102 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence of ambipolar diffusion in silicon-on-insulator

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    Spatiotemporal dynamics of electron-hole pairs locally excited in a silicon-on-insulator structure by indirect interband absorption are studied by measuring differential transmission caused by free-carrier absorption of a probe pulse tuned below the bandgap, with 200-fs temporal and 3-micrometer spatial resolution. From sample temperatures of 250 K to 400 K, the ambipolar diffusivity decreases, and is similar to reported values of bulk silicon. Cooling the sample from 250 K to 90 K, a decrease of ambipolar diffusivity is observed, indicating important influences of defects and residual stress on carrier diffusion. No detectable density dependence of ambipolar diffusivity is observed

    Graphite based Schottky diodes formed on Si, GaAs and 4H-SiC substrates

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    We demonstrate the formation of semimetal graphite/semiconductor Schottky barriers where the semiconductor is either silicon (Si), gallium arsenide (GaAs) or 4H-silicon carbide (4H-SiC). Near room temperature, the forward-bias diode characteristics are well described by thermionic emission, and the extracted barrier heights, which are confirmed by capacitance voltage measurements, roughly follow the Schottky-Mott relation. Since the outermost layer of the graphite electrode is a single graphene sheet, we expect that graphene/semiconductor barriers will manifest similar behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Hot carrier diffusion in graphene

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    We report an optical study of charge transport in graphene. Diffusion of hot carriers in epitaxial graphene and reduced graphene oxide samples are studied using an ultrafast pump-probe technique with a high spatial resolution. Spatiotemporal dynamics of hot carriers after a point-like excitation are monitored. Carrier diffusion coefficients of 11,000 and 5,500 squared centimeters per second are measured in epitaxial graphene and reduced graphene oxide samples, respectively, with a carrier temperature on the order of 3,600 K. The demonstrated optical techniques can be used for non-contact and non-invasive in-situ detection of transport properties of graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Ambipolar diffusion of photo-excited carriers in bulk GaAs

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    The ambipolar carrier diffusion in bulk GaAs is studied by using an ultrafast pump-probe technique with a high spatial resolution. Carriers with a point-like spatial profile are excited by a tightly focused pump laser pulse. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the carriers are monitored by a time-delayed and spatially scanned probe pulse. Ambipolar diffusion coefficients are deduced from linear fits to the expansion of the area of the profiles, and are found to decrease from about 170~cm2s1\mathrm{cm}^2 \mathrm{s}^{-1} at 10 K to about 20~cm2s1\mathrm{cm}^2 \mathrm{s}^{-1} at room temperature. Our results are consistent with those deduced from the previously measured mobilities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of electron-hole friction in an n-doped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well using optical transient grating spectroscopy

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    We use phase-resolved transient grating spectroscopy to measure the drift and diffusion of electron-hole density waves in a semiconductor quantum well. The unique aspects of this optical probe allow us to determine the frictional force between a two-dimensional Fermi liquid of electrons and a dilute gas of holes. Knowledge of electron-hole friction enables prediction of ambipolar dynamics in high-mobility electron systems.Comment: to appear in PR

    Magnetodielectric Coupling in Nonmagnetic Au/GaAs:Si Schottky Barriers

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    We report on a heretofore unnoted giant negative magnetocapacitance (>20%) in non-magnetic Au/GaAs:Si Schottky barriers that we attribute to a magnetic field in-duced increase in the binding energy of the shallow donor Si impurity atoms. Depletion capacitance (Cdep) dispersion identifies the impurity ionization and capture processes that give rise to a magnetic field dependent density of ionized impurities. Internal photoemission experiments confirm that the large field-induced shifts in the built-in potential, inferred from 1/Cdep^2 vs voltage measurements, are not due to a field-dependent Schottky barrier height, thus requiring a modification of the abrupt junction approximation that accounts for the observed magnetodielectric coupling.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Metal oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors for flexible electronics

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    The field of flexible electronics has rapidly expanded over the last decades, pioneering novel applications, such as wearable and textile integrated devices, seamless and embedded patch-like systems, soft electronic skins, as well as imperceptible and transient implants. The possibility to revolutionize our daily life with such disruptive appliances has fueled the quest for electronic devices which yield good electrical and mechanical performance and are at the same time light-weight, transparent, conformable, stretchable, and even biodegradable. Flexible metal oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors (TFTs) can fulfill all these requirements and are therefore considered the most promising technology for tomorrow's electronics. This review reflects the establishment of flexible metal oxide semiconductor TFTs, from the development of single devices, large-area circuits, up to entirely integrated systems. First, an introduction on metal oxide semiconductor TFTs is given, where the history of the field is revisited, the TFT configurations and operating principles are presented, and the main issues and technological challenges faced in the area are analyzed. Then, the recent advances achieved for flexible n-type metal oxide semiconductor TFTs manufactured by physical vapor deposition methods and solution-processing techniques are summarized. In particular, the ability of flexible metal oxide semiconductor TFTs to combine low temperature fabrication, high carrier mobility, large frequency operation, extreme mechanical bendability, together with transparency, conformability, stretchability, and water dissolubility is shown. Afterward, a detailed analysis of the most promising metal oxide semiconducting materials developed to realize the state-of-the-art flexible p-type TFTs is given. Next, the recent progresses obtained for flexible metal oxide semiconductor-based electronic circuits, realized with both unipolar and complementary technology, are reported. In particular, the realization of large-area digital circuitry like flexible near field communication tags and analog integrated circuits such as bendable operational amplifiers is presented. The last topic of this review is devoted for emerging flexible electronic systems, from foldable displays, power transmission elements to integrated systems for large-area sensing and data storage and transmission. Finally, the conclusions are drawn and an outlook over the field with a prediction for the future is provided

    Analysis of electron transport in the nano-scaled Si, SOI and III-V MOSFETs: Si/SiO2 interface charges and quantum mechanical effects

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    The ITRS predicts that the scaling of planar CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology will continue till the 22 nm technology node [1] and a possible extension beyond is appealing [2]. In this work, we investigate the effect of electron confinement [3] in nanoscaled transistor channels of 25 nm surface channel Si and 32 nm SOI (Silicon on Insulator) and 15 nm IF (Implant Free) III-V MOSFETs using a self-consistent solution of 1 D Poisson - Schrödinger equation [4,5]. For simulat ion and development with accuracy of nano-scaled of 25 nm gate length Si MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor), 32 nm SOI Implant Free (IF) MOSFET, and 15nm Implant Free III-V MOSFET transistors, we investigated the bandstructure and quantum confinement effects occurring near the oxide-semiconductor interface inmetal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) structure of Si MOSFET device. These investigation have been carried out using a selfconsistent solution of 1D Poisson-Schrödinger equation across the channel of conventional Si / SOI / III-V MOSFET Transistors. To solve self-consistently 1D Poisson-Schrödinger equations across the channel of a conventional Si, SOI, and an Implant Free III-V MOSFETs to determine the conduction and valence band profiles, electron density, electron sheet density, eigenstate and eigenfunctions in these structures. We present the simulat ion results of conduction band profile, electron density (classical and quantum mechanical), eigenstate and eigenfunctions for Si, SOI and III-V MOSFET structures at two different bias voltages of 0.5 V and 1.0 V. For comparison, we calculate the electron sheet density (quantum mechanically) as a function of the applied gate voltages