3 research outputs found

    Consumption of fruits and vegetables by types and sources across urban and rural Senegal

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    Purpose: This paper analyzes the consumption of fruits and vegetables (FV) in Senegal by: (1) urban and rural areas; (2) FV types (African-indigenous vs non-indigenous); (3) sources of FV (imports, purchases and own-production). Design/methodology/approach: The authors undertake descriptive and regression analyses on consumption of FV sourced from purchases, own-production and gifts. The data come from primary surveys in 2017/2018 of 6,328 rural and urban households in Senegal. Findings: The analysis showed that FV are important in urban and rural food consumption. A stunning 76% of rural FV consumption is from purchases, showing the importance of FV supply chains even into and among rural areas. Only 12% of national FV consumption is from imports. Most FV consumption in rural and urban areas is now of non-indigenous FV; African-indigenous FV have a minor share. Research limitations/implications: A limitation of this paper is that it uses a cross-sectional dataset. Originality/value: There are few national survey-based studies of FV consumption in Africa. This is the first to disaggregate FV consumption between primary versus secondary cities and rural towns, and rural areas close to and far from cities, in such detail regarding types and sources of FV as outlined in the findings. The regressions contribute by including determinants beyond income, including gender, employment, spatiality and education

    ART initiation in an outpatient treatment center in Dakar, Senegal: A retrospective cohort analysis (1998-2015).

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    OBJECTIVE:To examine how patient characteristics combined with ART eligibility expansions affect the initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among eligible patients attending a referral center in Senegal from 1998 to 2015. METHODS:This is a retrospective observational study carried out at the outpatient treatment Centre (Centre de Traitement Ambulatoire) in Dakar, Senegal, based on computerized medical records, gathered from 1998 to 2015, of ART-naïve patients over 15 years of age. ART eligibility was defined as (CD4 count below 200) or as (WHO stage 4) or as (WHO stage 3 with (CD4 count below 350 or with unavailable CD4 count)) in 1998-2010; as (CD4 count below 350) or as (WHO stage 3 or 4) in 2011-2013; as (CD4 count below 500) or as (WHO stage 3 or 4) in 2014-2015. Four periods were defined according to ART eligibility expansions and Senegal's HIV care history: 1998-2003 (P 1), 2004-2010 (P 2), 2011-2013 (P3), and 2014-2015 (P4). Patients were expected to participate financially in their treatment during the first period (P1). RESULTS:A total of 3651 patient records were included. The median patient age was 40 years (IQR: 32-48). Women represented 56% of the population. The median CD4 count was 183 cells/mm3. Overall, 53% of patients had CD4 < 200 cells/mm3 at entry. This proportion reached 45% in 2014-2015. 2535 patients (69%) were eligible for therapy, including 1503 (41%) who started ART. The proportion of treated patients among those who were eligible at entry or later increased steadily from 25%, 47%, 75% to 82% in the four periods, respectively. The median time to treatment decreased from 5.6 months (IQR: 3-11) in P1 to 0.8 months (IQR: 0-2) in P4. Eligible patients with more advanced disease (CD4<200 cells/mm3 and/or clinical stage 3 or 4) were more likely to be ART initiated than those with CD4≥200 cells/mm3 and/or clinical stage 1 or 2 at each stage of ART eligibility expansion. CONCLUSION:ART eligibility expansions were marked by a sharp increase in the proportion of eligible patients initiating treatment. These results show that in terms of management, the target of "Test and Treat" can be easily reached but that HIV testing will remain a key element to improve treatment success, as illustrated by the high proportion of people with advanced stage of infection at the time of ART initiation

    Evaluation of Senegal’s prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) program data for HIV surveillance

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    Abstract Background With the expansion of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) services in Senegal, there is growing interest in using PMTCT program data in lieu of conducting unlinked anonymous testing (UAT)-based ANC Sentinel Surveillance. For this reason, an evaluation was conducted in 2011–2012 to identify the gaps that need to be addressed while transitioning to using PMTCT program data for surveillance. Methods We conducted analyses to assess HIV prevalence rates and agreements between Sentinel Surveillance and PMTCT HIV test results. Also, a data quality assessment of the PMTCT program registers and data was conducted during the Sentinel Surveillance period (December 2011 to March 2012) and 3 months prior. Finally, we also assessed selection bias, which was the percentage difference from the HIV prevalence among all women enrolled in the antenatal clinic and the HIV prevalence among women who accepted PMTCT HIV testing. Results The median site HIV prevalence using routine PMTCT HIV testing data was 1.1% (IQR: 1.0) while the median site prevalence from the UAT HIV Sentinel Surveillance data was at 1.0% (IQR: 1.6). The Positive per cent agreement (PPA) of the PMTCT HIV test results compared to those of the Sentinel Surveillance was 85.1% (95% CI 77.2–90.7%), and the percent-negative agreement (PNA) was 99.9% (95% CI 99.8–99.9%). The overall HIV prevalence according to UAT was the same as that found for women accepting a PMTCT HIV test and those who refused, with percent bias at 0.00%. For several key PMTCT variables, including “HIV test offered” (85.2%), “HIV test acceptance” (78.0%), or “HIV test done” (58.8%), the proportion of records in registers with combined complete and valid data was below the WHO benchmark of 90%. Conclusions The PPA of 85.1 was below the WHO benchmarks of 96.6%, while the combined data validity and completeness rates was below the WHO benchmark of 90% for many key PMTCT variables. These results suggested that Senegal will need to reinforce the quality of onsite HIV testing and improve program data collection practices in preparation for using PMTCT data for surveillance purposes