55 research outputs found

    Uticaj produženog tretiranja ohratoksinom A na status proteina krvnog seruma brojlera

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    The 42 day long trial was performed on Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day preexperimental period, the groups were offered feed contaminated by 0.5 ppm ochratoxin A (OA) for 0, 7, 14 or 21 days. Blood samples were taken after the period of toxin addition and the remaining birds from the control and experimental groups were normally fed with mash without added OA until the 42nd day of the trial, when blood samples were taken again. The total level of serum proteins was not changed during of prolonged treatment with OA, but a significant increase of albumin together with a decrease of the Ī³-globulin fraction were noted. A/G ratio suggested that globulins were the dominant protein fraction in blood serum samples obtained from all broilers included in this trail. The concentrations of Ī± and Ī² globulins in serum were within the physiological limits. It could be concluded that the low dietary OA level (0.5 ppm) had a possible cumulative, but not acute effect on blood serum protein status in broilers, dependent on the duration of exposure.Ogled je izveden na Hybro brojlerima podeljenim u četiri grupe a trajao je 42 dana. Nakon četrnaestodnevnog pripremnog periodaogledne grupe su hranjene hranom kontaminiranom ohratoksinom A u količini od 5 ppm u toku 7, 14 Hi 21 dan. Uzorci krvi za ispitivanje uzimani su nakon perioda ishrane kontaminiranom hranom a preostale jedinke hranjene su hranom bez dodatog toksina do kraja ogleda. Na kraju ogleda uzeti su uzorci krvi za ispitivanje od svih grupa. KoriŔćena količina OA u ispitivanom vremenu ekspozicije nema uticaj na koncentraciju ukupnih proteina. Uočeno je signifikantno povećanje albumina zajedno sa smanjenjem Ī³-globulina. Odnos AG ukazuje da su globulini dominantna frakcija proteina u svim ispitivanim uzorcima. Koncentracija Ī± i Ī² globulina u krvnom serumu kretala se u okvirima fizioloÅ”kih granica. Može se zaključiti da prisustvo malih količina OA u hrani (5 ppm) poseduje moguće kumulativne ali ne i akutne efekte na proteine krvnog seruma brojlera koji zavise od vremena ekspozicije Å”tetnom dejstvu

    PatohistoloŔke promene i stepen sanacionih procesa u bubrezima brojlera tretiranih ohratoksinom A

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    A 42-day long trial was performed on a total of 48 Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day pre-experimental period, the experimental groups were offered feed contaminated with 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 ppm ochratoxin A, respectively. After that period all groups were normally fed a mixture without added OTA until the end of the trial. Kidney samples were taken after the period of using contaminated feed, as well as after withdrawal the contaminated feed and a 3 week resting period. Proximal tubules were predominantly affected, while glomerules were chiefly preserved. The cytoplasm of tubulocytes was microgranulated and the nuclei were masked. Vacuolization was noticed in a certain number of altered cells. Foci of acute tubular necrosis were noticed in a few tubules. In some cases weak hemorrhage could be seen in affected areas. In the kidney samples of the group offered contaminated feed followed by a 3 week resting period morphological alterations were expressed in the form of intracellular edema. Epithelial cells of proximal tubules were enlarged with opaque cytoplasm, which caused tubule lumen stenosis. Apoptotic bodies could be noticed between some tubulocytes. The obtained results suggest that kidney alterations induced by OTA could be restored only to a certain extent as well as that minimum three week resting period is necessary for this process.Ogled je izveden na 48 Hybro brojlera podeljenih u četiri grupe i trajao je 42 dana. Od 14 dana ogledne grupe su tokom 7 dana dobijale hranu koja je sadržala 0.5,1.0 ili 1.5 ppm OA. Uzorci bubrega za patohistoloÅ”ka ispitivanja uzeti su nakon zavrÅ”etka tretmana, a preostali brojleri su hranjeni i pojeni bez aplikacije toksina do 42. dana kada su uzorci bubrega ponovo uzeti. PatohistoloÅ”kim ispitivanjem utvrđeno je da su pretežno proksimalni tubuli zahvaćeni promenama, dok su glomeruli uglavnom očuvani. Citoplazma tubulocita je sitnozrnasta, a jedra su maskirana. U pojedinim ćelijama uočena je vakuolizacija, dok su u manjem broju tubula uočeni fokusi akutne nekroze. U promenjenim zonama uočena su slaba krvavljenja. U uzorcima bubrega grupa hranjenih kontaminiranom, a zatim nekontaminiranom hranom promene su se ispoljile u vidu intracelularnog edema. Epitelne ćelije proksimalnih tubula su povećane sa zamućenom citoplazmom Å”to je u pojedinim slučajevima izazvalo su'avanje lumena tubula. Apoptotična tela su uočena između pojedinih tubulocita. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se promene u bubrezima izazvane OA mogu samo delom i u određenom stepenu restituisati, a da za je ove procese potreban period od najmanje tri nedelje

    Interaction of carvacrol with the Ascaris suum nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors, potential mechanism of antinematodal action

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    Essential plant oils (or their active principles) are safe to use and a potentially attractive alternative to current antiparasitic drugs. In the present study, we tested the effects of carvacrol on the isolated tissues of Ascaris suum and investigated potential interactions with other antiparasitic drugs. We used somatic muscle flaps for contraction assays, as well as for electrophysiological investigations. Carvacrol 300 mu M highly significantly inhibited contractions caused by 1, 3, 10, 30, and 100 mu M of ACh (p = 0.0023, p = 0.0002, p = 0.0002, p < 0.0001, and p < 0.0001). The control EC50 for acetylcholine was 8.87 mu M (log EC50 = 0.95 +/- 0.26), while R (max) was 2.53 +/- 0.24 g. The EC50 of acetylcholine in the presence of 300 mu M of carvacrol was 27.71 mu M (log EC50 = 1.44 +/- 0.28) and the R (max) decreased to 1.63 +/- 0.32 g. Furthermore, carvacrol highly significant potentiates inhibitory effect of GABA and piperazine on the contractions induced by ACh. However, carvacrol (100 and 300 mu M), did not produce any changes in the membrane potential or conductance of the A. suum muscle cell. While, 300 mu M of carvacrol showed a significant inhibitory effect on ACh-induced depolarization response. The mean control depolarization was 13.58 +/- 0.66 mV and decreased in presence of carvacrol to 4.50 +/- 1.02 mV (p < 0.0001). Mean control Delta g was 0.168 +/- 0.017 mu S, while in the presence of 300 mu M of carvacrol, Delta g significantly decreased to 0.060 +/- 0.018 Delta S (p = 0.0017). The inhibitory effect on contractions may be the explanation of the antinematodal potential of carvacrol. Moreover, inhibition of depolarizations caused by ACh and reduction of conductance changes directly points to an interaction with the nAChR in A. suum

    Comparative Investigation of the Efficacy of Three Different Adsorbents against OTA-Induced Toxicity in Broiler Chickens

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    The aim of our study was to determine the efficacy of three different adsorbents, inorganic (modified zeolite), organic (esterified glucomannans) and mixed (inorganic and organic components, with the addition of enzymes), in protecting broilers from the toxic effects of ochratoxin A in feed. Broilers were fed diets containing 2 mg/kg of ochratoxin A (OTA) and supplemented with adsorbents at the recommended concentration of 2 g/kg for 21 days. The presence of OTA led to a notable reduction in body weight, lower weight gain, increased feed conversion and induced histopathological changes in the liver and kidneys. The presence of inorganic, organic and mixed adsorbents in contaminated feed only partially reduced the negative effects of OTA on the broiler performances. Broilers that were fed with adsorbent-supplemented feed reached higher body weight (17.96%, 19.09% and 13.59%), compared to the group that received only OTA. The presence of adsorbents partially alleviated the reduction in feed consumption (22.68%, 12.91% and 10.59%), and a similar effect was observed with feed conversion. The applied adsorbents have also reduced the intensity of histopathological changes caused by OTA; however, they were not able to prevent their onset. After the withdrawal of the toxin and adsorbents from the feed (21-42 days), all previously observed disturbances in broilers were reduced, but more remarkably in broilers fed with adsorbents

    Pharmacological receptors of nematoda as target points for action of antiparasitic drugs

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    Cholinergic receptors of parasitic nematodes are one of the most important possible sites of action of antiparasitic drugs. This paper presents some of our own results of electrophysiological and pharamcological examinations of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors of nematodes, as well as data from literature on a new class of anthelmintics that act precisely on cholinergic receptors. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is located on somatic muscle cells of nematodes and it is responsible for the coordination of parasite movement. Cholinomimetic anthelmintics act on this receptor, as well as acetylcholine, an endogenic neurotransmitter, but they are not sensitive to enzyme acetylcholineesterase which dissolves acetylcholine. As opposed to the nicotinic receptor of vertebra, whose structure has been examined thoroughly, the stoichiometry of the nicotinic receptor of nematodes is not completely known. However, on the grounds of knowledge acquired so far, a model has been constructed recently of the potential composition of a type of nematodes nicotinic receptor, as the site of action of anthelmintics. Based on earlier investigations, it is supposed that a conventional muscarinic receptor exists in nematodes as well, so that it can also be a new pharamocological target for the development of antinematode drugs. The latest class of synthesized anthelmintics, named aminoacetonitriles (AAD), act via the nicotinic receptor. Monepantel is the first drug from the AAD group as a most significant candidate for registration in veterinary medicine. Even though several groups of cholinomimetic anthelmintics (imiodazothiazoles, tetrahydropyrimidines, organophosphat anthelmintics) have been in use in veterinary practice for many years now, it is evident that cholinergic receptors of nematodes still present an attractive place in the examinations and development of new antinematode drugs.

    Carvacrol importance in veterinary and human medicine as ecologic insecticide and acaricide

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    Carvacrol is an active ingredient of essential oils from different plants, mainly from oregano and thyme species. It poseses biocidal activity agains many artropodes of the importance for veterinary and human medicine. Carvacrol acts as repelent, larvicide, insecticide and acaricide. It acts against pest artropodes such as those that serve as mechanical or biological vectors for many causal agents of viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases for animals and humans. Therefore, it may be used not only in pest arthropodes control but in vector borne diseases control, too. In the paper carvacrol bioactivity against mosquitoes, house flies, cockroaches, ticks and mites are described. Potencial modes of carvacrol action on artropodes are given, too. Carvacrol reachs its biotoxicity against arthropodes alone or in combination with other active ingredients from the same plant of its origin, such as tymol, cymen or others. The paper explains reasons for frequently investigations on essential oils and other natural products of plant origin to their biotoxicity against food stored pest or pest of medicinal importance, as well as, needs for their use in agriculture, veterinary and human medicine

    FarmakoloŔki receptori nematoda kao ciljna mesta delovanja antiparazitskih lekova

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    Cholinergic receptors of parasitic nematodes are one of the most important possible sites of action of antiparasitic drugs. This paper presents some of our own results of electrophysiological and pharamcological examinations of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors of nematodes, as well as data from literature on a new class of anthelmintics that act precisely on cholinergic receptors. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is located on somatic muscle cells of nematodes and it is responsible for the coordination of parasite movement. Cholinomimetic anthelmintics act on this receptor, as well as acetylcholine, an endogenic neurotransmitter, but they are not sensitive to enzyme acetylcholineesterase which dissolves acetylcholine. As opposed to the nicotinic receptor of vertebra, whose structure has been examined thoroughly, the stoichiometry of the nicotinic receptor of nematodes is not completely known. However, on the grounds of knowledge acquired so far, a model has been constructed recently of the potential composition of a type of nematodes nicotinic receptor, as the site of action of anthelmintics. Based on earlier investigations, it is supposed that a conventional muscarinic receptor exists in nematodes as well, so that it can also be a new pharamocological target for the development of antinematode drugs. The latest class of synthesized anthelmintics, named aminoacetonitriles (AAD), act via the nicotinic receptor. Monepantel is the first drug from the AAD group as a most significant candidate for registration in veterinary medicine. Even though several groups of cholinomimetic anthelmintics (imiodazothiazoles, tetrahydropyrimidines, organophosphat anthelmintics) have been in use in veterinary practice for many years now, it is evident that cholinergic receptors of nematodes still present an attractive place in the examinations and development of new antinematode drugs. .Holinergički receptori parazitskih nematoda jedno su od najznačajnijih mogućih mesta delovanja antiparazitskih lekova. U ovom radu prikazani su neki od rezultata elektrofizioloÅ”kih i farmakoloÅ”kih ispitivanja nikotinskog i muskarinskog receptora nematoda, kao i literaturni podaci o novoj klasi antihelmintika koji deluju upravo na holinergičke receptore. Nikotinski acetilholinski receptor (nAChR) se nalazi na somatskim miÅ”ićnim ćelijama nematoda i odgovoran je za koordinaciju kretanja parazita. Holinomimetički antihelmintici deluju na ovaj receptor kao i acetilholin, endogeni neurotransmiter, ali nisu osetljivi na enzim acetilholin-esterazu koja razlaže acetilholin. Za razliku od nikotinskog receptora vertebrata, čija je struktura dobro ispitana, stohiometrija nikotinskog receptora nematoda nije u potpunosti poznata. Međutim, u skorije vreme na osnovu dosadaÅ”njih saznanja konstruisan je model potencijalnog sastava jedne vrste nikotinskog receptora nematoda, kao mesta delovanja antihelmintika. Na osnovu ranijih istraživanja postoji pretpostavka da klasični muskarinski receptor postoji i kod nematoda, tako da i on može biti novo farmakoloÅ”ko ciljno mesto za razvoj antinematodnih lekova. Najnovija klasa sintetisanih antihelmintika, nazvana aminoacetonitrili (AAD), deluje preko nikotinskog receptora. Monepantel je prvi lek iz grupe AAD kao najznačajniji kandidat za registraciju u veterinarskoj medicini. Iako se u veterinarskoj kliničkoj praksi već duži niz godina primenjuje nekoliko grupa holinomimetičkih antihelmintika (imiodazotiazoli, tetrahidropirimidini, organofosfatni antihelmintici), očigledno je da holinergički receptori nematoda i dalje predstavljaju atraktivno mesto u ispitivanju i razvoju novih antinematodnih lekova

    Mikotoksini u lancu ishrane - analiza rizika i značaj za javno zdravstvo

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    Disease outbreaks due to the consumption of contaminated food and feedstuff are a recurring problem worldwide. The major factor contributing to contamination are microorganisms, especially fungi, which produce low-molecular-weight compounds as secondary metabolites, with confirmed toxic properties referred to as mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi that invade crops at the field level and may grow on foods during storage under favorable conditions. The toxigenic fungi of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternari and Clavicepshave genera are of the greatest consequence to food safety. Mycotoxins, of over 400 that are known, which have the most food safety, nutritive, ecologic and economic significance include the aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone, fumonisins, tremorgenic mycotoxinsand ergotalcaloides. Some molds are capable of producing more than one mycotoxin and some mycotoxins are produced by more than one fungal species. Often more than one mycotoxin is found on a contaminated substrate. Factors influencing the presence of mycotoxins in foods or feeds include environmental conditions related to storage that can be controlled. Other extrinsic factors such as climate or intrinsic factors such as fungal strain specificity, strain variation, and instability of toxigenic properties are more difficult to control. Exposure to mycotoxins is mostly by ingestion, but also occurs by the dermal and inhalation routes. The diseases caused by exposure to mycotoxins are known as mycotoxicoses. Mycotoxins have various acute and chronic effects on humans and animals (especially monogastrics) depending on species and susceptibility of an animal within a species. Ruminants, however, are generally more resistant to the adverse effects of mycotoxins. This is because the rumen microbiota is capable of degrading mycotoxins. The economic impact of mycotoxins include loss of human and animal life, increased health care and veterinary care costs, reduced livestock production, disposal of contaminated foods and feeds, and investment in research and applications to reduce severity of the mycotoxin problem. This review is meant to be informative not only for health-conscious consumers but also for experts in the field to pave the way for future research to fill the existing gaps in our knowledge in regard to mycotoxins and food safety. In this review, the focus is on the occurrence of various types of mycotoxins in food and feed associated with risks to humans and livestock, as well as legislation put forth by various authorities. Brief descriptions on recent developments in mycotoxin detection methodology and on presently practiced detoxification methods are also included.Oboljenja ljudi prouzrokovana kontaminiranom hranom predstavljaju jedan od najvećih problema sa kojim se suočava savremeno čovečanstvo. Glavni uzročnici kontaminacije su mikroorganizmi, naročito plesni, koje sintetiÅ”u jedinjenja male molekulske mase sa izrazitim toksičnim efektom na žive organizme. Mikotoksini su sekundarni metaboliti pretežno Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria i Claviceps vrsta plesni, koje mogu kontaminirati hranu na polju (preharvest) i/ili tokom skladiÅ”tenja (postharvest). Iako je do sada poznato preko 400 mikotoksina zbog svoje zastupljenosti i toksičnosti, afl atoksini (AFT), ohratoksin A (OTA), trihoteceni (TCT), zearalenon (ZEA), fumonizini (FB), tremorgeni mikotoksini i ergotalkaloidi, predstavljaju najveći medicinski, nutritivni, ekoloÅ”ki i ekonomski problem. Specifičnost mikotoksina u odnosu na druge toksine ogleda se u tome da pojedini rodovi plesni mogu da sintetiÅ”u nekoliko mikotoksina, kao i to da pojedini mikotoksini mogu biti proizvod sekundarnog metabolizma nekoliko rodova i vrsta plesni. S toga je kozastupljenost mikotoksina u kontaminiranoj hrani veoma česta pojava. Faktori koji utiču na kolonizaciju plesni i sintezu mikotoksina odnose se na faktore spoljaÅ”nje sredine (ekstrinsik) u koje spadaju skladiÅ”ni uslovi i koji se mogu kontrolisati, dok ostale faktore spoljaÅ”nje sredine kao Å”to su klimatske promene ili unutraÅ”nje (intrinsik) faktore, u koje spadaju specifičnost i varijacije pojedinih vrsta plesni i nestabilnost toksigenih svojstava plesni, je veoma teÅ”ko kontrolisati. Mikotoksini u organizam ljudi i životinja najčeŔće dospevaju putem kontaminirane hrane, ali su inhalacioni i dermalni put, takođe mogući. Oboljenja ljudi i životinja izazvana mikotoksinima se nazivaju mikotoksikoze. Mikotoksini izazivaju različite akutne i hronične bioloÅ”ke efekte u organizmu ljudi i životinja. Smatra se da su monogastrične životinje daleko osetljivije na dejstvo mikotoksina u odnosu na preživare. Ekonomski značaj mikotoksina odražava se kroz povećane troÅ”kove lečenja ljudi i životinja, smanjenje produktivnih rezultata životinja uključujući i uginuća, direktne i indirektne Å”tete koje nastaju usled uklanjanja kontaminirane hrane, investiranje u istraživanja i primenu preventivnih mera u sprečavanju negativnog efekta prisustva mikotoksina u hrani na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da sagleda ne samo zdravlje ljudi, već i da bude informativan za stručnjake u ovoj oblasti kako bi se otklonile određene nejasanoće vezane za prisustvo ove vrste hemijskog hazarda bioloÅ”kog porekla u lancu ishrane. Stoga je u ovom radu prikazana zastupljenost i toksičnost najznačajnijih mikotoksina i način donoÅ”enja zakonske regulative. Takođe, opisane su analitičke metode za dokazivanje mikotoksina i mere koje se preduzimaju u prevenciji i kontroli mikotoksina

    Mogućnosti organske proizvodnje u Vojvodini

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    During the past decade, the general attitude of the human population towards health, nutrition quality and environment has remarkably changed. As a result of the growing demand for organic products, especially organic milk, the livestock organic production has increased. Figures from the Serbian Ministry of agriculture estimate that around 75 percent of Serbia's agricultural land, and some 650,000 hectares, can be used for organic food production within three years. The 'rule of 30%' in organic production means that farm animals kept in organic system must ingest at least 30% of meal dry matter from pastures, makes forage quality of utmost importance. In order to estimate possibilities of organic production in FruÅ”ka Gora region forage botanical as well as chemical composition were analysed. A botanical analysis has confirmed presence of plants with high yield and of high nutritive value. Dominant presence of Dactilys glomerata L. and Poa pratensis L. was revealed in the samples of mixed hay, while the Lucerne hay was predominantly composed only by one leguminous species Medicago sativa L. Chemical analyses of hay samples originating from FruÅ”ka Gora has pointed out that level of crude proteins, cellulose, fats, macro and trace elements can completely satisfy requirements of animals in organic farming and therefore can present a solid base for further development of organic dairy farming. Possibilities for further development of organic production are great, and it can be expected that organic production will increase in the future and can become a significant branch of livestock production.Proteklih decenija opÅ”ti stav ljudske populacije prema zdravlju, kvalitetu ishrane i životnoj sredini je promenjen. Kao rezultat rastućih potreba za organskim proizvodima, naročito organskim mlekom, povećala se i organska proizvodnja stoke. Podaci iz srpskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede procenjuju da oko 75 odsto poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta Srbije, a nekih 650.000 hektara, može se koristiti za proizvodnju organske hrane u roku od tri godine. 'Pravilo 30%' u organskoj proizvodnji znači da životinje na farmama koje se gaje u sistemu organske proizvodnje moraju unositi najmanje 30% od obroka suve materije sa paÅ”njaka, čineći da je kvalitet krme najvažniji. U cilju procene mogućnosti organske proizvodnje u regionu FruÅ”ke Gore analiziran je botanički i hemijski sastav krme. Analiza botaničkog sastava potvrdila je prisustvo biljaka koje se odlikuju visokim prinosom i velikom nutritivnom vrednoŔću. Dominantno prisustvo Dactilys glomerata L. i Poa pratensis L. otkriveno je u uzorcima meÅ”ovitog sena, dok je lucerkino seno uglavnom bilo sastavljeno iz jedne leguminozne vrste Medicago sativa L. Hemijski sastav uzoraka sena iz FruÅ”ke Gore ukazuje da nivo sirovih proteina, celuloze, masti, makro i elemenata u tragovima mogu u potpunosti da zadovolje potrebe životinja na organskim farmama i zbog toga mogu predstavljati solidnu osnovu za dalji razvoj organske proizvodnje mleka. Mogućnosti za dalji razvoj organske proizvodnje su velike i moglo bi se očekivati da će se u budućnosti organska proizvodnja uvećati da će postati značajna grana u stočarskoj proizvodnji

    Hranidbeno ponaŔanje pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatiliŔtu

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    Feeding time of stray dogs on the first, second, third, fifth and seventh day of captivity in a municipal shelter was studied. The average value of the feeding time of dogs decreased from the first day (429.07Ā±107.08 seconds) to the third day in captivity when it reached the lowest average value (229.53Ā±95.18 seconds). The feeding time of dogs on the third day in captivity differs significantly from the same parameter on the first (429.07Ā±107.08 seconds) and second day (372.73Ā±100.58 seconds) in captivity (p lt 0.01). The highest average value of feeding time of stray dogs in the shelter was recorded on the first day. On the fifth and seventh day the feeding time of dogs increased compared to the third day. However, there were no significant differences of the average value of feeding time on the third day comparing with the fifth day (260.8Ā±111.06 seconds) or the seventh day (301.33Ā±119.89 seconds). Dogs ate their food more slowly on the fifth and the seventh day than on the third day, but more quickly than on the first and the second day (372.73Ā±100.58 seconds). Significant differences were estimated comparing the feeding time of dogs on the first day with the third (p lt 0.01), fifth (p lt 0.01), and seventh day (p lt 0.05) of housing in the municipal shelter. Also, the feeding time of dogs on the second day differed significantly from the third (p lt 0.01) and the fifth day (p lt 0.05).U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja brzine unoÅ”enja hrane kod pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatiliÅ”tu u Beogradu prvog, drugog, trećeg, petog i sedmog dana boravka. Prosečna brzina unoÅ”enja hrane je opadala počev od prvog dana (429,07Ā±107,08 sekundi) do trećeg dana boravka pasa u zatočeniÅ”tvu kada je ovaj pokazatelj dostigao najnižu vrednost (229,53Ā±95,18 sec). Brzina unoÅ”enja hrane trećeg dana se statistički značajno razlikovala u poređenju sa prvim danom (429,07Ā±107,08 sec) i drugim danom (372,73Ā±100,58 sec) boravka pasa u prihvatiliÅ”tu (p lt 0,01). Najveća prosečna vrednost brzine unoÅ”enja hrane zabeležena je prvog dana boravka u prihvatiliÅ”tu. Petog i sedmog dana boravka u prihvatiliÅ”tu brzina unoÅ”enja hrane se povećala u poređenju sa trećim danom. Međutim, nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike u poređenju brzine unoÅ”enja hrane između trećeg i petog (260,8Ā±111,06 sec) i trećeg I sedmog dana (301,33Ā±119,89 sec). Psi su mnogo sporije unosili hranu petog i sedmog dana nego trećeg dana, ali brže nego prvog i drugog dana boravka u prihvatiliÅ”tu (372,73Ā±100,58 seconds). Značajne razlike su utvrđene u brzini unoÅ”enja hrane između prvog i trećeg (p lt 0,01), petog (p lt 0,01), sedmog dana (p lt 0,05) boravka pasa u prihvatiliÅ”tu. Takođe, brzina unoÅ”enja hrane se značajno razlikovala i drugog dana u poređenju sa trećim (p lt 0,01) i petim danom (p lt 0,05)
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