1,076 research outputs found

    Local Vibration and Buckling Modes of a Conic Shell: Comparison of Numerical and Asymptotic Results

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    Free vibrations and buckling under uniform external lateral pressure of a thin conic shell are analyzed. The asymptotic and finite element methods are used to obtain the vibration frequencies, critical loads, and vibrations and buckling modes

    Vibrations of an Inhomogeneous Rectangular Plate

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    Low-frequency vibrations of a thin multifibrous plate are analysed. Asymptotic homogenization and finite element methods are used to get the vibration frequencies. Approximate formulas for the lowest frequencies of thin inhomogeneous rectangular plate are found. The comparison of numerical and asymptotic results is performed

    Increasing the production efficiency of chrysotile cement products

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    Improving the efficiency of chrysotile-cement products is achieved by changing the raw materials with additives, changing their structure and properties, generating new kinds of chrysotile-cement productsnoBelgorod State Universit

    Досвід конституційно-правового регулювання права на недоторканність житла у країнах Східної Європи та його значення для України

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    Наумова, Н. М. Досвід конституційно-правового регулювання права на недоторканність житла у країнах Східної Європи та його значення для України / Н. М. Наумова // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 4 (59). - С. 17-23.Naumova, N.M. (201 5), “Experience of constitutional and legal regulation of the right on inviolability of the dwelling in Eastern Europe countries and its significance for Ukraine” [“Dosvid konstytutsiino-pravovoho rehuliuvannia prava na nedotorkannist zhytla u krainakh Skhidnoi Yevropy ta yoho znachennia dlia Ukrainy”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 17–23.На підставі аналізу конституційно-правових положень Основних Законів країн Східної Європи показано основні сучасні риси та тенденції у регламентації питання щодо недоторканності житла, зокрема визначено критерії та ознаки універсалізації та біфуркації змісту та зовнішніх ознак відповідних норм права. Подано характеристику та розкрито особливості конституційно-правових гарантій захисту права людини на недоторканність житла. Визначено практичне та теоретичне значення конституційно-правового досвіду постсоціалістичних країн Східної Європи для вдосконалення механізму та способів забезпечення недоторканності житла в Україні.The author has grounded the thesis that nowadays in Ukraine there is a need to revise the amount and content of the right on inviolability of the dwelling and various legal and other guarantees for its provision. To accomplish this the author has offered to study the experience of constitutional and legal regulation of the right on inviolability of the dwelling in post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Special attention is paid to insufficient level of scientific elaboration of this theme in the domestic juridical science ofconstitutional law. The main modern features and tendencies of regulating the issue of inviolability of the dwelling have been studied; features and criteria of universalization and bifurcation of the content and external characteristics of the relevant law norms have been determined. The issues concerning common features of the structural factors of building the constitutional norm on inviolability of the dwelling, the ways ofexternal expression, fixation of such norms have been highlighted in details. A special place in the scientific analysis took cases of removal from the principle of inviolability of the dwelling the means of their fixation in the Basic Laws. It is noted that such removals fall under the category of «legal concepts and categories of unobvious legal grounds». The peculiarities of the constitutional and legal guarantees of protecting human right on inviolability of the dwelling have bee characterized. The author has established the practical and theoretical significance of constitutional and legal experience of post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe to improve the mechanism and the ways to ensure the inviolability ofthe dwelling in Ukraine. It is concluded that represented model of the constitutional and legal regulation of inviolability of the dwelling with its implementation to the domestic constitutional and legal experience (the Art. 30 of the Constitution of Ukraine) may provide reasons to believe that this issue in Ukraine is almost similarly resolved.На основе анализа конституционно-правовых положений Основных Законов государств Восточной Европы показаны основные современные черты и тенденции регламентации вопроса о неприкосновенности жилища, в частности определены критерии и признаки универсализации и бифуркации содержания и внешних признаков соответствующих норм права. Дана характеристика и раскрыты особенности конституционно-правовых гарантий защиты права человека на неприкосновенность жилища. Определено практическое и теоретическое значение конституционно-правового опыта постсоциалистических стран Восточной Европы для усовершенствования механизма и способов обеспечения неприкосновенности жилища в Украине

    Axisymmetric Vibrations of Thin Shells of Revolution Joint at a Small Angle

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    Deformation of an Elastic Spherical Shell under the Pressure of Viscous Incompressible Fluid

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    The deformation of an elastic spherical shell under the pressure of viscous incompressible fluid is considered. Analytical formulas for calculating the components of normal and tangential deflections of the shell middle surface are obtained. A new mathematical model of an elastic spherical shell is offered on the basis of introduction of the Finite Element Method calculations. The comparison of the asymptotic and numerical results is performed

    Free Vibrations and Buckling of a Thin Cylindrical Shell of Variable Thickness with Curvelinear Edge

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    Low-frequency vibrations and buckling under an uniform external lateral pressure of a thin cylindrical shell of variable thickness with curvelinear edge are analyzed. The asymptotic and finite element methods are used to get the vibration frequencies and critical loads. The vibration and buckling modes are also presented. The comparison of numerical and asymptotic results is performed

    Rotavirus seasonality and age effects in a birth cohort study of southern India

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    Introduction: Understanding the temporal patterns in disease occurrence is valuable for formulating effective disease preventive programs. Cohort studies present a unique opportunity to explore complex interactions associated with emergence of seasonal patterns of infectious diseases. Methods: We used data from 452 children participating in a birth cohort study to assess the seasonal patterns of rotavirus diarrhea by creating a weekly time series of rotavirus incidence and fitting a Poisson harmonic regression with biannual peaks. Age and cohort effects were adjusted for by including the weekly counts of number of children in the study and the median age of cohort in a given week. Weekly average temperature, humidity and an interaction term to reflect the joint effect of temperature and humidity were included to consider the effects of meteorological variables. Results: In the overall rotavirus time series, two significant peaks within a single year were observed – one in winter and the other in summer. The effect of age was found to be the most significant contributor for rotavirus incidence, showing a strong negative association. Seasonality remained a significant factor, even after adjusting for meteorological parameters, and the age and cohort effects. Conclusions: The methodology for assessing seasonality in cohort studies is not yet developed. This is the first attempt to explore seasonal patterns in a cohort study with a dynamic denominator and rapidly changing immune response on individual and group levels, and provides a highly promising approach for a better understanding of the seasonal patterns of infectious diseases, tracking emergence of pathogenic strains and evaluating the efficacy of intervention programs