1,911 research outputs found

    Composite Dipolar Recoupling: Anisotropy Compensated Coherence Transfer in Solid-State NMR

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    The efficiency of dipole-dipole coupling driven coherence transfer experiments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy of powder samples is limited by dispersion of the orientation of the internuclear vectors relative to the external magnetic field. Here we introduce general design principles and resulting pulse sequences that approach full polarization transfer efficiency for all crystallite orientations in a powder in magic-angle-spinning experiments. The methods compensate for the defocusing of coherence due to orientation dependent dipolar coupling interactions and inhomogeneous radio-frequency fields. The compensation scheme is very simple to implement as a scaffold (comb) of compensating pulses in which the pulse sequence to be improved may be inserted. The degree of compensation can be adjusted and should be balanced as a compromise between efficiency and length of the overall pulse sequence. We show by numerical and experimental data that the presented compensation protocol significantly improves the efficiency of known dipolar recoupling solid-state NMR experiment

    Quantitative analysis of pedestrian counterflow in a cellular automaton model

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    Pedestrian dynamics exhibits various collective phenomena. Here we study bidirectional pedestrian flow in a floor field cellular automaton model. Under certain conditions, lane formation is observed. Although it has often been studied qualitatively, e.g., as a test for the realism of a model, there are almost no quantitative results, neither empirically nor theoretically. As basis for a quantitative analysis we introduce an order parameter which is adopted from the analysis of colloidal suspensions. This allows to determine a phase diagram for the system where four different states (free flow, disorder, lanes, gridlock) can be distinguished. Although the number of lanes formed is fluctuating, lanes are characterized by a typical density. It is found that the basic floor field model overestimates the tendency towards a gridlock compared to experimental bounds. Therefore an anticipation mechanism is introduced which reduces the jamming probability.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Evaporation of alpha particles from 31^31P nucleus

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    The energy spectra of alpha particles have been measured in coincidence with the evaporation residues for the decay of the compound nucleus 31^31P produced in the reaction 19^19F (96 MeV) + 12^12C. The data have been compared with the predictions of the statistical model code CASCADE. It has been observed that significant deformation effect in the compound nucleus need to be considered in order to explain the shape of the evaporated alpha particle energy spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex, epsf styl

    ABO and Rh Blood Group Distribution Among Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati District, Maharashtra

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    The present study reports the distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups among the Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati district. The phenotypic frequency of blood group B is observed highest (33.06) percent, O (31.04), A (27.02) and AB is lowest (08.33) percent. The phenotypic frequency of Rh negative is (04.26) percent. TheKunbis (Maratha) population shows close genetic relationship with the Gujratis

    Identification of Cotton Leaf Diseases Using Raspberry Pi

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    In India cultivation of crop is carried out by traditional methods and techniques. Today tremendous improvement in field of agriculture technologies and products can be seen. The plant diseases affect the overall production drastically. Image processing technique can be key technique for diagnosis of plant diseases. A simple system can be implemented using Raspberry pi with computer vision technology and image processing algorithms

    Primary Fallopian Tube Cancer : A Rare Gynecological Malignancy

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    Primary fallopian tube carcinoma is a rare gynecological cancer. Loco regionally advanced disease is clinically difficult to differentiate from similar stage ovarian and primary peritoneal carcinomas. Early stage fallopian tube tumors, despite having unique clinical presentation are provisionally diagnosed as an ovarian carcinoma due to rarity and symptom overlap with these more common gynecological cancers. We present a case of early fallopian tube cancer provisionally diagnosed as an ovarian carcinoma and review the current literature regarding etiology and treatment


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    Background: Urinary tract is the second most common site of bacterial infections in humans. Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) that possess Extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) genes have proven to be a concern to the medical community because of their high resistance rates to 3rd generation cephalosporins. ESBLs production has been associated with higher morbidity and mortality rates and has been reported inĂ‚ Escherichia coli andĂ‚ Klebsiella pneumoniae. ESBLs are emerging worldwide, making rapid and adequate ESBLs detection crucial for the choice of correct antimicrobial therapy. The aim of the study is to determine the profile of uropathogen, their antibiogram and detection of ESBLs producing strains. Materials and methods: Isolation, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of organism was done by standard Microbiological procedure. For Gram-negative bacilli ESBLs production was detected by DDST as per CLSI guidelines. Results: Three hundred urine specimens were studied. Significant bacteriuria was present in 35% of specimen. The most common pathogens isolated were Escherichia coli 52.4%. The Resistance pattern of uropathogens was for amikacin (AK) 19.04%, nitrofurantoin (NIT) 40%. We found 55% Gram-negative uropathogen harbored the ESBLs. Majority of ESBLs seen in Klebsiella pneumoniae 60% and Escherichia coli 55%. The ESBLs producing Escherichia coli were highly susceptible to Imipenum 90.90% and Meropenem 94.45%. Conclusions: Escherichia coli are the commonest cause of UTI. Majority of UTI are mono-microbial. Screening of multidrug resistant bacteria especially GNB poses considerable therapeutic challenges in critical care patients because of the production of ESBLs. Amikacin and Nitrofurantoin are the most suitable antibiotics for treatment. Key words: UTI, Uropathogen, Antimicrobial Resistance, ESBL   &nbsp
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