2 research outputs found
Utjecaj intraabdominalnog tlaka na osnovne vitalne funkcije i ishod lijeÄenja
The purpose of the study was to point to the importance of measuring intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and of early recognition of the consequences of increased IAP on basic vital functions. Measurement of IAP via urinary bladder was conducted every 12 hours in 70 surgical patients with acute abdominal syndromes not previously operated on. Based on the measured IAP values, all patients were divided into groups of patients with normal IAP values (n=20) and patients with increased IAP values (n=50) . Vital functions and basic laboratory analysis were monitored and the values obtained were compared with IAP in both patient groups. A statistically significant difference was found in body weight, body mass index, urine output, creatinine, urea, heart rate, partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) between patients with
normal and increased IAP values. The increase in IAP values was found to be associated with an increase in PaCO2, respiratory rate, peak inspiratory pressure, central venous pressure, heart rate, Acute
Physiology, Age and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, mortality rate, creatinine and urea values, and number of days of treatment in the intensive care unit. At the same time, the values of PaO2, blood
oxygen saturation, diuresis and abdominal perfusion pressure were declining. IAP measurement is an old, cost-effective, reliable technique that is easy to perform and should be applied in all high risk
patients.Cilj studije bio je ukazati na znaÄenje mjerenja intraabdominalnog tlaka (intra-abdominal pressure, IAP) i ranog prepoznavanja
promjena osnovnih vitalnih funkcija, koje su posljedica poveÄanja IAP. Mjerenje IAP je provedeno kroz mokraÄni mjehur svakih 12 sati kod 70 bolesnika s akutnim abdominalnim sindromom koji nisu prethodno operirani. Na osnovi izmjerenih vrijednosti IAP bolesnici su podijeljeni u skupinu s normalnim vrijednostima IAP (n=20) i skupinu s poveÄanim vrijednostima (n=50). PraÄenjem osnovnih vitalnih funkcija i laboratorijskih analiza dobivene vrijednosti usporeÄivane su u odnosu na IAP u objema skupinama bolesnika. StatistiÄki znaÄajna razlika izmeÄu bolesnika s normalnim i onih s poviÅ”enim IAP utvrÄena je za tjelesnu težinu, indeks tjelesne mase, diurezu, vrijednosti kreatinina, ureju, srÄanu frekvenciju, parcijalni tlak kisika (PaO2) i parcijalni tlak ugljiÄnog dioksida (PaCO2). TakoÄer je zapaženo da su s porastom IAP rasle i vrijednosti PaCO2, broja respiracija, vrÅ”nog inspiracijskog tlaka, centralnog venskog tlaka, srÄane frekvencije, akutna fi zio loÅ”ka, starosna i kroniÄna evaluacija zdravlja II (Acute Physiology, Age and Chronic Health Evaluation, APACHE), stopa smrtnosti, vrijednosti ureje i kreatinina te broj dana lijeÄenja u jedinici intenzivnog lijeÄenja, dok su vrijednosti PaO2, zasiÄenje hemoglobina kisikom, diureza i abdominalni perfuzijski tlak bili u opadanju. Mjerenje intraabdominalnog tlaka je stara, jeftina, pouzdana metoda, jednostavna za izvoÄenje kod svih visoko riziÄnih bolesnika
Chronic Postoperative Pain
Chronic postoperative pain (CPOP) is a serious health issue that affects millions
of patients every year. The incidence of CPOP is the highest after amputations, inguinal hernioplasty,
thoracotomies, cardiac surgery and breast surgery. In addition to surgical factors, the other risk factors are:
female gender, younger age, preoperative pain, psychological state and acute postoperative pain. The most
common expression of CPOP is neuropathic pain after surgical trauma. The treatment of chronic postoperative
neuropathic pain (CPNP) is difficult. Various methods have been recommended for its prevention,
the most important being techniques that avoid nerve damage and adequate perioperative analgesia. The
goal of this review was to discuss data from published studies examining the incidence, risk factors and
mechanisms of CPOP, with a focus on surgery, the unique opportunity to implement pharmacological
strategies for prevention of CPNP and current pharmacotherapy approaches for treatment of CPNP.
Commonly used drugs to prevent and treat CPNP in the current clinical setting are: opioids, Ī±2-adrenergic
agonists, cyclooxygenase antagonists, gabapentin, pregabalin, steroids, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
antagonists and local anesthetics