5 research outputs found

    Mathematical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Heterogenous Forest Fuel Layer Influenced by Heated Up to High Temperatures Steel Particle

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    Heterogeneity of forest fuel layer renders the important influence on forest fire occurrence processes. One of sources of the raised temperature on forested territories is metal particles heated up to high temperatures. Such particles can be formed as a result of welding of metals on forested territories. The present paper represents the heat transfer research in forest fuel at the influence of metal particle heated up to high temperatures. The heterogonous forest fuel layer with inclusions of small wooden branches and chips is considered. Such object research is urgent especially at fire forecasting on forest cutting. The technology of mathematical simulation is used. The two-dimensional problem of heat transfer in forest fuel layer structure with wood inclusions is solved

    Mathematical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Heterogenous Forest Fuel Layer Influenced by Heated Up to High Temperatures Steel Particle

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    Heterogeneity of forest fuel layer renders the important influence on forest fire occurrence processes. One of sources of the raised temperature on forested territories is metal particles heated up to high temperatures. Such particles can be formed as a result of welding of metals on forested territories. The present paper represents the heat transfer research in forest fuel at the influence of metal particle heated up to high temperatures. The heterogonous forest fuel layer with inclusions of small wooden branches and chips is considered. Such object research is urgent especially at fire forecasting on forest cutting. The technology of mathematical simulation is used. The two-dimensional problem of heat transfer in forest fuel layer structure with wood inclusions is solved

    Research of Influence of Substitution of Renewable Energy Sources as a Part of the Scheme of Supply of Own Needs of Small and Micro-HPPS

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    Одно из актуальных направлений современного развития возобновляемой энергетики в России связано с применением их в составе собственных нужд электростанций. В данной статье рассматривается вопрос подключения возобновляемых источников энергии (ВИЭ) в составе собственных нужд микро-ГЭС. В исследовании был выполнен анализ возможности использования ветроэнергетической установки (ВЭУ) с преобразователем частоты для электроснабжения собственных нужд микро-ГЭС с учетом регулирования напряжения. Первая часть статьи посвящена литературному обзору по проблематике использования малых и микро-ГЭС, а также описанию цели и задач исследования. Во втором разделе статьи представлены математические модели, описывающие подключение ВЭУ с преобразователем частоты на совместную работу с потребителями собственных нужд станции, для которых предполагается выполнение функции регулирования напряжения в сети. Был сформулирован закон и построен алгоритм для работы ВЭУ с нагрузкой в составе собственных нужд станции. Данный алгоритм предполагает непрерывную работу ВЭУ без ее переключения по схеме автоматического ввода резерва (АВР), что приводит к повышению коэффициента использования установленной мощности (КИУМ). В третьей части статьи описаны осциллограммы переходных процессов в режиме с учетом ВЭУ и без нее. Также рассмотрен режим короткого замыкания на нагрузке и влияние ВЭУ на величину тока подпитки. В заключение сформулированы основные результаты и выводы по данной работеOne of the directions of modern development of renewable energy technologies in Russia is associated with the expansion of their application as part of the own needs of power plants. This article examines the study of the connection of renewable energy sources (RES) as part of the own needs of micro--hydroelectric power plants. The analysis of possibility of power supply of own needs of micro-HPP by wind power installation with use of the frequency Converter for the purposes of regulation of tension of own needs of station was carried out. The first part of the article is devoted to the analysis of publications on the current problem of the use of small and micro--hydroelectric power plants, as well as the description of the purpose and objectives of the study. The second section of the article presents mathematical models describing the connection of the wind turbine with a frequency Converter to work together with consumers of the station's own needs, for which the function of voltage regulation in the network is supposed to be performed. The law was formulated and an algorithm was constructed for the operation of the wind turbine with a load as part of the station's own needs. Note that this algorithm assumes continuous operation of the wind turbine without switching it according to the scheme of automatic reserve input, which leads to an increase in the installed capacity utilization factor. In the third part of the article the oscillograms of transient processes in the mode with and without wind turbines are considered. The short-circuit mode on the load and the influence of the wind turbine on the value of the recharge current are also considered. And in conclusion, the main conclusions on this work are formulate