137 research outputs found

    A Higgs Mechanism for Gravity

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    In this paper we elaborate on the idea of an emergent spacetime which arises due to the dynamical breaking of diffeomorphism invariance in the early universe. In preparation for an explicit symmetry breaking scenario, we consider nonlinear realizations of the group of analytical diffeomorphisms which provide a unified description of spacetime structures. We find that gravitational fields, such as the affine connection, metric and coordinates, can all be interpreted as Goldstone fields of the diffeomorphism group. We then construct a Higgs mechanism for gravity in which an affine spacetime evolves into a Riemannian one by the condensation of a metric. The symmetry breaking potential is identical to that of hybrid inflation but with the non-inflaton scalar extended to a symmetric second rank tensor. This tensor is required for the realization of the metric as a Higgs field. We finally comment on the role of Goldstone coordinates as a dynamical fluid of reference.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, appendix C on on-shell d.o.f. added, references adde

    A class of colliding waves in metric-affine gravity, nonmetricity and torsion shock waves

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    By using our recent generalization of the colliding waves concept to metric-affine gravity theories, and also our generalization of the advanced and retarded time coordinate representation in terms of Jacobi functions, we find a general class of colliding wave solutions with fourth degree polynomials in metric-affine gravity. We show that our general approach contains the standard second degree polynomials colliding wave solutions as a particular case.Comment: 13 pages, latex, to appear in J.Math.Phy

    Generalized Gauge Theories and Weinberg-Salam Model with Dirac-K\"ahler Fermions

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    We extend previously proposed generalized gauge theory formulation of Chern-Simons type and topological Yang-Mills type actions into Yang-Mills type actions. We formulate gauge fields and Dirac-K\"ahler matter fermions by all degrees of differential forms. The simplest version of the model which includes only zero and one form gauge fields accommodated with the graded Lie algebra of SU(2∣1)SU(2|1) supergroup leads Weinberg-Salam model. Thus the Weinberg-Salam model formulated by noncommutative geometry is a particular example of the present formulation.Comment: 33 pages, LaTe

    Superrelativity as a unification of quantum theory and relativity(II)

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    A underlying dynamical structure for both relativity and quantum theory-``superrelativity'' has been proposed in order to overcome the well known incompatibility between these theories. The relationship between curvature of spacetime (gravity) and curvature of the projective Hilbert space of pure quantum states is established as well.Comment: 6 pages,LaTeX,In the Abstract ``proposed on order'' should be read as ``proposed in order'

    BRST-antifield-treatment of metric-affine gravity

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    The metric-affine gauge theory of gravity provides a broad framework in which gauge theories of gravity can be formulated. In this article we fit metric-affine gravity into the covariant BRST--antifield formalism in order to obtain gauge fixed quantum actions. As an example the gauge fixing of a general two-dimensional model of metric-affine gravity is worked out explicitly. The result is shown to contain the gauge fixed action of the bosonic string in conformal gauge as a special case.Comment: 19 pages LATEX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamical measure and field theory models free of the cosmological constant problem

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    Summary of abstract Field theory models including gauge theories with SSB are presented where the energy density of the true vacuum state (TVS) is zero without fine tuning. The above models are constructed in the gravitational theory where a measure of integration \Phi in the action is not necessarily \sqrt{-g} but it is determined dynamically through additional degrees of freedom. The ratio \Phi/\sqrt{-g} is a scalar field which can be solved in terms of the matter degrees of freedom due to the existence of a constraint. We study a few explicit field theory models where it is possible to combine the solution of the cosmological constant problem with: 1) possibility for inflationary scenario for the early universe; 2) spontaneously broken gauge unified theories (including fermions). The models are free from the well known problem of the usual scalar-tensor theories in what is concerned with the classical GR tests. The only difference of the field equations in the Einstein frame from the canonical equations of the selfconsistent system of Einstein's gravity and matter fields, is the appearance of the effective scalar field potential which vanishes in TVS without fine tuning.Comment: Extended version of the contribution to the fourth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; 31 page

    de Sitter gravity from lattice gauge theory

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    We investigate a lattice model for Euclidean quantum gravity based on discretization of the Palatini formulation of General Relativity. Using Monte Carlo simulation we show that while a naive approach fails to lead to a vacuum state consistent with the emergence of classical spacetime, this problem may be evaded if the lattice action is supplemented by an appropriate counter term. In this new model we find regions of the parameter space which admit a ground state which can be interpreted as (Euclidean) de Sitter space.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. email address update

    Volume elements of spacetime and a quartet of scalar fields

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    Starting with a `bare' 4-dimensional differential manifold as a model of spacetime, we discuss the options one has for defining a volume element which can be used for physical theories. We show that one has to prescribe a scalar density \sigma. Whereas conventionally \sqrt{|\det g_{ij}|} is used for that purpose, with g_{ij} as the components of the metric, we point out other possibilities, namely \sigma as a `dilaton' field or as a derived quantity from either a linear connection or a quartet of scalar fields, as suggested by Guendelman and Kaganovich.Comment: 7 pages RevTEX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An experimental test of non-local realism

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    Most working scientists hold fast to the concept of 'realism' - a viewpoint according to which an external reality exists independent of observation. But quantum physics has shattered some of our cornerstone beliefs. According to Bell's theorem, any theory that is based on the joint assumption of realism and locality (meaning that local events cannot be affected by actions in space-like separated regions) is at variance with certain quantum predictions. Experiments with entangled pairs of particles have amply confirmed these quantum predictions, thus rendering local realistic theories untenable. Maintaining realism as a fundamental concept would therefore necessitate the introduction of 'spooky' actions that defy locality. Here we show by both theory and experiment that a broad and rather reasonable class of such non-local realistic theories is incompatible with experimentally observable quantum correlations. In the experiment, we measure previously untested correlations between two entangled photons, and show that these correlations violate an inequality proposed by Leggett for non-local realistic theories. Our result suggests that giving up the concept of locality is not sufficient to be consistent with quantum experiments, unless certain intuitive features of realism are abandoned.Comment: Minor corrections to the manuscript, the final inequality and all its conclusions do not change; description of corrections (Corrigendum) added as new Appendix III; Appendix II replaced by a shorter derivatio
