21 research outputs found
まえがき1.本書のねらいと分析視角 2.17世紀の思想:「生成」に対する「存在」の優位 2.117世紀の思想の概要 2.2五つの考察対象への影響 3.18世紀の思想:「存在」と「生成」の混在 3.118世紀の思想の概要 3.2五つの考察対象への影響 4.19世紀の思想:「存在」に対する「生成」の優位 4.119世紀の思想の概要 4.2ロマン主義思想の台頭とその影響 4.3新啓蒙主義思想とその影響 4.4進化論の世界とその影響 4.5世紀末思想とその影響 5.20世紀(1950年まで)の思想:「生成」の勝利 5.1比類なき思想革命 5.2主要考察対象に見られる変化 あとがき研究ノー
A view of revealed religion, as it stands to the reason. By the author of Meditations upon the attributes of God and nature of man [electronic resource].
With a half-title.Electronic reproduction.English Short Title Catalog,Reproduction of original from Cambridge University Library
Uncritical and unbalanced coverage of synthetic biology in the Nordic press
Synthetic biology will probably have a high impact on a variety of fields, such as healthcare, environment, biofuels, agriculture, and so on. A driving theme in European research policy is the importance of maintaining public legitimacy and support. Media can influence public attitudes and are therefore an important object of study. Through qualitative content analysis, this study investigates the press coverage of synthetic biology in the major Nordic countries between 2009 and 2014. The press coverage was found to be event-driven and there were striking similarities between countries when it comes to framing, language use, and treated themes. Reporters showed a marked dependence on their sources, mainly scientists and stakeholders, who thus drives the media agenda. The media portrayal was very positive, with an optimistic look at future benefits and very little discussion of possible risks.The first two authors are the first co-authors and have contributed equally.Synthetic Biology: media portrayal and public understandin