52 research outputs found

    Palindromic subshifts and simple periodic groups of intermediate growth

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    We describe a new class of groups of Burnside type, giving a procedure transforming an arbitrary non-free minimal action of the dihedral group on a Cantor set into an orbit-equivalent action of an infinite finitely generated periodic group. We show that if the associated Schreier graphs are linearly repetitive, then the group is of intermediate growth. In particular, this gives first examples of simple groups of intermediate growth.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figure

    Simple groups of dynamical origin

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    We associate with every etale groupoid G two normal subgroups S(G) and A(G) of the topological full group of G, which are analogs of the symmetric and alternating groups. We prove that if G is a minimal groupoid of germs (e.g., of a group action), then A(G) is simple and is contained in every non-trivial normal subgroup of the full group. We show that if G is expansive (e.g., is the groupoid of germs of an expansive action of a group), then A(G) is finitely generated. We also show that S(G)/A(G) is a quotient of H_0(G, Z/2Z).Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Hyperbolic groupoids: metric and measure

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    We construct Patterson-Sullivan measure and a natural metric on the unit space of a hyperbolic groupoid. In particular, this gives a new approach to defining SRB measures on Smale spaces using Gromov hyperbolic graphs.Comment: 36 page

    Iterated Monodromy Groups

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    We associate a group IMG(f)IMG(f) to every covering ff of a topological space MM by its open subset. It is the quotient of the fundamental group Ο€1(M)\pi_1(M) by the intersection of the kernels of its monodromy action for the iterates fnf^n. Every iterated monodromy group comes together with a naturally defined action on a rooted tree. We present an effective method to compute this action and show how the dynamics of ff is related to the group. In particular, the Julia set of ff can be reconstructed from \img(f) (from its action on the tree), if ff is expanding.Comment: about 40 pages, 6 figure

    An uncountable family of 3-generated groups with isomorphic profinite completions

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    We construct an uncountable family of 3-generated residually finite just-infinite groups with isomorphic profinite completions. We also show that word growth rate is not a profinite property.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Growth of etale groupoids and simple algebras

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    We study growth and complexity of \'etale groupoids in relation to growth of their convolution algebras. As an application, we construct simple finitely generated algebras of arbitrary Gelfand-Kirillov dimension β‰₯2\ge 2 and simple finitely generated algebras of quadratic growth over arbitrary fields.Comment: 19 page

    Mating, paper folding, and an endomorphism of PC^2

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    We are studying topological properties of the Julia set of the map F(z,p)=((2z/(p+1)βˆ’1)2,((pβˆ’1)/(p+1))2)F(z, p)=((2z/(p+1)-1)^2, ((p-1)/(p+1))^2) of the complex projective plane PC2PC^2 to itself. We show a relation of this rational function with an uncountable family of "paper folding" plane filling curves.Comment: 53 pages, 36 figure

    Finitely presented groups associated with expanding maps

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    We associate with every locally expanding self-covering f:M→Mf:M\to M of a compact path connected metric space a finitely presented group VfV_f. We prove that this group is a complete invariant of the dynamical system: two groups Vf1V_{f_1} and Vf2V_{f_2} are isomorphic as abstract groups if and only if the corresponding dynamical systems are topologically conjugate. We also show that the commutator subgroup of VfV_f is simple, and give a topological interpretation of Vf/Vf′V_f/V_f'.Comment: 46 pages, 13 figure

    Locally connected Smale spaces, pinched spectrum, and infra-nilmanifolds

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    We show that if (X, f) is a locally connected Smale space such that the local product structure on X can be lifted by a covering with virtually nilpotent group of deck transformations to a global direct product, then (X, f) is topologically conjugate to a hyperbolic infra-nilmanifold automorphism. We use this result to give a generalization to Smale spaces of a theorem of M. Brin and A. Manning on Anosov diffeomorphisms with pinched spectrum, and to show that every locally connected codimension one Smale space is topologically conjugate to a hyperbolic automorphism of a torus.Comment: 55 pages, 5 figure

    The Julia set of a post-critically finite endomorphism of PC^2

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    We construct a combinatorial model of the Julia set of the endomorphism f(z,w)=((1βˆ’2z/w)2,(1βˆ’2/w)2)f(z, w)=((1-2z/w)^2, (1-2/w)^2) of PC2PC^2.Comment: 60 pages, 28 figure
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