1 research outputs found

    8/2/2012 2Statistically-Based Test Optimization

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    Customer Success Is Our Mission is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company. The Test Optimization Challenge “We are being challenged by our customers and by the marketplace to develop and deliver increasingly complex systems with smaller performance margins that meet the user’s requirements in the shortest time, with high reliability, open and adaptable, and at the lowest cost.” Given this challenge, there is more pressure than ever on Integration, Verification & Validation activities acti ities to deliver er performance res results lts on time and within budget. Industry studies have estimated test and rework to represent between 30 and 50 % of product development costs. Given this investment, test represents fertile ground for CMMI ® high maturity optimization techniques. Typical yp benefits of statistically‐based test optimization include: – Increased Mission Assurance – Optimized performance – Improved cycle tim