4 research outputs found

    Latentnaja struktura nekotoryh situativno-dvigatel\u27nyh testov, neobhodimyh dlja vooružennyh sil

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    Struktura situacioni-motoričkog prostora u oružanoj borbi određena je, uglavnom, vojničkim zadacima koje ljudski faktor izvodi vatrom i pokretom. Analiza faktorske valjanosti primenjenih testova potvrdila je hipotezu o egzistenciji situaciono-motoričkih faktora, tzv. vojničkih sposobnosti, koje su nominirane kao preciznost gađanja vatrenim oružjen i oreciznost ciljanja hladnim oružjem, u čijoj osnovi egzistira "statistička preciznost", te marševska izdržljivost, koordinirana, eksplozivna i ustrajna pokretljivost, u čijoj osnovi egzistira "statička preciznost", te marševska izdržljivost, koordinirana, eksplozivna i ustrajna pokretljivost, u čijoj je osnova "opšta motorička pokretljivost"The applied battery of 36 situational - motoric tests entirely covered the system of hypothetical situational - motoric factors, the so called army abilities. The obtained results confirm the hypothesis concerning six situational-motoric factors, with the topological differentiation of the last latent dimension. The first factor was defined as precision in shooting (aiming) with firearms. It was responsible for the efficient shooting into an unmoving from various positions, distances and arms where the motor ability of the subject played the main role (aiming-pulling the trigger) along with the tonus regulation of fine movements in handling of arms. The second factor defined as precision of aiming (stabbing) with cold arms were responsible for the efficient hitting of an unmoving target with a guided missile (shorter and longer dagger). The third factor defined as march durability was responsible for mixed movement on relatively long distance involving tasks that require prolonged labour including both aerobic and anaerobic capacities. The fourth factor defined as coordinated flexibility was responsible for situational manifestations of the type "scrambling and dragging" whose background contains the mechanism for structuring of movements. The fifth factor defined as explosive flexibility was determined by simulated fighting activities involving various skills as well as bomb throwing, where a fast generation of the greatest power is dominant. The sixth factor defined as lasting flexibility was responsible for the situational-motoric activities where the task is performed with constant and prolonged isotonic activation of a limited number of topologically located muscle groups (arms, trunks and legs) and with overcoming of the own mass of the body, gear and arms

    Povezanost tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture i ostalih nastavnih predmeta u osnovnoj školi

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    Due to its positive impact on the bio-psycho-social status of children, physical education is connected with applied scientific disciplines in the field of social and natural sciences. It aims to establish the regularity of connection with the appropriate educational and scientific fields and forms of education, and is thus united with school practice. In this way instructional contents become part of the connectivity criteria. Given that the primary means of physical education is physical activity, its structural elements (spatial, temporal and physiological-energy) present other criteria of connection with other school subjects. The established connection between physical education and other subjects shows that a model for integrated teaching needs to be developed. The presented models of connection allow for an integrated teaching of active, motivated and unsolicited students, who explore and conceive a comprehensive and integrated reality, capable of transferring knowledge to new thematic assemblies and experiential learning in a variety of social situations.Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura je, zbog svoga pozitivnog utjecaja na bio-psiho-socijalni status djece, povezana s primijenjenim znanstvenim disciplinama iz području društvenih i prirodnih znanosti. To ima kao cilj utvrđivanje zakonitosti povezivanja s odgovarajućim nastavno-znanstvenim područjima, ali i oblicima odgoja, čime se sjedinjuje sa školskom praksom. Na taj je način nastavni sadržaj jedan od kriterija povezivanja. S obzirom na to da je osnovno sredstvo tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture tjelesna aktivnost, njezini strukturni elementi (prostorni, vremenski i fiziološko-energetski) drugi su kriterij povezivanja s ostalim nastavnim predmetima. Utvrđena povezanost tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture s ostalim nastavnim predmetima ukazuje na potrebu razvoja modela za integriranu nastavu. Predstavljeni modeli povezanosti omogućuju u integriranoj nastavi aktivnog, motiviranog i samoinicijativnog učenika, koji istražuje i poima cjelovitu i integriranu stvarnost, sposobnog za prenošenje znanja na nove tematske sklopove i na iskustveno učenje u različitim socijalnim situacijama

    Povezanost tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture i ostalih nastavnih predmeta u osnovnoj školi

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    Due to its positive impact on the bio-psycho-social status of children, physical education is connected with applied scientific disciplines in the field of social and natural sciences. It aims to establish the regularity of connection with the appropriate educational and scientific fields and forms of education, and is thus united with school practice. In this way instructional contents become part of the connectivity criteria. Given that the primary means of physical education is physical activity, its structural elements (spatial, temporal and physiological-energy) present other criteria of connection with other school subjects. The established connection between physical education and other subjects shows that a model for integrated teaching needs to be developed. The presented models of connection allow for an integrated teaching of active, motivated and unsolicited students, who explore and conceive a comprehensive and integrated reality, capable of transferring knowledge to new thematic assemblies and experiential learning in a variety of social situations.Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura je, zbog svoga pozitivnog utjecaja na bio-psiho-socijalni status djece, povezana s primijenjenim znanstvenim disciplinama iz području društvenih i prirodnih znanosti. To ima kao cilj utvrđivanje zakonitosti povezivanja s odgovarajućim nastavno-znanstvenim područjima, ali i oblicima odgoja, čime se sjedinjuje sa školskom praksom. Na taj je način nastavni sadržaj jedan od kriterija povezivanja. S obzirom na to da je osnovno sredstvo tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture tjelesna aktivnost, njezini strukturni elementi (prostorni, vremenski i fiziološko-energetski) drugi su kriterij povezivanja s ostalim nastavnim predmetima. Utvrđena povezanost tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture s ostalim nastavnim predmetima ukazuje na potrebu razvoja modela za integriranu nastavu. Predstavljeni modeli povezanosti omogućuju u integriranoj nastavi aktivnog, motiviranog i samoinicijativnog učenika, koji istražuje i poima cjelovitu i integriranu stvarnost, sposobnog za prenošenje znanja na nove tematske sklopove i na iskustveno učenje u različitim socijalnim situacijama

    Latent Structure of the Curriculum for Primary Teacher Education in Serbia

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    This paper attempts to determine the latent structure of the curriculum for primary school teacher education in the first cycle of studies at Serbian teacher training and education faculties. By applying the factor analysis into the first level of teacher education, four latent dimensions could be identified that could be nominated as General Education, Basic Education, Methodological Education, Specific Education, and one bipolar factor. The results indicate that learning outcomes and competences in certain fields of instruction should be re-examined and re-directed in line with the experience of the EU countries in order to harmonize and modernize the curriculum for primary teacher education in Serbia