45 research outputs found

    From Poincar\'e to logarithmic Sobolev inequalities: a gradient flow approach

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    We use the distances introduced in a previous joint paper to exhibit the gradient flow structure of some drift-diffusion equations for a wide class of entropy functionals. Functional inequalities obtained by the comparison of the entropy with the entropy production functional reflect the contraction properties of the flow. Our approach provides a unified framework for the study of the Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck (KFP) equation

    Infinite-horizon problems under periodicity constraint

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    We study so{\`u}e infinite-horizon optimization problems on spaces of periodic functions for non periodic Lagrangians. The main strategy relies on the reduction to finite horizon thanks in the introduction of an avering operator.We then provide existence results and necessary optimality conditions in which the corresponding averaged Lagrangian appears

    Weighted interpolation inequalities: a perturbation approach

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    We study optimal functions in a family of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities with a power-law weight, in a regime for which standard symmetrization techniques fail. We establish the existence of optimal functions, study their properties and prove that they are radial when the power in the weight is small enough. Radial symmetry up to translations is true for the limiting case where the weight vanishes, a case which corresponds to a well-known subfamily of Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities. Our approach is based on a concentration-compactness analysis and on a perturbation method which uses a spectral gap inequality. As a consequence, we prove that optimal functions are explicit and given by Barenblatt-type profiles in the perturbative regime

    Geodesics for a class of distances in the space of probability measures

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    In this paper, we study the characterization of geodesics for a class of distances between probability measures introduced by Dolbeault, Nazaret and Savar e. We first prove the existence of a potential function and then give necessary and suffi cient optimality conditions that take the form of a coupled system of PDEs somehow similar to the Mean-Field-Games system of Lasry and Lions. We also consider an equivalent formulation posed in a set of probability measures over curves

    Optimal transportation for the determinant

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    Among R3\R^3-valued triples of random vectors (X,Y,Z)(X,Y,Z) having fixed marginal probability laws, what is the best way to jointly draw (X,Y,Z)(X,Y,Z) in such a way that the simplex generated by (X,Y,Z)(X,Y,Z) has maximal average volume? Motivated by this simple question, we study optimal transportation problems with several marginals when the objective function is the determinant or its absolute value

    Weighted fast diffusion equations (Part I): Sharp asymptotic rates without symmetry and symmetry breaking in Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities

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    In this paper we consider a family of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg interpolation inequalities (CKN), with two radial power law weights and exponents in a subcritical range. We address the question of symmetry breaking: are the optimal functions radially symmetric, or not ? Our intuition comes from a weighted fast diffusion (WFD) flow: if symmetry holds, then an explicit entropy - entropy production inequality which governs the intermediate asymptotics is indeed equivalent to (CKN), and the self-similar profiles are optimal for (CKN). We establish an explicit symmetry breaking condition by proving the linear instability of the radial optimal functions for (CKN). Symmetry breaking in (CKN) also has consequences on entropy - entropy production inequalities and on the intermediate asymptotics for (WFD). Even when no symmetry holds in (CKN), asymptotic rates of convergence of the solutions to (WFD) are determined by a weighted Hardy-Poincar{\'e} inequality which is interpreted as a linearized entropy - entropy production inequality. All our results rely on the study of the bottom of the spectrum of the linearized diffusion operator around the self-similar profiles, which is equivalent to the linearization of (CKN) around the radial optimal functions, and on variational methods. Consequences for the (WFD) flow will be studied in Part II of this work

    Weighted fast diffusion equations (Part II): Sharp asymptotic rates of convergence in relative error by entropy methods

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    This paper is the second part of the study. In Part~I, self-similar solutions of a weighted fast diffusion equation (WFD) were related to optimal functions in a family of subcritical Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities (CKN) applied to radially symmetric functions. For these inequalities, the linear instability (symmetry breaking) of the optimal radial solutions relies on the spectral properties of the linearized evolution operator. Symmetry breaking in (CKN) was also related to large-time asymptotics of (WFD), at formal level. A first purpose of Part~II is to give a rigorous justification of this point, that is, to determine the asymptotic rates of convergence of the solutions to (WFD) in the symmetry range of (CKN) as well as in the symmetry breaking range, and even in regimes beyond the supercritical exponent in (CKN). Global rates of convergence with respect to a free energy (or entropy) functional are also investigated, as well as uniform convergence to self-similar solutions in the strong sense of the relative error. Differences with large-time asymptotics of fast diffusion equations without weights will be emphasized