33 research outputs found

    A Second Look at String-Inspired Models for Proton-Proton Scattering via Pomeron Exchange

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    We re-examine a string dual model for elastic proton-proton scattering via Pomeron exchange. We argue that the method of "Reggeizing" a propagator to take into account an entire trajectory of exchanged particles can be generalized, in particular by modifying the value of the mass-shell parameter in the model. We then fit the generalized model to scattering data at large s and small t. The fitting results are inconclusive, but suggest that a better fit might be obtained by allowing the mass-shell to vary. The model fits the data equally well (roughly) for a wide range of values of the mass-shell parameter, but the other fitting parameters (the slope and intercept of the Regge trajectory, and the coupling constant and dipole mass from the proton-proton-glueball coupling) are then inconsistent with what we expect. On the other hand, using the traditional method of Reggeization generates a weaker fit, but the other parameters obtain more physically reasonable values. In analyzing the fitting results, we also found that our model is more consistent with the sqrt(s) = 1800 GeV coming from the E710 experiment than that coming from the CDF experiment, and that our model has the greatest discrepancy with the data in the range 0.5 GeV^2 < |t| < 0.6 GeV^2, suggesting that the transition from soft Pomeron to hard Pomeron may occur closer to t = -0.5 GeV^2 rather than t = -0.6 GeV^2 as previously thought.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Bethe Ansatz for a Quantum Supercoset Sigma Model

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    We study an integrable conformal OSp(2m + 2|2m) supercoset model as an analog to the AdS_5 X S^5 superstring world-sheet theory. Using the known S-matrix for this system, we obtain integral equations for states of large particle density in an SU(2) sector, which are exact in the sigma model coupling constant. As a check, we derive as a limit the general classical Bethe equation of Kazakov, Marshakov, Minahan, and Zarembo. There are two distinct quantum expansions around the well-studied classical limit, the lambda^{-1/2} effects and the 1/J effects. Our approach captures the first type, but not the second.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, v2: references adde

    Setting the scale of the p p and p bar p total cross sections using AdS/QCD

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    This paper is an addendum to our earlier paper \cite{pom} where we computed the Pomeron contribution to p pp ~ p and p pˉp ~ \bar p scattering in AdS/QCD. The model of \cite{pom} depends on four parameters: the slope and intercept of the Pomeron trajectory αc′,αc(0)\alpha'_c, \alpha_c(0), a mass scale MdM_d which determines a form factor entering into matrix elements of the energy-momentum tensor, and a coupling λP\lambda_{\cal P} between the lightest spin 22 glueball and the proton which sets the overall scale of the total cross section. Here we perform a more detailed computation of λP\lambda_{\cal P} in the Sakai-Sugimoto model using the construction of nucleons as instantons of the dual 5d gauge theory and an effective 5d fermion description of these nucleons which has been successfully used to compute a variety of nucleon-meson couplings. We find λP,SS≃6.38 GeV−1\lambda_{\cal P,{\rm SS}} \simeq 6.38 ~ {\rm GeV}^{-1} which is in reasonable agreement with the value λP,fit=8.28 GeV−1\lambda_{{\cal P},{\rm fit}} = 8.28 ~ {\rm GeV}^{-1} determined by fitting single Pomeron exchange to data.Comment: 8 page