23 research outputs found

    Soleil et ombre

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    In this collection, Bill F. NDI resorts to more sagacious versification (rhyme constraints, alliterations and at times the alexandrine) in which appear marked influences of many a French poet. Some of his more audacious poems bring to mind Calligrams and typography of Appolinaire and Paul Éluard respectively

    Bleeding Red : Cameroon in Black and White

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    Bill NDI's Bleeding Red: Cameroon in Black and White is another masterpiece from a poet with a deeply political vision. This collection of poems with Cameroon as the particular focal point is a paragon of socio-political and cultural alertness in verse that will get every reader on their toes. Bill NDI's world is fraught with topsy-turvydom. It is a world darkened by experience and a keen sense of the wrongs plaguing his beloved country. He points out, without preaching, where it all went wrong, how it can, or what it will take to, be redeemed. The acerbity of Bill NDI s criticism runs from the very first poem of the collection 'Anthem for Essingang' through The Promise to the very last one 'Papa Ngando Yi Mimba for Camelun'. What a clime characterised by a 'clan of mbokos, clan of bandits' It is just natural that as they perpetrate 'death and sadness' in his beloved fatherland, nothing but 'disgrace', 'great shame', and 'repudiation' awaits them for evermore


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    The poems in this collection are adequate, with great lines. The rhythm is stimulating to all the five senses thanks to the use of multiple images. A lot of imagery in Vestiges gives a picture of a war front after a ferocious battle. The objects, animals, and images in the poems disorient and lead the reader to focusing on putting flesh to the bones than just getting the juice of the poems... The rhythm more than anything else carries the reader through this chaotic tableau painted in Vestiges. In a way, this comes across as a substantiation of the poet's vision of our world and an explanation as to why he considers this collection as a skeleton; and precisely skeletons left by the ravages of war. Is the poet's world and ours a field of ruins and topsy-turvydom to which we are all blind? The answer is yours

    Musings On Ars Poetica : Poetic Reflections on the Poet and Poetry in Verse

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    A literary monument erected by a poet for poets with a vision for poetry as a special annunciation and the poet as a seer, spokesperson, recorder, analyst, adjudicator and advocate with poetic vision and poetic understanding. Bill Ndi, the poet has the rare gift of slipping into the self and psyche of his society to empty the dark depths where the treasures of burden and sadness are hidden. He empties and exposes them to the world to see how even personal repression of feelings by far outweighs those imposed throughout History by tyrants. It is above all, his greatest task of filling these depths with the joys and expectations of the society. This objective stance by the poet places him above the fanatic whose subjectivity pushes the world adrift and makes of the poet a universal man of peace

    La Puissance Manifestee Dans La Faiblesse : Ouvrage Originel D'Elizabeth Stirredge

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    Elizabeth Stirredge's spiritual autobiography is a treasury of spiritual wisdom which paints all that which is needed to be a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and how God in His might works, transforms, and supports an ordinary soul to lead the life of extraordinary faithfulness. The text highlights Stirredge's intimate conviction as well as that of early Quakers. This translation is a welcomed venture because this is a central piece, deserving of much more attention than that which has been accorded to it until now

    Secrets, Silences and Betrayals

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    Secrets, Silences, and Betrayals is an invitation to readers to consider factoring in the often discarded or censored but useful information held by the dominated. The books principal claim is that the unsaid weighs in significantly on the scale of semantic construction as that which is said. Thus, it legitimates the impact of the absentee in broadening and clarifying knowledge and understanding in most disciplines. In other words, just as exogenous epistemologies have underlain and explicated the basis for understanding diverse encounters-social, political, historical, cultural, literary, etc.-Secrets, Silences, and Betrayals challenges, from a pluridisciplinary angle, such highly dominant approaches to investigating the origin, nature, ways of knowing, and limits of human knowledge. It thus yields to the deontological basis to critically reexamine our understanding of the world around us. It is in this regard that the present volume points towards the need for human history to become a cumulative record and re-recording of every human journey and endeavor in life; it brings together disparate voices illuminating topical issues that would be or have been legated to posterity as nonexistent, partial, or half-truths

    Barbed Forest

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    Barbed Forest draws from the socio-political character of societyspecific societies sometimes. It navigates its way from the political to the familial and ultimately personal concerns of humankind before projecting the positive humanist vision of which the poet cum freedom songster dreams

    Sing Love 101

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    Sing Love 101 a collection of 101 love poems in which this wordsmith worth his words brings together the good, the bad and the ugly of human love experiences. The poems are glossed with the simplicity of a sweet gentle breeze that caresses the reader's heart like that blowing across his childhood rice fields in the summer. The poet highlights 'Love' as 'the Dream' none should let die

    La Logorrhée du poète ou l'Histoire des Camerouns en 33 gouttelettes

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    ? La vérité blesse ? ou encore ? la vérité est une pilule amère à avaler ? sont des adages depuis fort longtemps passés de mode. Cependant, dans La Logorrhée du poète ou lHistoire des Camerouns en 33 gouttelettes, le poète évoque et symbolise dune manière nouvelle et dune esthétique fascinante le mal-vivre de Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia avec ses frères/voisins de la République du Cameroun. Le premier ayant choisi (en 1961) la fédération avec la République du Cameroun qui nen voulut point au départ, sen veut et pour ce, cherche à défaire cette relation sans fondement ni base. Ce vouloir étant accueilli par une brutalité sanguinaire et féroce na laissé à ce poète engagé que le choix dexposer la laideur de la tyrannie, de la tuerie, de linsouciance, et de lhypocrisie de ceux sensés gouverner. Les sévices subis par le peuple du Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia semblent souligner la volonté du poète à faire valoir aux Ambazonians, leur droit de quête de liberté. Cette prise de position rappelle la perspective Sartrienne de lengagement littéraire. Bref, ce recueil est riche sur le plan esthétique et aussi historique de fond en comble