47 research outputs found

    Branching Pattern of Coronary Arteries in Prenatal Heart of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    ABSTRACT The present investigation revealed that the left and right coronary arteries of buffalo foetii arose from the left caudal and right caudal aortic sinuses, respectively. After coursing a short distance under left auricle, the left coronary artery was divided into paraconal inter-ventricular artery and circumflex branch. Paraconal inter-ventricular branch ran in the left longitudinal groove and before reaching the apex it curved upward and anastomosed with the continuation of circumflex branch in the right longitudinal groove. The circumflex branch ran in the coronary groove caudally and gave intermediate branch on posterior border and later continued in right longitudinal groove to anastomose with the continuation of paraconal inter-ventricular branch. Right coronary artery passed under the right auricle and divided into 2 main branches. One branch anastomosed with the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery in the coronary groove and the second one was septal artery and supplied the inter-ventricular septum

    Peroxidase(s) in Environment Protection

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    Industrial discharges of untreated effluents into water bodies and emissions into air have deteriorated the quality of water and air, respectively. The huge amount of pollutants derived from industrial activities represents a threat for the environment and ecologic equilibrium. Phenols and halogenated phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDC), pesticides, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), industrial dyes, and other xenobiotics are among the most important pollutants. Peroxidases are enzymes that are able to transform a variety of compounds following a free radical mechanism, thereby yielding oxidized or polymerized products. The peroxidase transformation of these pollutants is accompanied by a reduction in their toxicity, due to loss of biological activity, reduction in the bioavailability, or the removal from aqueous phase, especially when the pollutant is found in water. The review describes the sources of peroxidases, the reactions catalyzed by them, and their applications in the management of pollutants in the environment

    A Study on the Expression of BCR-ABL Transcript in Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia (MPAL) Cases Using the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Reaction Assay (RT-PCR) and its Correlation with Hematological Remission Status Post Initial Induction Therapy

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    <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: The MPAL comprise 2-5% of all acute leukemia. The present WHO 2008 classification has separated two groups in MPAL based on t(9;22) positivity and MLL rearrangement. <strong>Aims & Objectives</strong>: The aim of the present pilot study is to note the incidence of BCR-ABL transcript in MPAL cases using the RT-PCR assay and to correlate the status with hematological remission post induction. <strong>Materials & Methods</strong>: A total of 10 MPAL cases classified on Flow-cytometry based on the current WHO 2008 criteria were enrolled. In all the cases Bone marrow or peripheral blood sample in EDTA was processed for molecular studies and the RT-PCR reaction carried out using primers specific to the t (9;22) and t(4;11) translocation. The post induction check marrow slides were also reviewed. <strong>Results</strong>: Out of the total 10 MPAL cases, 7/10 (70%) were adult and 3/10 (30%) pediatric cases. A total of 4/10 (40%) cases showed positivity for the t(9;22) transcript and none for t (4;11). Of the 4 positive cases, 3/10(30%) were adult cases and 1/10(10%) pediatric case. The BCR-ABL transcript type in adult cases was b3a2 (p210) in 2/3 (66%) and e1a2 (p190) in 1/3 (33.3%) case. The single pediatric case was positive for b3a2 transcript. <strong>Discussion & Conclusion</strong>: All the 4 positive MPAL cases presented with high TLC and low platelet count (p<0.05). The positive cases also showed hematological remission at post induction check marrow (blasts<5%). This could partly be explained due to good response to the imatinib added to the treatment protocol.</p&gt

    In Silico Targeting of influenza virus haemagglutinin receptor protein using Diosmetin, Tangeritin, and Anthocyanidins as potential drugs

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    Influenza viruses cause acute respiratory illnesses in birds, humans, and other mammals, and are a major public health concern around the world. Pandemic flu could be caused by an unforeseen human adaptation of an influenza subtype or strain rather than currently circulating influenza viruses. The need for plant metabolites-based new anti-influenza drugs appears to be urgent. Blocking Haemeagglutinin (HA) protein is one of the most appealing drug targets to halt the growth of the virus. The influenza virus can acquire resistance to currently existing therapies, therefore necessitating the development of new medications. The plant's bioactive metabolites, flavanoids are having potential medicinal efficacy. The current study aimed to identify certain flavonoids (Diosmetin, Tangeritin, and Anthocyanidins) that might interact with the HA protein of the influenza virus and help in inhibiting its growth. We used PyRx v0.8 for virtual screening and docking studies. The highest binding affinity docked structures were analyzed using PyMOL and Discovery Studio Visualizer. The present study revealed that these naturally occurring compounds interacted with HA protein, resulting in the minimization of energy in the range of -5.2 to -7.0 kcal/mol. Diosmetin showed the best binding affinity of -7.0Kcal/mol. The molecular binding studies revealed that Diosmetin, Tangeritin, and Anthocyanidins are potential compounds to test against HA protein and can be used to develop effective anti-influenza agents

    An insight into structural and functional characteristics of 3-hydoxy 3-methyl glutarylCoA reductase from Ocimum species

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    Secondary metabolites, the biological compounds secreted by plants as an aid to support their growth and development under stress conditions or as a part of their defense mechanism, now hold equal importance for mankind who employs it immensely for medication, flavorings, aroma, etc. Wide applicability of these compounds instigates one to understand the biosynthesis, structure and regulation of these bioactive molecules. Terpenoids form the largest group of secondary metabolites which comprise of a wide range of structurally and functionally distinct metabolites synthesized either via mevalonate pathway or non-mevalonate pathway. Targeting a key regulatory enzyme of this pathway, modulation of which would alter the carbon flux would be beneficial to enhance our knowledge about the above issue. For this the transcriptome (from SRA) of different Ocimum species was mined out for important pathway genes using various bioinformatics approaches. Amongst them 3-hydoxy 3-methyl glutaryl CoA reductase (HMGR) was selected which is the rate limiting enzyme in mevalonate pathway which controls the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonic acid. Isolation, cloning, protein expression, purification, etc. would be discussed in detail in the meeting. Full length protein was also characterized through bioinformatics tools to study its structure, properties, conserved domains, etc. Increase in secondary metabolite production by alteration of HMGR pool along with transcript modulation studies in planta revealed that HMGR gene governs the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Transcriptome mapping of different HMGR homologs which on comparison within member of same genus revealed its divergent nature which could account to its multifunctional role in different plants. Besides, providing a deep insight about the enzyme function combination of such molecular, transgenic and bioinformatics tools would help to develop strategies to engineer the HMGR mediated flux and also valuable metabolites in plants

    Assessment of the prevalence of periodontal diseases and treatment needs: A hospital-based study

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    Background: The periodontal diseases are the most prevalent oral diseases worldwide especially in developing countries like India. The objective of this cross-sectional survey was to determine the prevalence of periodontal diseases and treatment needs (TNs) in a hospital-based population. Materials and Methods: Totally, 500 men and women (15-74 years) were recruited and periodontal status of each study subject and sextant was evaluated on the basis of community periodontal index of TNs, and thereafter TN for each subject and sextant was categorized on the basis of the highest code recorded during the examination. Results: A total of 500 subjects (59% males and 41% females) was divided into seven age groups, that is, 15-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, and 65-74 years and sextants were included from the 486 subjects. Healthy periodontium, bleeding on probing, calculus, shallow pockets, and deep pockets were found in 3.9%, 6.58%, 50.61%, 20.98%, and 17.90% subjects, respectively. Males were more affected with shallow and deep pockets as compared to females. Periodontal diseases in the early stages were more prevalent in the younger age groups, whereas advanced stages were more prevalent in older age groups. 17.90% subjects and 11.48% sextants need complex treatment. About 77.98% subjects and 73.15% sextants require either oral hygiene instructions or oral hygiene instructions and oral prophylaxis. Only 3.9% subjects and 15.36% sextants were healthy and needed no treatment. Conclusions: Periodontal diseases were found to be 96.30% in the study population and the results indicate that majority of the population need primary and secondary level of preventive program to reduce the chances of initiation or progression of periodontal diseases thereby improving their systemic health overall

    Morphogenesis of Mammary Glands in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    The present research was elucidated on the morphogenesis of mammary gland of buffalo during prenatal development. Total of 16 foetuses ranging from 1.2 cm (34 days) to 108 cm CVRL (curved crown rump length) (317 days) were used for study. The study revealed that mammary line was first observed at 1.2 cm CVRL (34 days), mammary hillock at 1.7 cm (37 days), and mammary bud at 2.6 cm CVRL (41 days) foetuses. Epidermal cone was found at 6.7 cm CVRL (58 days) whereas primary and secondary ducts were observed at 7.4 cm CVRL (62 days) and 15 cm CVRL (96 days), respectively. Connective tissue whorls were reported at 18.2 cm CVRL (110 days) and internal elastic lamina and muscle layers at 24.1 cm CVRL (129 days). Lobules were observed at 29.3 cm CVRL (140 days), rosette of furstenberg at 39.5 cm CVRL (163 days), and keratin plug at 45.5 cm CVRL (176 days) foetus. Primordia of sweat and sebaceous glands around hair follicle were seen at 21.2 cm CVRL (122 days) of foetal life. Differentiation of all the skin layers along with cornification was observed at 69 cm (229 days) in group III foetuses