10 research outputs found

    Traditional Marriage in Africa: A Pragmatic Analysis of the Wedding Songs in Saalum Communities

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    This study raises women’s issues that are part of women’s lives. It draws particularly the wedding songs pragmatics in societies in which communication is an oral cultural basis. From these views, the topic elaborates cultural perception of a certain community, regarding wedding songs to illustrate a handful of characteristics of civilized rules held by the tradition. This topic treats from the view of pragmatic meaning the problem of wedding songs in which, an extracted version is taken from informants to analyze the impact of these oral communication characteristics. Pragmatically, the analysis has thus outlined many communicative aspects to convey knowledge, to inherit social and cultural practices, and to educate the young generation, while serving adults as guides. This topic contributes to cultural diversity and traditional apprehension around different concepts in African societies generally, and the Saalum community particularly

    Descriptive Grammar: The Study of Nouns in Wolof and English

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    The experience of a second language teacher in English allows for building academic relationships between foreign and local language learning. In fact, this topic is a descriptive study of nouns in Wolof and English. It outlines the characteristics of variable and invariable nouns and paints out their descriptive aspects. Indeed, the grammatical rules of nouns mainly consider the determiners which vary. In Wolof for example, the determiners are set from marks of classes as basic roots. The number is marked from these class roots to rule. As for English, is marked within the analysis that nouns behave thanks to grammatical occurrences of the determiners. We have made the distinction of the number between the variable and invariable nouns according to the determiner and the nouns’ morphology. This topic aims at providing wider strategies in language teaching and learning to achieve academic goals

    Comparative Grammar of Wolof and English. The Present Tense Use

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    This topic sets a comparative issue in which, the present tense of Wolof and English is treated. The syntactic rules that govern a language are influential in the structures. Within sentences particularly, verbs hold main roles in the tense rules system. This lead to comparing verbal constructs, while considering the present tense systems. With a method of data collection, a corpus is set in both languages for verbs’ characteristics. Indeed, have shown that the verbs’ occurrences as constituents in sentences vary thanks to the aspects and modalities. Then, these verbal constructs are compared for grammatical results, leading to widening teaching and learning strategies in the first and second languages

    Les variables psychologiques médiatisées par le serious game dans l'insertion et la formation.

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    International audienc

    Les variables psychologiques médiatisées par le serious game dans l'insertion et la formation.

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    International audienc