2 research outputs found

    Pedagogy and Information Technology Integration, As Strategies for Improving Academic Performance in Stem Subjects: A Critical Literature Review

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    Globally, the teaching of STEM subjects has been construed as a plausible solution to solving societal problems ranging from economic to social development issues. In order to realize these benefits, there is need to focus on the pedagogy in teaching of STEM subjects. Besides in 21st Century use of IT has become both enabler and a driver of every part of life including education. As such this study purposes to explore and synthesize major trends of research on stem subjects’ pedagogy and IT integration and academic performance. The systematic critical review methodology for this study included perusal of quality journal articles related to topic of study in the last three years. However, in cases of absence of more recent studies, collection of information from previous years was allowed. The main search key themes included: Pedagogical beliefs and attitudes, IT access and integration, Skills capacity interventions, Cloud digital content and academic and Performance in STEM Subjects The selected journals include but not limited to Emerald, Taylor and Francis, JSTOR, EBSCOhost and Wiley Online. Study findings show varying propositions regarding teacher pedagogy aspects and integration of IT in STEM subjects. Particularly teacher beliefs and attitudes seem to have implication on probability of IT integration in STEM teaching; while IT access, skills capacity interventions, access to cloud digital content pose a challenge in teachers’ pedagogical practices which in turn affect the learner performance. Despite the comprehensive literature search and review across geographical regions within limits of time and access, it is clear that the study findings prepare ground for further research and possibility of capacity building interventions. KEY WORDS: Pedagogical beliefs, IT access and integration, Skills capacity interventions, Cloud digital content and academic Performance in STEM Subjects DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-21-21 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Parental Involvement in Homework and Primary School Academic Performance in Kenya

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    The factors associated with students’ academic performance may have been addressed but the impact of parental involvement continues to be a significant issue. Some schools in Kenya post poor results amid claims that parents are not supportive. This study examined the effect of parental involvement in homework on academic performance in public primary schools in Teso North Sub County, Busia- Kenya. The objectives were; to establish the types of homework assistance children get from parents, to ascertain the extent of parental involvement in homework and to examine the association between parental involvement in homework and school academic performance. All teachers, head teachers, pupils and parents in public primary schools were targeted. Thirty schools were sampled randomly from where 532 respondents (30 head teachers, 30 parents, 192 teachers and 280 pupils) were then sampled. Parents and head teachers were purposively sampled while teachers and pupils were proportionately sampled.  A descriptive survey design was employed and data collected using questionnaires, semi- structured interviews schedules and document analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed using means, percentages and frequencies and qualitative data was reported directly. T-tests, Pearson moment correlation coefficient, and OLS regression coefficients were used to test hypotheses. The results indicate female parents were more willing to assist children in homework. Parents provided limited assistance in areas such as reading, writing and solving difficult sums. Parental involvement in homework positively correlated with school academic performance. The positive effect of parental involvement in homework disappeared when other variables were controlled for. It was concluded that since educational gains of parental involvement are noted and confirmed the significance of parents in educational processes. It was recommended that parents who don’t assist children in homework should be sensitized to do so. Keywords: parental involvement, homework, primary school, academic performance