987 research outputs found

    Analysis of the pathogenic factors and management of dry eye in ocular surface disorders

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    The tear film represents the interface between the eye and the environment. The alteration of the delicate balance that regulates the secretion and distribution of the tear film determines the dry eye (DE) syndrome. Despite having a multifactorial origin, the main risk factors are female gender and advanced age. Likewise, morphological changes in several glands and in the chemical composition of their secretions, such as proteins, mucins, lipidics, aqueous tears, and salinity, are highly relevant factors that maintain a steady ocular surface. Another key factor of recurrence and onset of the disease is the presence of local and/or systemic inflammation that involves the ocular surface. DE syndrome is one of the most commonly encountered diseases in clinical practice, and many other causes related to daily life and the increase in average life expectancy will contribute to its onset. This review will consider the disorders of the ocular surface that give rise to such a widespread pathology. At the end, the most recent therapeutic options for the management of DE will be briefly discussed according to the specific underlying pathology

    Visual field improvement in non-arteritic posterior ischemic optic neuropathy in a patient treated with intravenous prostaglandin E1 and steroids

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    Non-arteritic posterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NA-PION) is a disorder of reduced blood flow to the retrobulbar optic nerve. There is usually an acute loss of visual acuity and field. Previous studies have noted an improvement in visual acuity and in ocular and retrobulbar blood flow with the use of a potent vasodilator of the microcirculation, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), and steroids. The current report describes immediate improvement in the visual fields and visual acuity in a patient with NA-PION treated with intravenous PGE1 and steroids 66 hours after onset. An 89-year-old white female was first seen in December 2016 with a sudden loss of vision in the right eye. After a complete eye exam and visual fields, the patient was diagnosed with NA-PION. Treatment was immediately started with steroids and intravenous PGE1. This was repeated once again the next morning. Visual acuity in the right eye improved from 1/10 + 1 to 7/10 + 3 at 5 days. The mean deviation of the visual field improved from – 7.10 decibels (dB) with a central scotoma of – 22 dB to – 2.97 dB with a central scotoma of – 19 dB. After 2 weeks, her visual acuity was 7/10 + 1 and visual field testing of the right eye revealed a mean deviation of – 2.54 dB with a central scotoma of – 9 dB. The left eye was unchanged. In cases of NA-PION, PGE1 and steroids should be considered to immediately restore blood flow to help improve visual acuity and visual fields

    Ocular hypertension in myopia: analysis of contrast sensitivity

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    Purpose: we evaluated the evolution of contrast sensitivity reduction in patients affected by ocular hypertension and glaucoma, with low to moderate myopia. We also evaluated the relationship between contrast sensitivity and mean deviation of visual field. Material and methods: 158 patients (316 eyes), aged between 38 and 57 years old, were enrolled and divided into 4 groups: emmetropes, myopes, myopes with ocular hypertension (IOP≄21 ±2 mmHg), myopes with glaucoma. All patients underwent anamnestic and complete eye evaluation, tonometric curves with Goldmann’s applanation tonometer, cup/disc ratio evaluation, gonioscopy by Goldmann’s three-mirrors lens, automated perimetry (Humphrey 30-2 full-threshold test) and contrast sensitivity evaluation by Pelli-Robson charts. A contrast sensitivity under 1,8 Logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution (LogMAR) was considered abnormal. Results: contrast sensitivity was reduced in the group of myopes with ocular hypertension (1,788 LogMAR) and in the group of myopes with glaucoma (1,743 LogMAR), while it was preserved in the group of myopes (2,069 LogMAR) and in the group of emmetropes (1,990 LogMAR). We also found a strong correlation between contrast sensitivity reduction and mean deviation of visual fields in myopes with glaucoma (coefficient relation = 0.86) and in myopes with ocular hypertension (coefficient relation = 0.78). Conclusions: the contrast sensitivity assessment performed by the Pelli-Robson test should be performed in all patients with middle-grade myopia, ocular hypertension and optic disc suspected for glaucoma, as it may be useful in the early diagnosis of the disease. Introduction Contrast can be defined as the ability of the eye to discriminate differences in luminance between the stimulus and the background. The sensitivity to contrast is represented by the inverse of the minimal contrast necessary to make an object visible; the lower the contrast the greater the sensitivity, and the other way around. Contrast sensitivity is a fundamental aspect of vision together with visual acuity: the latter defines the smallest spatial detail that the subject manages to discriminate under optimal conditions, but it only provides information about the size of the stimulus that the eye is capable to perceive; instead, the evaluation of contrast sensitivity provides information not obtainable with only the measurement of visual acuity, as it establishes the minimum difference in luminance that must be present between the stimulus and its background so that the retina is adequately stimulated to perceive the stimulus itself. The clinical methods of examining contrast sensitivity (lattices, luminance gradients, variable-contrast optotypic tables and lowcontrast optotypic tables) relate the two parameters on which the ability to distinctly perceive an object depends, namely the different luminance degree of the two adjacent areas and the spatial frequency, which is linked to the size of the object. The measurement of contrast sensitivity becomes valuable in the diagnosis and follow up of some important eye conditions such as glaucoma. Studies show that contrast sensitivity can be related to data obtained with the visual perimetry, especially with the perimetric damage of the central area and of the optic nerve head

    Intracameral lidocaine as supplement to classic topical anesthesia for relieving ocular pain in cataract surgery

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    ● AIM: To evaluate safety, efficacy, and patient adherence of intracameral lidocaine as supplement of classic topical anesthetic drops in cataract surgery. ● METHODS: A prospective and controlled trial including a large cohort of 1650 individuals suffering with bilateral cataract not complicated, in program by phacoemulsification surgery, were randomly assigned to 2 different groups for the type of anesthesia received, 0.4% oxybuprocaine hydrochloride (INN) drops, and INN drops associated to intracameral 1% lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate. At the end of surgery, tables were assigned to each patient indicating the degree of pain (0-3) felt during the operation. ● RESULTS: Thirty-two percent of patients in group 1 declared to have not felt any pain against the 77% of patients in group 2. Fifty-nine percent of patients in group 1 complained about only a slight discomfort against 20% of group 2 patients. Only a small percentage of patients in group 1 (5%) admitted severe pain, while no patient in group 2 admitted severe pain. Four patients of group 2 reported an episode of transient amaurosis, lasting several hours after surgery. ● CONCLUSION: Intracameral administration of lidocaine is a simple and secure method able to increase the analgesia during the cataract surgery, eliminating the discomfort and increasing also the cooperation of the patients during the steps of manipulation

    Therapeutic approaches with intravitreal injections in geographic atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration: current drugs and potential molecules

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    The present review focuses on recent clinical trials that analyze the efficacy of intravitreal therapeutic agents for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), such as neuroprotective drugs, and complement inhibitors, also called immunomodulatory or anti-inflammatory agents. A systematic literature search was performed to identify randomized controlled trials published prior to January 2019. Patients affected by dry AMD treated with intravitreal therapeutic agents were included. Changes in the correct visual acuity and reduction in geographic atrophy progression were evaluated. Several new drugs have shown promising results, including those targeting the complement cascade and neuroprotective agents. The potential action of the two groups of drugs is to block complement cascade upregulation of immunomodulating agents, and to prevent the degeneration and apoptosis of ganglion cells for the neuroprotectors, respectively. Our analysis indicates that finding treatments for dry AMD will require continued collaboration among researchers to identify additional molecular targets and to fully interrogate the utility of pluripotent stem cells for personalized therapy

    Genetic analysis for two italian siblings with usher syndrome and schizophrenia.

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    Usher syndrome is a group of autosomal recessive genetic disorders characterized by deafness, retinitis pigmentosa, and sometimes vestibular areflexia. The relationship between Usher syndrome and mental disorders, most commonly a "schizophrenia-like" psychosis, is sometimes described in the literature. The etiology of psychiatric expression of Usher syndrome is still unclear. We reported a case of two natural siblings with congenital hypoacusis, retinitis pigmentosa, and psychiatric symptoms. Clinical features and genetic analysis were also reported. We analyzed possible causes to explain the high prevalence of psychiatric manifestations in Usher syndrome: genetic factors, brain damage, and "stress-related" hypothesis

    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) serological and lacrimal signaling in patients affected by vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)

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    Background. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is a rare inflammatory disease involving the ocular surface, with seasonally exacerbated symptoms. Both type-1 and type-4 hypersensitivity reactions play a role in the development of VKC. Purpose. The aim of the present study was to assess the presence and evaluate the concentration of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in tear and blood samples from patients with VKC, during the acute phase, based on the histopathological vasculostromal structure of the tarsal papillae. Methods. Two groups of children aged between 6 and 16 years of life were enrolled: 21 patients (16 males, 76%) affected by VKC, tarsal or mixed form, and 13 healthy children (5 males, 38%) used as controls. Blood and tear samples were obtained from all patients, in order to specifically assess the presence of VEGF. Statistical analyses were performed with one-way ANOVA, followed by post hoc comparisons with the Bonferroni tests. Pearson's correlation was chosen as statistical analysis to assess the relationship between the expression levels of VEGF in tears and blood and the clinical parameters measured. Results. Comparing the 2 groups for VEGF concentration, a statistically significant difference was found in tear samples: the mean value was 12.13 pg/mL (±5.54 SD) in the patient group and 7 pg/ml (±4.76 SD) in controls (p<0.05). However, no statistically significant difference was found when comparing VEGF concentration in blood samples (p>0.05), with a mean value of 45.17 pg/mL (±18.67 SD) in VKC patients and 38.08 pg/mL (±19.43 SD) in controls. Conclusions. This pilot study highlights the importance of lacrimal and vascular inflammatory biomarkers that can be detected in VKC patients during the acute phase, but not in healthy children. The small group of patients warrants additional studies on a larger sample, not only to further investigate the role of VEGF but also to evaluate the angiogenic biomarkers before and after topical treatment

    Preliminary study on electrophysiological changes after cellular autograft in age-related macular degeneration

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    Background: Evolving atrophic macular degeneration represents at least 80% of all macular degenerations and is currently without a standardized care. Autologous fat transplantation (AFT) efficacy was demonstrated by several studies, since these cells are able to produce growth factors. The aim of the work was to demonstrate possible therapeutic effect of the joined suprachoroidal graft of adipocytes, adipose derived stem-cells (ADSCs) in tissue adipose’s stromal vascular fractions (SVF), and platelet rich plasma (PRP). Methods: Twelve eyes in 12 dry age macular degeneration (AMD) patients, aged 71.25 (SD ± 6.8) between 62 and 80 years, were analyzed. A complete ocular evaluation was performed using: best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), retinographic analysis, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, microperimetry, computerized visual field, and standard electroretinogram (ERG). Each eye received a cell in graft between choroid and sclera by means of the variant second Limoli, grafting of mature fat cells and ADSCs in SVF enriched with PRP (LRRT). In order to test if the differences pre- and post-treatment were significant the Wilcoxon signed rank test has been performed. Results: Adverse effects were not reported in the patients. After surgery with LRRT the most significant increase in the ERG values was recorded by scotopic rod-ERG (answer coming from the rods), from 41.26 to 60.83 ÎŒVolts (”V) with an average increase of 47.44% highly significant (p<0.05). Moderately significant was the one recorded by scotopic maximal ERG (answer coming from the rods and cones), from 112.22 to 129.68 ÎŒV with an average increase of 15.56% (p<0.1). Conclusions: Cell-mediated therapy based on growth factors used appears interesting because it can improve the retinal functionality responses in the short term. The ERG could, therefore, be used to monitor the effect of cell-mediated regenerative therapies

    Management of anterior chamber dislocation of a dexamethasone intravitreal implant: a case report

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    Background Ozurdex is a 700 mcg dexamethasone intravitreal implant, approved for the management of macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion, and other related pathoglogiesAnterior chamber dislocation of Ozurdex represents an uncommon complication of the intravitreal injection, which can be managed by repositioning the implant into the vitreous cavity. We describe the case of a successful repositioning of an Ozurdex implant by mobilization and subsequent balanced saline solution injection in the anterior chamber. Case presentation An 83-year-old white woman presented to our Emergency Unit complaining of pain and vision loss in herright eye lasting a week. Her anamnesis revealed a history of persistent cystoid macular edema after phacoemulsification with scleral-fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation, recently treated with an intravitreal Ozurdex implant. She also took a long-distance flight 2 days after the injection. An anterior segment examination showed corneal edema and the rod implant adherent to corneal endothelium. To avoid corneal decompensation, we opted for a implant repositioning. Under topical anesthesia, a 30-gauge needle was introduced through a limbar incisionto mobilize the dislocated rod. Balanced saline solution was injected, with a successful repositioning of the implant into the vitreous cavity. Topical 5 % hypertonic saline solution and 0.2 % betamethasone associated with 0.5 % chloramphenicol drops were administered four times a day. To prevent redislocation of the Ozurdex implant, she was instructed to avoid prone position, any kind of physical effort, and not to undertake long-distance flights during the first postoperative week. One week after surgery, an anterior segment examination showed an improvement of corneal edema. Funduscopy showed that the Ozurdex implant was settled into the vitreous cavity. Conclusions Anterior chamber dislocation of Ozurdex from the vitreous cavity is rare. In our patient, in addition to the posterior capsule tearing, the long-distance flight could have contributed to implant dislocation. Repositioning of the implant is necessary to avoid endothelial decompensation. It can be carried out by using saline balanced solution with the same efficacy as other surgical procedures reported in the literature. A possible disadvantage of this procedure could be implant migration

    Visual improvement in a patient with paracentral acute middle maculopathy treated with prostaglandin E1

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    The authors present the use of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) for the treatment of an acute paracentral acute middle maculopathy (PAMM). A 78-year-old white female was seen with a sudden loss of vision in her left eye (OS) to 20/200 noted upon awakening. The right eye (OD) saw 20/20. A complete eye exam was done and an ocular coherent tomography revealed retinal thickening and a whitening of the inner nuclear layer in the area of the macula OS. A diagnosis of PAMM in the OS was made. Treatment was immediately started with 70 ÎŒg of PGE1 administered over 1.5 hours in the form of a skin cream. A volume of 3.5 cc of skin cream was applied in divided doses to the inner surface of the forearm, rubbed into the skin and allowed to dry. The same 70 ÎŒg of PGE1 in 3.5 cc of skin cream was repeated once the next morning. The patient began to see better the second day of treatment with a final visual acuity of 20/20. The OD was unchanged. After 14 months she was stable with no further treatment. PAMM is an ischemic process of the inner retina. PGE1, a potent vasodilator of the microcirculation, when given immediately seemed to be useful in restoring vision in this form of retinal ischemia. Treatment was immediately started with PGE1 in the form of a skin cream with visual improvement. The authors normally use PGE1 intravenously for acute ocular ischemia and would have preferred that here. Intravenous PGE1 was not available and was substituted with the skin cream of PGE1 that worked well for the patient
