110 research outputs found

    Incoming control parameters for PVC sheets used for the production of plastic cards

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    One of the main requirements for obtaining high-quality raw materials for production is a clear formulation of the necessary parameters that the manufacturer of materials must comply with in the production of raw materials. The very observance of these parameters in the future will reduce the number of production of unsuitable products and plastic cards with defects. Parameter control is carried out for each separate batch of materials. The sample during inspection should be at least 0.1 % of the total amount of material, the deviation from the parameters should be included in the tolerance. The tasks of the stage of product quality control should ensure the implementation of the quality policy, as well as the general economic policy of the enterprise. Control is an integral part of the activities of any enterprise, a regulator of factors that form quality at all stages of the production process and ensure the release of quality products. Based on the analysis and experimental studies, the main parameters that need to be monitored were determined: geometric dimensions, color, thickness, density, surface tension, tensile strength, uniformity of paint application, shrinkage during sheet sinterin

    Social focus of business: theoretical and practical aspects

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    The article deals with the reasons for the necessity of social responsibility of business in the conditions of the global economic crisis. The nature and characteristics of social responsibility of enterprises are analyzed, existing theories of social responsibility and its international standards being examined. Social responsibility and social focus of business are defined as the activity which is advantageous for business itself being an effective factor in the success of the manufacturer. The reasons for this are given in the article. The social orientation of the producer and his commitment to the interests of stakeholders (third parties) affect the indicators of capitalization, gross income revenue, profitability, investments and reputation. Taking into account the world's leading experience, a list of public policy measures is proposed that can promote the growth of social activity of Ukrainian producers, including large corporations, in order to overcome inequality and social strain in society.Стаття присвячена з'ясуванню необхідності соціальної відповідальності бізнесу в умовах глобальної економічної кризи. Аналізуються сутність та характерні особливості соціальної відповідальності підприємств, розглядаються існуючі теорії соціальної відповідальності та її міжнародні стандарти. Соціальна відповідальність та спрямованість визначаються як діяльність, що, насамперед, вигідна бізнесу та виступають чинниками успішності виробника. Соціальна спрямованість виробника, його орієнтація на інтереси стейкхолдерів (третіх осіб) впливає на показники капіталізації, валового доходу, рентабельності, інвестицій та репутацію. На основі провідного світового досвіду пропонується перелік заходів державної політики, що сприятиме зростанню соціальної активності українських виробників, у тому числі і великих корпорацій, з метою подолання нерівності та соціальної напруги у суспільстві


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    The paper is related to the research on the semantic structure and structural elements of the concept of FRIENDSHIP in the English linguistic culture. The authors analyse the modern fairy-tale discourse in terms of representation and division of the concept of FRIENDSHIP. Semantic field of the FRIENDSHIP concept and all its structural elements can be unified into three main groups: actions, feelings, relations. This proves that the concept of FRIENDSHIP is an ideological concept based on associations, emotions, estimations and national connotations


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    The article deals with proper names, which are obligatory in the fairy-tale discourse and are cognitively, semantically and communicatively charged. Cognitive way of studying functional and pragmatic peculiarities of proper names in the English fairy-talediscourse reveals semantic meaning and pragmatic orientation of proper names as transferring units of the cognitive information


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    The authors present the results of the research on semantic variations in the word structure of antonyms, which are the way to develop a certain actual meaning in speech, as well as occasional antonymic meaning. The speaker applies such kinds of semantic manipulations in order to realize one of his/her communicative strategies. Antonyms are considered to be one of the most effective lexical mechanisms able to contribute to the successive communicative act

    Innovative potential and development of Ukrainian small enterpris-es during the war (2022-2023)

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    The purpose of the article is to study the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine during the war, taking into ac-count the need to implement innovative solutions. This necessity is caused by the uncertain environment of the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, from the terrorist acts of which civilian infrastructure and civilians suffer. The uncertainty of the environment in the conditions of hostilities makes it impossible to plan the long-term and medium-term development of entrepreneurship. That is why the article considers the essence and struc-ture of entrepreneurial innovations for the effective organization of activities in the conditions of hostilities. For the development of innovative entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine, according to the authors of the article, special investment conditions should be created. This issue takes on particular importance in 2022-2023, when the country's economy has shifted to a war footing. The article states that small business should become the main engine of wartime and post-war period. Studying the experience of developed countries, analyzing the structure of their economies, the authors pro-pose to create special business conditions for the development of small and micro entrepreneurship

    Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects

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    Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales

    Communicative Methods of Forming Professional Competences of Future Foreign Specialists During Distance Learning of Ukrainian Language in HEIs

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's military aggression against Ukraine have surely influenced the intensive development of distance learning and showed the difficulties that occurred during the educational process, especially for foreign students. Under such conditions, the use of the latest means of teaching the Ukrainian language has become one of the main priorities for the training of future foreign specialists in higher education institutions. The purpose of the work is to analyze and identify effective methods that will develop communicative abilities of foreign students in the process of learning Ukrainian. During the study, video materials, dictionaries and color schemes were used, and the survey was conducted with second and third year students. The results of the research showed that introducing students to the cultural heritage of Ukraine before the direct study of the language increased their motivation and desire to learn Ukrainian. In addition, due to the use of role/business games and video materials in stages in accordance with their specialization, there was an increase in vocabulary, as indicated by high rates of listening. In case of problems with the perception of information and its adequate understanding (reception), mnemonics were used, which included non-verbal sign language or the principle of situationality. The study also showed that most students have difficulties with learning grammar. Therefore, the method of color schemes was used, which helped to focus on the exceptions and rules with a certain color. The methodology proposed by the authors was used in the study of cases of noun and adjective. At the same time, students independently chose colors and made an association with the concept indicated by the teacher. In addition, during the work it was advisable to use dictionaries, in particular, to search for words of foreign origin, which greatly influenced the process of proper understanding of the educational material by foreigners. The results show positive changes for effective, high-quality and fast learning of Ukrainian language by foreigners

    Implementation the Principle European Education in the New Ukrainian School

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    The article deals with the problem of implementation of the principles of European education in the New Ukrainian School. In particular, the need to form a set of key competencies at different levels of education was argued. The authors emphasize the importance of educational innovation, readiness of teachers for renewed professional activities; implement integrated educational courses in the field of school education and cross-cutting content lines


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    The algorithm of the study that includes theoretical analysis and physical experiment was elaborated for the study of technological parameters of pectin containing raw material processing in the vegetable-milk forcemeats technology. The expedience of using carrot Shantenee, pumpkin Guiley and marrow Zolotinka as the sources of pectin substances in the technology of  combined forcemeats on the milk base was grounded. Technological parameters of pectin containing raw material processing for realization of its target properties as an amendment and stabilizer of the structure in milk-vegetable forcemeats technology were theoretically grounded. The methods of determination of soluble pectin and protopectin content and also the methods of determination of рН medium were chosen.   The methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data were carried out using computer programs MS Excel 97 2003 and MatCAD. The influence of рН medium, temperature and duration of thermal processing of carrot, pumpkin and marrow on the process of accumulation of soluble pectin in them was studied. The formation technology of puree of the vegetables that have the increased viscosity and are not stratified at the storage and further use. Accumulation of soluble pectin that expresses the properties of structure stabilizer and favors the increase of vegetable puree viscosity causes the expedience of its use in milk-vegetable forcemeats technology. The use of vegetable puree in milk-vegetable forcemeats technology allows widen the assortment and provide the mutual enrichment of the receipt components of combined forcemeat masses with milk proteins, β-carotene, food fibers, vitamins and other functional ingredients