54 research outputs found

    Mycotoxins as one of the foodborne risks most susceptible to climatic change

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    The impact of climate change on agriculture and food safety is certain. This may affect mycotoxin concentrations as fungi with higher temperature optima for growth and mycotoxin production will dominate in regions with currently cooler climates, or become less prevalent as the temperatures become too high in areas where the temperature is already hot. In Serbia, recent drought and then flooding confirmed that mycotoxins are one of the foodborne hazards most susceptible to climate change. This paper ams to discuss the weather influence on the mycotoxicology situation and to point out the possibility of prediction and prevention of such future problems

    Ispitivanje efikasnosti različitih dodataka hrani za životinje na proizvodne rezultate brojlera tretiranih T-2 toksinom

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    Experiment was conducted on 160 one-day-old broiler chicks 'Ross' proveniention during 21 day. This research was done with the aim to investigate performances of broilers exposed to the relatively small amount of T-2 toxin (2 mg/kg) and the possibility of prevention and/or alleviating its adverse effects by using various feed additives. Results showed negative consequences of T-2 toxin on body weight, weight gain, feed: gain ratio. All used feed additives in the concentration of 0.2% in feed: inorganic (Minazel-plus, Mz) and organic (Mycosorb, Ms) adsorbents, as well as mixed adsorbent (Mycofix-plus, Mf) mostly alleviated negative effects of T-2 toxin.Rezultati istraživanja, koje je urađeno sa ciljem da se ispitaju proizvodni rezultati brojlera izloženih relativno malim količinama T-2 toksina (2 mg/kg), kao i i mogućnost sprečavanja i/ili ublažavanje njegovih Å”tetnih posledica posledice upotrebom različitih dodataka hrani za životinje, pokazali su negativne posledice T-2 toksina na telesnu masu, prirast i konverziju hrane. Svi primenjeni dodaci u koncentraciji od 0,2% u hrani: neorganski (Minazel plus, MZ), organski (Mycosorb, MS), kao i meÅ”oviti adsorbens (Mycofix plus, MF) najvećim delom su ublažili negativne efekte T-2 toksina. Pa ipak, kao najefikasniji pokazao se meÅ”oviti adsorbent. Naime, očigledno je da tokom svog metabolizma BBSH 797, kao sastavni deo Mycofix-a, proizvodi enzime de-epoksidaze koji degradiraju trihotecene selektivnim uniÅ”tavanjem njihove toksične 12,13-epoksi grupe. Kako je poznato da je 12,13-epoksi prsten trihotecena odgovoran za njegovu toksičnost, dodavanje specifičnih enzima (de-epoksidaza) posledično dovodi i do značajnog smanjenja toksičnosti. Na ovaj način je meÅ”oviti adsorbent najviÅ”e ublažio Å”tetno dejstvo T-2 toksina na proizvodne rezultate brojlera

    Efficacy of mineral and organic adsorbent in alleviating harmful effects of zearalenone on pig blood serum protein status

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    The influence of zearalenone on blood serum protein status and the feasibility of utilizing a modified clinoptilolite and esterified glucomannan to alleviate its harmful effects was examined in two trials, 31 and 29 days long, conducted on a total of 64 pigs (32 each) 60 days old, divided into four groups, each containing 8 pigs. Control groups (K) received noncontaminated feed, while experimental groups received feed supplemented with 3.84 mg/kg in the first trial and 5.12 mg/kg of zearalenone in the second trial. Pigs in the first experimental groups (O-I) were given feed with toxin only. Modified clinoptilolite in the amount of 0.2% and esterified glucomannan in the amount of 0.1% were introduced in contaminated feed of the second (O-II) and the third experimental groups (O-III) of both trials. With the use of contaminated feed, a declining trend of the A/G ratio was observed: decrease of albumin content and increase of globulin content on account of the _ globulin fraction. A decrease of the _ globulin fraction was detected at the same time. Total protein concentration was also lower. The application of adsorbents successfully alleviated harmful effects of the F-2 toxin on the affected biochemical parameters in blood serum

    Efikasnost detoksikujućeg agensa kod T-2 toksikoze brojlera

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    This investigation was conducted in order to investigate the efficacy of the detoxifying agent MycofixĀ® Plus (MP) in the prevention and/or alleviation in vivo adverse effects of T-2 toxin in broilers. In addition, the adsorbing potential of MP was estimated in vitro. Mean degradation levels of T-2 toxin with MP in vitro, as measured by HPTLC, varied from 26.06 to 31.02 % and the adsorption ability was elevated in acidic environment (pH 3). In vivo trial was performed on 160 one day old 'Ross' broiler chicks and lasted for 21 days. Birds were divided into 4 equal groups as follows: Group 1 - negative control; Group 2 - positive control - 2 ppm T-2 toxin; Group 3 - 2 ppm T-2 toxin+2 kg/t MP; Group 4 - 2 kg/t MP. Broilers fed the diet containing 2 mg/kg of T-2 toxin without MP developed typical T-2 toxicosis. Birds that were fed the diet containing both T-2 and MP had better performances and no oral ulcerations as the dominant sign of T-2 toxicosis were observed. Histopathological examination of tissues originating from birds fed the diet containing T-2 toxin revealed degenerative changes in the oral and small intestine mucosa, necroses of enterocytes and hepatocytes, as well as depletion of lymphocytes in the bursa Fabricii. Immunohistochemical examination also revealed negative effects of T-2 toxin on cells proliferation in intestineal and bile duct mucosa, as well as on lymphocytes from bursa Fabricii. The macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver, intestine and bursa Fabricii of broilers fed a diet containing T-2 toxin and MP was mostly preserved. Cutaneous basophile hypersensitivity reaction was weaker in broilers fed mixtures containing 2 mg/kg T-2 toxin.U cilju ispitivanja efikasnosti detoksikujućeg agensa MycofixĀ® Plus (MP) na preveniranje ili ublažavanje Å”tetnih efekata T-2 toksikoze kod brojlera izvedena su ispitivanja u in vitro uslovima, kao i in vivo ogled. Prosečne vrednosti degradacije T-2 toksina od strane MP u in vitro uslovima, ustanovljene HPTLC metodom, su iznosile 26,06 do 31,02 %, pri čemu je konstatovana veća sposobnost adsorpcije ovog toksina u kiseloj sredini (pH 3). In vivo ogled je bio postavljen na 160 jednodnevnih brojlera provenijencije 'Ross', podeljenih u 4 eksperimentalne grupe sa po 40 jedinki u svakoj i trajao je 21 dan. Praćenjem zdravstvenog stanja, kliničke slike i proizvodnih rezultata, kod brojlera koji su u hrani dobijali umeÅ”an T-2 toksin u količini od 2 mg/kg, konstatovani su karakteristični simptomi za T-2 toksikozu. Kod brojlera koji su uz toksin, hranom dobijali iMP, konstatovani su zaÅ”titni efekti u vidu izostanka ulceracija u usnoj duplji i boljih proizvodnih rezultata u odnosu na brojlere koji su dobijali samo T-2 toksin. PatohistoloÅ”kim ispitivanjima uočeni su negativni efekti T-2 toksina u svim ispitivanim organima u vidu degenerativnih promena na sluzokoži usne duplje i tankog creva, nekroza enterocita i hepatocita kao i deplecija limfocita u Fabricijevoj burzi. Imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjima uočeni su negativni efekti T-2 toksina na proliferativnu aktivnost ćelija mukoze creva, žučnih kanala i limfocita u Fabricijevoj burzi. Kod brojlera koji su putem hrane dobijali T-2 toksin i adsorbens MP, zapaža se uglavnom očuvana makroskopska i mikroskopska struktura jetre, creva i Fabricijeve burze. Reakcija kožne preosetljivosti na PHA je bila slabija kod brojlera koji su hranom dobijali samo T-2 toksin

    Mycotoxicoses in animals caused by secondary metabolites of molds

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    It is estimated that at least 25% of grain and other cereals are today contaminated with known mycotoxins, while a large number of them are probably contaminated with as yet unidentified mycotoxins. Mycotoxins produce mold mycea, and it is believed that over 220 species have this characteristic. A large number of different mycotoxins has been identified so far, of which only a small number are of medicinal, nutritive and economic significance (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichotecenes, zearalenon). The listed mycotoxins present secondary metabolites, primarily the species Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillinum. Mycotoxicoses pose a nutritive-medical, but also a diagnostic problem, because certain mycotoxins cause changes in a number of organs. Diseases caused by mycotoxins are not contagious, they are connected with food and/or specific feed, they are similar to avitaminoses, they are not treated with antibiotics or other medicines, and they do not cause an immunological response in the organism because they are of small molecular mass so that animals are permanently protected from their effects. The content of mycotoxins in food and/or feed in practical conditions more often causes the appearance of chronic mycotoxicoses, and the effects of smaller quantities over a longer time period are the same as of bigger quantities over a short period. The early or timely establishment of the presence of mycotoxins in food and the subsequent elimination of the contaminated food from use can aleviate the negative effects, but a certain time period is required for the elimination of the resorbed quantities of mycotoxins and the disappearance of the harmful effect. That is why constant and multilevel monitoring of sanitary hygiene of feed must be practiced in production conditions in order to secure a swift and efficient reaction, as currently the only manner for the successful prevention of the harmful effects of mycotoxins

    Mikotoksikoze živine prouzrokovane trihotecenima

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    Recent mycological and mycotoxicological analysis of many feed samples have shown that this problem is still present. It is approved that mouldy feed can contain various mycotoxins, but in our conditions among the most investigated and usually present are some trichotecenes. Based on laboratory feed inspection of samples sent to be analysed in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia in Belgrade it was concluded that fungi and mycotoxins contamination are common. Although detected levels usually do not exceed limits layed by actual legislation, having on mind cumulative effects and possible chronical exposure of animals to their harmful influence, appropriate and competent approach is necessary. In fact, even when direct loses, as consequence of high mortality are not present, indirect loses due to drop of performances and production and higher incidence of other deseases must not be neglected.Fusarium plesni preovlađuju u naÅ”em regionu. Među mikotoksinima koje proizvode Fusarium plesni, živina je naročito osetljiva na T-2 toksin i DAS koji pripadaju grupi trihotecena. Mlada živina, uzgojna živina, patke i golubovi često su osetljiviji na efekte mikotoksina. Kombinacija viÅ”e različitih vrsta mikotoksina može da dovede do težih efekata čineći problematičnijim definisanje sigurnih nivoa u hrani. U cilju prevencije problema u vezi sa prisustvom mikotoksina u hrani neophodno je pravilno skladiÅ”tenje i rukovanje žitaricama i gotovom hranom kako bi se smanjio razvoj plesni i produkcija mikotoksina. Takođe, neophodno je vrÅ”iti i redovne analize za detekciju mikotoksina. Dodaci hrani za životinje mogu da se koriste za ublažavanje Å”tetnih efekata nekih mikotoksina, ali treba da budu istraženi kako bi njihova aktivnost bila usmerena na mikotoksin od interesa

    Improved DNA-based identification of cervidae species in forensic investigations

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    The main reasons for wildlife forensic research are animal poaching, illegal trade, and falsified game meat products. Small trace amounts, old and degraded materials present the most common samples in revealing criminal activities in this field. This is the reason why it is crucial to use adequate and reliable methods and samples to identify animal species killed outside the hunting season or species protected by law. In this study, different endpoint PCR and real-time PCR protocols were compared in the identification of three Cervidae species (Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus, Dama dama) from old and damaged material found in an enclosed area where the animals were kept. From a total of 129 samples, end point PCR provided results for 119 samples, while real-time PCR was successful in all cases. Also, we created and tested a protocol for simultaneous analyses of different types of samples, which is of great importance as when the amplification is carried out simultaneously it is more cost efficient and speeds up the process

    Categorization of animal feed according to microbiological quality - Preferable improvement in the food chain

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    Given the fact that the law on animal feed in Serbia has long been expected and that the current Regulation on the quality of animal feed, which includes microbiological criteria, requires improvement over the years, it is time to choose the best new solutions. The recommendable change that would bring the categorization of animal feed according to more objective and comprehensive criteria is based on the use of the VDLUFA (Verbands Deutscher Landwirdschaftlicher Untersuchungs und Forschungsanstalten) method. In several European countries, it has become routine, due to the great interest of feed producers and animal breeders in good knowledge of microbiological quality of feed as a guarantee of a wholesome final product. It involves determination of the contents of moulds, yeasts and bacteria while taking into account their potential pathogenicity. Based on the number of microorganisms, divided into seven groups, feed and feedingstuffs are classified into four categories. Classes I to III can be placed on the market, while class IV is not suitable for animal nutrition. More precise, regular determination of microorganisms would also provide a better insight into other common feed-born problems, such as, for instance, the possibility of mycotoxin occurrence

    Entomophagy ā€” a novel option in animal and human nutrition

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    Entomophagy is not a new phenomenon in the world. Moreover, it is a traditional diet in a large part of the planet. However, in the European framework it belongs to the category of novel food and although the topic is often debated, it represents a growing choice in human and animal nutrition. Edible insects have the potential to serve as a healthy, sustainable alternative to animal protein sources due to their valuable nutritional composition. They may have superior health benefits based on high levels of essential amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, fibre and antioxidants. They could offer a myriad of environmental benefits, including overall reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reduced use of agricultural land and water. Future research should aim to understand the beneficial effects of whole insects or insect isolates compared to traditional foods of animal and plant origin. Although insects have the potential to be used as meat substitutes or dietary supplements, leading to benefits for human health and the environment, this paper does not aim to ultimately propagate their use, but to point out their advantages and qualities, as well as potential dangers and risks, and finally to present ways of placing insects on the European market

    Trovanja životinja izazvana sekundarnim metabolitima plesni

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    It is estimated that at least 25% of grain and other cereals are today contaminated with known mycotoxins, while a large number of them are probably contaminated with as yet unidentified mycotoxins. Mycotoxins produce mold mycea, and it is believed that over 220 species have this characteristic. A large number of different mycotoxins has been identified so far, of which only a small number are of medicinal, nutritive and economic significance (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichotecenes, zearalenon). The listed mycotoxins present secondary metabolites, primarily the species Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillinum. Mycotoxicoses pose a nutritive-medical, but also a diagnostic problem, because certain mycotoxins cause changes in a number of organs. Diseases caused by mycotoxins are not contagious, they are connected with food and/or specific feed, they are similar to avitaminoses, they are not treated with antibiotics or other medicines, and they do not cause an immunological response in the organism because they are of small molecular mass so that animals are permanently protected from their effects. The content of mycotoxins in food and/or feed in practical conditions more often causes the appearance of chronic mycotoxicoses, and the effects of smaller quantities over a longer time period are the same as of bigger quantities over a short period. The early or timely establishment of the presence of mycotoxins in food and the subsequent elimination of the contaminated food from use can aleviate the negative effects, but a certain time period is required for the elimination of the resorbed quantities of mycotoxins and the disappearance of the harmful effect. That is why constant and multilevel monitoring of sanitary hygiene of feed must be practiced in production conditions in order to secure a swift and efficient reaction, as currently the only manner for the successful prevention of the harmful effects of mycotoxins.Procenjuje se da je danas najmanje 25 posto žitarica i drugog zrnevlja kontaminisano poznatim mikotoksinima, dok je, verovatno, veliki deo kontaminisan joÅ” neidentifikovanim mikotoksinima. Mikotoksine produkuju gljivice plesni, a smatra se da ovu osobinu poseduje viÅ”e od 220 vrsta. Do sada je poznat veliki broj različitih mikotoksina od kojih samo manji broj ima medicinski, nutritivni i ekonomski značaj (aflatoksini, ohratoksini, trihoteceni i zearalenon). Navedeni mikotoksini predstavljaju sekundarne metabolite, pre svega, Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium vrsta. Mikotoksikoze predstavljaju nutritivno-medicinski, ali i dijagnostički problem, jer pojedini mikotoksini izazivaju promene na viÅ”e organa. Oboljenja koja izazivaju mikotoksini nisu kontagiozna, vezana su za hranu i/ili specifična hraniva, slična su avitaminozama, ne leče se antibioticima i drugim lekovima, a u organizmu ne izazivaju imunski odgovor, jer su male molekulske mase, pa su životinje trajno nezaÅ”tićene od njihovog delovanja. Sadržaj mikotoksina u hranivima i/ili hrani u praktičnim uslovima čeŔće izaziva pojavljivanje hroničnih mikotoksikoza, a delovanje manjih količina tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda ima iste efekte kao veće količine tokom kraćeg vremenskog perioda. Ranim, odnosno pravovremenim utvrđivanjem prisustva mikotoksina u hrani i posledičnim isključivanjem kontaminisane hrane iz upotrebe mogu da se ublaže negativni efekti, ali je potreban određeni vremenski period za eliminisanje resorbovane količine mikotoksina i Å”tetnog efekta. Zato u proizvodnim uslovima mora da se praktikuje stalni i viÅ”estepeni monitoring higijenske ispravnosti hrane radi brzog i efikasnog reagovanja, kao, za sada jedinog, načina uspeÅ”ne prevencije Å”tetnih efekata mikotoksina
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