12 research outputs found
Abstract The article presents the results of the study on nutritional value of the uncooked smoked pork product with the complex brine. It was found that the use of the starter cultures on the basis of Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus fermentum in an amount of 5% by weight of the raw materials and the aqueous extract of dog-rose hips (Rosa Davurica) in an amount of 0.5% by weight of the raw materials, as recipe ingredients of the brine, allows reducing the duration of the drying process by 24 hours and the salting process also by 24 hours.It was found that the product meets the requirements of the standard for this type of products by the content of protein (13.2%) and fat (27.8%). The uncooked smoked pork loin, which was made using starter cultures on the basis of Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus fermentum and the aqueous extract of dog-rose hips, is close to the recommended ratio of PUFAs : MUFAs : SFAs (10:60:30). The authors also noted that the presence of ascorbic acid in the extract led to a significant decrease in the residual amount of sodium nitrite by almost three times in the innovative smoked pork product, which increased its food safety.The results of the study showed that addition of the starter cultures L. brevis and L. fermentum and the extract of dog-rose hips (Rosa Davurica) to the brine during salting had a positive effect on the formation of the sensory characteristics of the pork loin: taste, aroma, color and its structural and mechanical properties. The product had the more monolithic, firm texture and rich color. The research on the quantitative detection of viable cells of L. brevis and L. fermentum in the uncooked smoked pork loin «Pikantnaya» was also done in this work. It was found that on the 25th day of storage, the total number of viable cells in the loin was 1*107 CFU/g, which corresponded to the requirements for the probiotic products.Аннотация В статье представлены результаты исследования пищевой ценности сырокопченого изделия из свинины с использованием сложного рассола. Выявлено, что использование в составе рассола дополнительных рецептурных ингредиентов – комбинированной закваски на основе стартовых культур Lactobacillus brevis и Lactobacillus fermentum в количестве 5% к массе сырья и водного настоя плодов шиповника Даурского (Rosa Davurica) в количестве 0,5% к массе сырья позволило сократить длительность таких процессов производства корейки, как посол (выдержка в заливочном рассоле) на 24 ч и сушку на 24 ч.Выявлено, что по содержанию белка (13,2%) и жира (27,8%) готовый продукт соответствует требованиям стандарта, предъявляемым к данному виду продукта. По соотношению ПНЖК:МНЖК:НЖК корейка «Пикантная» приближается к рекомендуемым нормам 10:60:30. Отмечено, что присутствие в настое аскорбиновой кислоты приводит к снижению остаточного количества нитрита натрия почти в три раза в инновационном сырокопченом продукте из свинины, что повышает его пищевую безопасность.Доказано, что добавление стартовых культур L. brevis и L. fermentum и настоя плодов шиповника Даурского в посолочный рассол оказывает положительное влияние на формирование высоких органолептических показателей корейки: вкуса, аромата, цвета и структурно-механических характеристик. Готовый продукт имеет монолитную, плотную консистенцию и насыщенный цвет. В работе также были проведены исследования по количественному учету жизнеспособных клеток L. brevis и L. fermentum в корейке «Пикантная», установлено, что количество жизнеспособных клеток в корейке на 25 сутки хранения (1*107 КОЕ/г), что соответствует требуемым нормам, предъявляемым к пробиотическим продуктам
The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass [data paper]
Forest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth's ecosystems and climate. It is a critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential, and for developing climate change mitigation policies such as REDD+, among others. Wall-to-wall mapping of aboveground biomass (AGB) is now possible with satellite remote sensing (RS). However, RS methods require extant, up-to-date, reliable, representative and comparable in situ data for calibration and validation. Here, we present the Forest Observation System (FOS) initiative, an international cooperation to establish and maintain a global in situ forest biomass database. AGB and canopy height estimates with their associated uncertainties are derived at a 0.25 ha scale from field measurements made in permanent research plots across the world's forests. All plot estimates are geolocated and have a size that allows for direct comparison with many RS measurements. The FOS offers the potential to improve the accuracy of RS- based biomass products while developing new synergies between the RS and ground-based ecosystem research communities
A global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass. The Forest Observation System approach
Forest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth’s ecosystems and climate. It is a critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential, and for developing climate change mitigation policies such as REDD+, among others. Wall-to-wall mapping of aboveground biomass (AGB) is now possible with satellite remote sensing (RS). However, RS methods require extant, up-to-date, reliable, representative and comparable in situ data for calibration and validation. Here, we present the Forest Observation System (FOS) initiative, an international cooperation to establish and maintain a global in situ forest biomass database. AGB and canopy height estimates with their associated uncertainties are derived at a 0.25ha scale from field measurements made in permanent research plots across the world's forests. All plot estimates are geolocated and have a size that allows for direct comparison with many RS measurements. The FOS offers the potential to improve the accuracy of RS-based biomass products while developing new synergies between the RS and ground-based ecosystem research communities. Live, most up-to-date dataset is available at https://forest-observation-system.net