21 research outputs found

    Oxidative degradation of a novel AMP/AEP blend designed for CO2 capture based on partial oxy-combustion technology

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    Versión aceptada. Embargo 24 mesesSolvent degradation and volatile compound emissions are two of the major concerns about the deployment of carbon capture technologies based on chemical absorption. In this context, partial oxy-combustion might reduce the solvent degradation due to the use of a higher CO2 concentrated flue gas. This work evaluates the oxidative degradation of a novel AMP/AEP blend, namely POS #1, under partial oxy-combustion conditions. The effects of temperature and flue gas composition were evaluated in terms of solvent loss, degradation rates, NH3 emissions and degradation products. The experiments were set at temperatures up to 70 °C and two levels of O2 concentration – 3%v/v and 6%v/v. The CO2 concentration of the flue gas ranged between 15%v/v and 60%v/v CO2. The novel solvent POS#1 showed high resistance to degrade and resulted in lower degradation rates than MEA in all the operating conditions evaluated in this work. The maximum degradation of AEP and AMP was 24% and 19%, respectively. MEA degraded almost double under the same conditions. Temperature and O2 concentration enhanced the oxidative degradation of POS #1. However, the use of higher CO2 concentration in the flue gas led to lower degradation rates of AEP and AMP and hence oxidative degradation was partially inhibited under partial oxy-combustion conditions. The presence of higher CO2 content in the flue gas decreased the NH3 production and a 70% reduction of its emissions was achieved as the CO2 concentration shifted from 15%v/v to 60%v/v. Other major degradation compounds such as formate and 2,4-lutidine were also decreased. New degradation products were not identified so that the suggested degradation pathways proposed in the literature were not influenced by the presence of higher CO2 concentrations.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad CTM-2014-58573-RUnión Europea, European Development Research Fund (EDRF

    Accelerated MEA degradation study in hybrid CO2 capture systems

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    CO2 capture systems are typically divided into pre- post- and oxyfuel- combustion systems. However, the interest on hybrid systems, which integrate elements of more than one of the above systems, is attracting major attention in recent times due to the potential higher energy efficiency. In this work, degradation studies have been conducted to identify operational issues related to amines degradation. Oxidative MEA degradation in presence of flue gas resembling oxygen enriched combustion has been investigated. MEA loss was 27% when flue gas with 15% CO2 was used at 70°C, while only 20% loss was found in the presence of 50% CO2, indicating that hybrid CO2 capture systems may be used to decrease amine degradation of traditional postcombustion technologies. N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazin-3-one, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-(2-hydroxyethylamino) acetamide, 2- oxadolidone, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)imidazole and N-N’-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)oxamine have been identified as MEA degradation products

    Teaching Experiences in Chemical Engineering: Design, Manufacturing and Start-up of a Lab-scale Distillation Unit using Problem-based Learning

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    Se ha propuesto y puesto en práctica una nueva metodología de aprendizaje basado en problemas en una asignatura de carácter experimental en la carrera de ingeniería química en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla (España). La metodología se basa en el trabajo con grupos reducidos y aprendizaje basado en problemas, proponiendo nuevos desafíos y oportunidades para el desarrollo de competencias de alumnos de ingeniería. Los alumnos han desarrollado tareas de diseño de procesos, selección de alternativas, toma de decisiones, diseño de ingeniería básica y gestión de compras, que han culminado con el montaje y puesta en marcha de una unidad de destilación a escala laboratorio. La metodología ha permitido trabajar todas las competencias adscritas a la asignatura con un alto grado de participación y motivación del alumnado. Por lo tanto, se considera una herramienta atractiva y útil para su incorporación en asignaturas de experimentación en ingeniería química.A new problem solving methodology is proposed for a course which is essentially experimental for student of chemical engineer at the Higher Technical Engineering School of the University of Seville in Spain is proposed. The methodology is based on small group work and problem-based learning, proposing new challenges and opportunities to develop skills and competencies in engineering student. The students developed tasks regarding process design, selection of optimal alternative, decision making, basic engineering design and purchase management, which concluded with the assembly and starting-up of a laboratory scales distillation unit. The methodology allowed working all subject competences with high participation and motivation from the students. Therefore, it is considered to be a useful and attractive tool to be incorporated to experimental chemical engineering courses.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y AmbientalInstituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevill

    Methodological development for the optimisation of electricity cost in cement factories: the use of artificial intelligence in process variables

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    Cement factories require large amounts of energy. 70% of the variable cost goes to energy—33% to kiln thermal energy and 37% to electrical energy. This paper represents the second stage of a broader research study which aims at optimising electricity cost in a cement factory by means of using artificial intelligence. After an analysis of the different tools that could be highly useful for the optimisation of electricity cost, for which a systematic review of the literature and surveys and an expert panel of 42 professionals in the cement sector were carried out, a methodology was developed in order to reduce electricity cost by optimising not only different variables of the production process, but also regulated electricity costs and electricity market costs. Artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms will be the tools to be used in this methodology, which can be applied to any cement plant in the world, and, by extension, to any electro-intensive consumer. The innovation of this research work is based on the use of a methodology that not only combines two different variables at the same time—process variables and regulated prices—but also makes use of artificial intelligence tools techniques

    Evaluation of Different Pretreatment Systems for the Energy Recovery of Greenhouse Agricultural Wastes in a Cement Plant

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    This work evaluates and selects the best sequence of operations for the pretreatment of greenhouse agricultural wastes (GAW) derived from the main greenhouse crops of the west of Almeria (Spain), such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchinis, watermelons and melons, before recovering its potential energy in a cement plant located in this province. In this research, a set of operations are proposed to reduce the chlorine percentage and the moisture content presented in this kind of waste, for its use as an alternative fuel in this production facilities. A washing of the waste under optimal conditions may reduce the chlorine content by approximately 50.0% of the original value and increase the lower calorific value by 8.0%. Drying the waste with a hot gas stream could produce a recoverable waste with a moisture content lower than 3.0%, which enables its temporary storage while avoiding its degradation. The use of an adequate amount of conditioned GAW can provide a substitute up to 51% of the conventional fossil fuel currently employed in the daily operation of the facility evaluated, leading to a reduction of the CO2 emissions associated with the decrease in the fossil fuel consumption

    Desarrollo metodológico para la optimización del coste eléctrico en fábricas de cemento, mediante inteligencia artificial, operando sobre coste eléctrico del mercado

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    Las fábricas de cemento presentan importantes consumos energéticos: el 70 % del coste variable se dedica a energía -33 % térmica y 37% eléctrica-. Este trabajo supone la segunda fase de una investigación para optimizar el coste eléctrico en cementeras mediante técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Tras una revisión sistemática de la literatura, encuestas y panel de expertos a un total de 42 profesionales del sector (primera fase), se ha desarrollado una metodología para optimizar la compra de electricidad. Para ello se propone el uso de Redes Neuronales Artificiales y del algoritmo Backpropagation, de cara a predecir el precio eléctrico spot

    Synthetic Slag Production Method Based on a Solid Waste Mix Vitrification for the Manufacturing of Slag-Cement

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    Herein an innovative process to develop a potential vitreous material with cementing properties is proposed. This process paves a production path through melting industrial waste and subsequently cooling the casting in water. The idea erases the need to reduce the environmental impact of the cement industry in terms of natural resources consumption as well as the re-utilization of abandoned wastes from other industries. The recycled industrial wastes were selected according to the amount of waste produced in the industrial field and its suitable chemical composition, such as construction and demolition waste and/or shells from shellfish. As a main result, the mechanical properties showed by our novel material were worse than those reported by blast furnace slag (25–28 MPa for two different proportions) for seven days and better (43–52 MPa for two different proportions) for 28 days. The rest of the properties evaluated were in agreement with the standards’ requirements. Hence, this novel process would help to minimize the environmental impact of these wastes at the same time that their use in the cement industry would reduce the consumption of raw materials.Gobierno de España ITC-2011101

    Procedimiento y sistema de separación de CO basado en absorción química

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    La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento y sistema de separación de CO2 basado en la absorción química regenerativa, que consta de un absorbedor donde el CO2 queda retenido en un líquido absorbente, y de un regenerador donde el CO2 es liberado, obteniendo un absorbente regenerado que es empleado nuevamente en la unidad de absorción. La invención propone una configuración del proceso global de captura que permite una operación eficaz que reduce de forma significativa los requerimientos energéticos asociados principalmente a la regeneración del absorbente, así como de una menor degradación térmica del mismo.Españ

    Solvents for Carbon Dioxide Capture

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    Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are considered the major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. The mitigation of this kind of CO2 emissions relies on a portfolio of alternatives where CO2 absorption appears as the nearest approach to be applied at industrial scale. Researchers have been focused on developing new formulations of solvents to make more competitive CO2 absorption as a carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. In this sense, this chapter summarizes both the conventional solvents and the most recent investigations on this field. Chemical absorption is more suitable for a lot of industrial process due to the flue gas conditions: ambient pressure, low CO2 concentration and large volume. Therefore numerous novel solvents came up in recent years and they are further discussed in this chapter. The most recent solvents, their mechanisms and kinetics and the advantages and disadvantages are also included. Finally, physical solvents are adequate in high CO2 partial pressure applications and they are reported in the last section. Although physical absorption field is constrained to high-pressure flue gas, physical solvents provided higher performance in CO2 separation process and their characteristics are also summarized.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad OXYSOLVENT Pro. CTM-2014-58573-RFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Dispositivo para determinar la concentración de partículas condensables y filtrables por muestreo isocinético en fuentes estacionarias

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    La presente invención tiene por objeto un dispositivo que permite la determinación de la concentración de las partículas condensables presentes en las emisiones de fuentes estacionarias mediante método de muestreo por dilución, así como la concentración de partículas filtrables por muestreo isocinético en simultáneo y/o de manera independiente. Se encuadra en el campo de la tecnología energética y ambiental, concretamente en el sector de la medida y control de la contaminación atmosférica.Españ