused on pharmaco- and molecular chaperones
Amyloid Biomarkers in Conformational Diseases at Face Value: A Systematic Review
Conformational diseases represent a new aspect of proteomic medicine where diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms are evolving. In this context, the early biomarkers for target cell failure (neurons, β-cells, etc.) represent a challenge to translational medicine and play a multidimensional role as biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets. This systematic review, which follows the PICO and Prisma methods, analyses this new-fangled multidimensionality, its strengths and limitations, and presents the future possibilities it opens up. The nuclear diagnosis methods are immunoassays: ELISA, immunodot, western blot, etc., while the therapeutic approach is focused on pharmaco- and molecular chaperones
Open Access Cardiovascular medicine at face value: a qualitative pilot study on clinical axiology
Introduction: Cardiology is characterized by its state-of-the-art biomedical technology and the predominance of Evidence-Based Medicine. This predominance makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to deal with the ethical dilemmas that emerge in this subspecialty. This paper is a first endeavor to empirically investigate the axiological foundations of the healthcare professionals in a cardiology hospital. Our pilot study selected, as the target population, cardiology personnel not only because of their difficult ethical deliberations but also because of th