2,508 research outputs found

    Are Private Military Firms The Answer To The Expanding Global Crisis?

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    The manuscript entitled Are Private Military Firms The Answer To The Expanding Global Crisis? was retracted on December 5, 2014. Please contact our office at [email protected] for more information.

    Police Drones: A Legal Studies Case Study

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    This case offers the students the opportunity to apply their knowledge of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, as it applies to the concept of unreasonable search and seizure. With this particular case problem being based on the recent action involving the defendant, Rodney Brossart and the State of North Dakota, wherein an unmanned military grade drone was used by the local police department, for the first time in the United States, to affect an arrest

    United States V. Jones 132 S. Ct 945 (2012)

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    The manuscript entitled United States V. Jones 132 S. Ct 945 (2012) was retracted on December 5, 2014. Please contact our office at [email protected] for more information.

    Is A Reverse Mortgage A Viable Option For Baby Boomers?

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    The manuscript entitled Is A Reverse Mortgage A Viable Option For Baby Boomers? was retracted on December 5, 2014. Please contact our office at [email protected] for more information

    Social Networking And Civil Discovery: A Case Study

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    The manuscript entitled Social Networking And Civil Discovery:  A Case Study was retracted on December 5, 2014. Please contact our office at [email protected] for more information.

    Ethanol Americas Safety Net?

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    No matter how you look at it, the subject of Ethanol is going into two separate directions; one is that of clear support and the other is that of opposition.  Both are maintaining their own areas of study and analysis for validity.  There is little middle ground between the groups.  Much like today’s developing polarization in American Society

    Should Armed Guards Be Allowed In Schools In Light Of The Recent Right-To-Carry Laws?

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    The manuscript entitled Should Armed Guards Be Allowed In Schools In Light Of The Recent Right-To-Carry Laws? was retracted on December 5, 2014. Please contact our office at [email protected] for more information.

    Financial Options For Mortgagors In A Declining Economic Market

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    Certainly, the current economic situation has drawn the focus of a large portion of the country to the lending industry and housing market. As lenders change their lending requirements in response to the credit crunch and pundits propose reforms designed to avoid future problems, part of this focus and momentum should be on the plight of the mortgagor’s in this country. This article will examine the varying options currently available to mortgagors who are in difficult financial circumstances. Providing various alternatives, each of which falls short of achieving their ideal goals

    Concierge Medicine: Should Financial Considerations Prevail Over Ethical And Moral Concerns?

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    Many primary care physicians are now considering changing their practices to the new concierge medical practice. Also known as boutique medicine, retainer or "highly attentive" medicine. This new style practice offers access to a physician who has now limited the size of his practice in exchange for an annual fee.  These practices are nearly all primary care, and usually vary in size from 600 patients to 300 or less and carry a typical fee of $1,500.00 a year. Although a recent phenomenon, boutique medicine remains a small niche. But the number of practices continues to grow. Particularly on the East and West coasts where there are more wealthier people, who expect more from their health care providers.  Benefits of this new practice include same-day or next-day appointments not under time constraints, house calls, 24 hour a day access by cell phone, annual wellness evaluations and highly appointed offices.  One of the major criticisms of concierge medicine involves those who do not participate in such a program. The practices also displace patients to other medical providers. And as such, create problems of excessive demand on the existing physicians who do not participate.  Generally speaking, the patients who elect to participate in concierge practices are healthier and require less intensive care than those cared for in other settings. All this without consideration of the approximately 45 million Americans who live without health care insurance, which only serves to compound the existing problems.  There "VIP" medical services with their superior amenities and convenience can be purchased by those with sufficient wealth. However, the question should not turn on the quality of health care which depends on the amount of money an individual can spend on it. Many would regard good health as a right rather than a privilege.  The final ethical question is to consider the thought that an individual might experience more or less morbidity or mortality based on how much money they could devote to medical care. Health care should not be discretionary, as everyone should be entitled to the quality without regard to financial status