28 research outputs found

    Optimal mass transport in thin domains

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    We find the behavior of the solution of the optimal transport problem for the Euclidean distance (and its approximation by p-Laplacian problems) when the involved measures are supported in a domain that is contracted in one direction.The author acknowledges partial support by projects MEC MTM2010-18128 and MTM2011-27998 (Spain)

    Algunas estrategias docentes en las asignaturas de matemáticas de los primeros cursos universitarios

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    En este trabajo se exponen algunas de nuestras experiencias y estrategias docentes llevadas a cabo en los últimos años en varias asignaturas de matemáticas que impartimos en distintos grados del área de ciencias en la Universidad de Alicante. El objetivo principal que se persigue en cada una de ellas es el de favorecer el dominio de los principales conceptos y resultados propios de las asignaturas objeto de estudio, y adquirir las competencias correspondientes.This paper shows some of our teaching experiences and strategies carried out in recent years in several subjects of mathematics lectured in different degrees of Sciences at the University of Alicante. The main objective pursued in each of them is to facilitate the knowledge of the main concepts and results of such subjects, and achieve the corresponding competences

    Nonlinear Mean-Value Formulas on Fractal Sets

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    In this paper we study the solutions to nonlinear mean-value formulas on fractal sets. We focus on the mean-value problem 12maxq∈Vm,p{f(q)}+12minq∈Vm,p{f(q)}−f(p)=0 in the Sierpiński gasket with prescribed values f(p1), f(p2) and f(p3) at the three vertices of the first triangle. For this problem we show existence and uniqueness of a continuous solution and analyze some properties like the validity of a comparison principle, Lipschitz continuity of solutions (regularity) and continuous dependence of the solution with respect to the prescribed values at the three vertices of the first triangle.Supported by MEC MTM2010-18128 and MTM2011-27998 (Spain)

    The dependence of the first eigenvalue of the infinity Laplacian with respect to the domain

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    In this paper we study the dependence of the first eigenvalue of the infinity Laplace with respect to the domain. We prove that this first eigenvalue is continuous under some weak convergence conditions which are fulfilled when a sequence of domains converges in Hausdorff distance. Moreover, it is Lipschitz continuous but not differentiable when we consider deformations obtained via a vector field. Our results are illustrated with simple examples.Partially supported by MEC MTM2010-18128 (Spain)

    Job satisfaction and perceived health in Spanish construction workers during the economic crisis

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    The attitude towards work, either satisfaction or dissatisfaction, could influence the way in which workers perceive their health status. To check this hypothesis, this study analyses job satisfaction and its relationship with occupational health perception of Spanish construction workers. A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was carried out through a socio-demographic data questionnaire, the General Scale of Job Satisfaction and the SF-36 Health Survey. The study was conducted from January 2014 to June 2015, on a sample of 302 individuals belonging to Andalusian companies using the stratified random method to access companies from different provinces and sizes. The findings indicate that work experience in the sector increases general satisfaction: workers above 55 years of age are more satisfied with their work than those between 36 and 45. Likewise, workers with an experience of 2–5 years show higher levels of overall satisfaction, in opposition to workers with 6 months and 2 years of experience. On the other hand, workers without a contract and interns are the most dissatisfied in job terms. Also, there is a positive correlation between job satisfaction and the positive dimensions of health perception (physical functioning and physical and social role functioning), as well as a negative correlation between job satisfaction and bodily pain and general health perceived

    El laboratorio de matemáticas como estrategia docente

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    En esta experiencia docente se pone en práctica una forma diferente de llevar a cabo las clases prácticas de algunas asignaturas de matemáticas de primer curso de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante. El objetivo es sustituir las habituales clases prácticas, donde el profesor realiza los ejercicios en la pizarra, por la resolución de problemas por parte de los alumnos incorporando además otras estrategias docentes; es decir, además de las hojas de ejercicios que el profesor prepara para los alumnos, los docentes preparan unas actividades prácticas para que sean realizadas en clase por los estudiantes, en grupos reducidos y guiados por el profesor. Estas actividades son puntuadas por el tutor y, tras ser devueltas a los alumnos, éstos deberán observar y analizar sus errores con la ayuda extra de las tutorías presenciales y virtuales. Con este método se consigue una mayor interacción entre alumno y profesor, un estudio continuo de la asignatura y una constante evaluación del profesor al alumno y del alumno a la asignatura

    Psychological distress among unemployed migrants settling in southwestern Spain A cross-sectional study

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    Migrants living in the informal settlements of Southern Spain tend to have precarious employment and poor living conditions, making then vulnerable to mental health issues. This study aimed to assess psychological distress in a sample of unemployed migrants residing in informal settlements in the province of Huelva (southern Spain), during the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted during the months of April to June 2021, through a heteroadministered questionnaire, in informal settlements. The measurement instrument was the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), used to analyze psychological distress, and other sociodemographic and healthrelated variables. Univariate and bivariate descriptive data analysis were performed, using the nonparametric statistics Mann–Whitney U test, Kruskal–Wallis H test, and Tau β correlation. A categorical regression analysis was performed to study the relationship between psychological distress and the rest of the variables. The sample consisted of 317 subjects, 83.9% of whom were males, and the mean age was 33.4 years (SD = 10.7 years). The mean score obtained in the GHQ-12 questionnaire was 13.69 points (SD = 3.86). Significant differences were found between levels of psychological distress and substance abuse (H = 14.085; P = .049), people who wished to stay in Spain (t = 6987; P = .049), people who experienced isolation due to COVID-19 contact (t = 1379.5; P = .001), people who needed medical assistance due to COVID-19 (t = 7.990; P = .018), and those who reported having chronic illnesses (t = 2686.5, P = .02). The mean score of psychological distress indicates general high levels of psychological distress. Participants who had experienced isolation due to COVID-19 contact, who consumed substances, and who had chronic illnesses reported the highest levels of psychological distress.Departamento de Biología Ambiental y Salud Públic

    Laboratorio de Matemáticas

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    En este trabajo mostramos la forma planteada por los miembros de la red para llevar a cabo la evaluación continua de una asignatura de matemáticas impartida en los grados de Química y Geología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante. La idea principal es cambiar las tradicionales clases prácticas de pizarra por parte del profesor por otras estrategias más participativas por parte del alumno. Así además de las clásicas hojas de problemas que el profesor prepara para la resolución por parte del alumno, éstas se combinan con unas prácticas se preparan por parte de los componentes de la red y que son realizadas en clase por parte de los alumnos trabajando en grupos reducidos. Tras su elaboración los profesores puntúan y devuelven dichas prácticas a los alumnos para que puedan notar y examinar sus errores. La idea es acercar e interactuar de manera constante entre el alumno y el profesor así como realizar una evaluación continua basada en una gran cantidad de información

    The mathematics teacher’s specialised knowledge (MTSK) model

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    This paper presents the Mathematics Teacher’s Specialised Knowledge (MTSK) model. It acknowledges earlier contributions to understanding and structuring teachers’ knowledge, in particular, the special debt owed to Shulman’s notion of pedagogical content knowledge and to Ball and collaborators’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT), influential for the specialised nature of one of its sub-domains. The authors’ research with teachers has led them to explore the characteristics of MKT and to refine the descriptors relating to its sub-domains, a task which has underlined the difficulty involved in unambiguously delimiting the boundaries which separate these. As a result, and taking into consideration a broader view of the specialised nature of the teacher’s mathematical knowledge, the authors propose a framework which, whilst respecting the major domains of Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge, regards the specialisation in respect of mathematical knowledge as a property which is inherent to the model and extends across all sub-domains.The Spanish Government (EDU2013-44047-P and EDU2016-81994-REDT), the Mexican Sub-secretary of Higher Education (PRODEP), and the Research Centre COIDESO (University of Huelva, Spain) supported this research; Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; Ministry of Economy Industry and Competitiveness

    Una experiencia de innovación a través de la investigación sobre el conocimiento matemático especializado de los futuros maestros

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    Conscientes de la importancia de nuestra formación para promover un mejor aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos, decidimos acometer un proyecto que aunara nuestra inquietud por la mejora continua de nuestra docencia y el análisis sistemático de la repercusión de esta en el proceso de aprender a enseñar de los futuros maestros. En este trabajo presentamos las características principales de una experiencia de innovación que hemos llevado a cabo en el contexto de un proyecto de investigación educativa. El objetivo fundamental es la comprensión del conocimiento matemático especializado de los futuros maestros de primaria cuando analizan un vídeo en el que una maestra de primaria trabaja contenidos de geometría con sus alumnos. Mostramos algunos resultados sobre cómo la discusión en torno al vídeo da la oportunidad a tres estudiantes para maestro de desarrollar una mirada profesional sobre el aprendizaje de los alumnos.As far as we are aware of the importance of our development to promote better learning of our students, we have decided to launch a project that join our concern for the continuous improvement of our teaching and the systematic analysis of the impact of it in the process of learning how to teach. In this paper, we present the main features of an experience of innovation that we have carried out in the context of an educational research project. Our main objective is approaching the specialized mathematical knowledge of prospective primary teachers when they analyze a video where a primary teacher works geometry with her students. We present some results on how the discussion around the video brings three prospective primary teachers the opportunity to develop a professional noticing on students' learning