769 research outputs found

    Companies’ market penetration and activity patterns in european market

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    The strategy type at the company level has an impact upon the selection and implementation of the strategy at the business level. The international strategy at the company level is different from the international strategy at the business level through the diversification extension degree (both under the products aspect and under the geographic area aspect). The need to adopt an international strategy at the company level appears when the products or services level increases in the sense of incorporating products that belong to several activity branches and that address to multiple markets. In this case, the company’s strategy is conducted by the managers from its headquarters and not by the area managers or business managers.international strategy company’s international objectives internationalization forms markets operation methods

    On discrete simplex splines and subdivision

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    Discrete analogoues of multivariate simplex splines are introduced. Their study yields a subdivision scheme for simplex splines

    Professional Training of Human Resources

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    Each organization has a human capital which resides in the knowledge and experience of its own employees, in their professional competence. For the purpose of using this capital as efficiently as possible in the process of carrying out working tasks, it must be given attention and support to ensuring, developing and maintaining human r esources in order to fulfil firms’ exigencies concerning the qualification of work force through actions like: developing offers of early education; multiplying offers of secondary education, developing post-degree offers (master degree and doctor’s degree); adjustment of educational offers to new demands and exigencies of working market and local community, promoting partnership in education; using new technologies and modern methods of teaching in employees’ professional training and developing digital competences; developing offers of employees’ continuous forming.development, education, forming, professional perfecting, professional training.

    Approaching european market and capital allocation on different external markets

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    Companies and capitals may face different variants of European markets, being necessary to classify these markets by establishing their importance within the whole strategy of the company. Another goal is the wish to cover as many of these markets as possible under maximum efficiency conditions by obtaining very high incomes in conditions of more and more reduced costs. The effect of these markets classifications and characterizations will be favourable for capitals development and for business development on the European markets as a central interest element for stakeholders in these businesses. The national markets within European market are in various strategic positions through their specificity, with the prevalence of a certain international marketing approach.market, integration degree, relations with external market, integration of activities

    Approximation and geometric modeling with simplex B-splines associated with irregular triangles

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    Bivariate quadratic simplical B-splines defined by their corresponding set of knots derived from a (suboptimal) constrained Delaunay triangulation of the domain are employed to obtain a C1-smooth surface. The generation of triangle vertices is adjusted to the areal distribution of the data in the domain. We emphasize here that the vertices of the triangles initially define the knots of the B-splines and do generally not coincide with the abscissae of the data. Thus, this approach is well suited to process scattered data.\ud \ud With each vertex of a given triangle we associate two additional points which give rise to six configurations of five knots defining six linearly independent bivariate quadratic B-splines supported on the convex hull of the corresponding five knots.\ud \ud If we consider the vertices of the triangulation as threefold knots, the bivariate quadratic B-splines turn into the well known bivariate quadratic Bernstein-BĂ©zier-form polynomials on triangles. Thus we might be led to think of B-splines as of smoothed versions of Bernstein-BĂ©zier polynomials with respect to the entire domain. From the degenerate Bernstein-BĂ©zier situation we deduce rules how to locate the additional points associated with each vertex to establish knot configurations that allow the modeling of discontinuities of the function itself or any of its directional derivatives. We find that four collinear knots out of the set of five defining an individual quadratic B-spline generate a discontinuity in the surface along the line they constitute, and that analogously three collinear knots generate a discontinuity in a first derivative.\ud Finally, the coefficients of the linear combinations of normalized simplicial B-splines are visualized as geometric control points satisfying the convex hull property.\ud Thus, bivariate quadratic B-splines associated with irregular triangles provide a great flexibility to approximate and model fast changing or even functions with any given discontinuities from scattered data.\ud An example for least squares approximation with simplex splines is presented

    Aligning at iso 9001 requirements – a true challenge for romanian smes

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    Beginning with ’90 years in Romania have been created more and more private enterprises, which today form a consistent sector of so called “small and mid-sized enterprises” (SMEs). Focusing on profit and being in favorable conditions with a high market require, the SMEs not always pay attention at the quality of their delivered products and services. Adhering at European Union, in 2007, brought both the internationalizing of Romanian market, but also the higher constrains regarding quality of delivered products and services. So, it’s easy to understand why the SMEs begin to think at designing and implementing of an efficient quality management system. The issue presents some conclusions of my research achieved (between Oct. 2007 – Feb. 2008) in the frame of 70 Romanian SMEs.SME/ management/ system/ quality/ standard/ challange

    Quality Management System an ace in the sleeve of the SME to gain competitiveness on the international markets

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    After the adhering of Romania at European Union, the level of competition became very high, so, it is vitally important for entrepreneurs know what helps company to be successful on an international market. There are many factors which can lead to be successful in the business, but quality is the real arm in the „battle” for gaining of competitivness on international market. So that, obtaining quality products and services have to be the principal strategic objective and the SME have to do all the neccesary efforts for this. Implementing of one efficace quality management system compliant with ISO 9001 requirements is a true „ace in the sleeve of the SME” for gaining competitiveness.SME,management
