5 research outputs found

    The role of infrequently mobile boulders in modulating landscape evolution and geomorphic hazards

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    A landscape’s sediment grain size distribution is the product of, and an important influence on, earth surface processes and landscape evolution. Grains can be large enough that the motion of a single grain, infrequently mobile in size-selective transport systems, constitutes or triggers significant geomorphic change. We define these grains as boulders. Boulders affect landscape evolution; their dynamics and effects on landscape form have been the focus of substantial recent community effort. We review progress on five key questions related to how boulders influence the evolution of unglaciated, eroding landscapes: 1) What factors control boulder production on eroding hillslopes and the subsequent downslope evolution of the boulder size distribution? 2) How do boulders influence hillslope processes and long-term hillslope evolution? 3) How do boulders influence fluvial processes and river channel shape? 4) How do boulder-mantled channels and hillslopes interact to set the long-term form and evolution of boulder-influenced landscapes? 5) How do boulders contribute to geomorphic hazards, and how might improved understanding of boulder dynamics be used for geohazard mitigation? Boulders are produced on eroding hillslopes by landsliding, rockfall, and/or exhumation through the critical zone. On hillslopes dominated by local sediment transport, boulders affect hillslope soil production and transport processes such that the downslope boulder size distribution sets the form of steady-state hillslopes. Hillslopes dominated by nonlocal sediment transport are less likely to exhibit boulder controls on hillslope morphology as boulders are rapidly transported to the hillslope toe. Downslope transport delivers boulders to eroding rivers where the boulders act as large roughness elements that change flow hydraulics and the efficiency of erosion and sediment transport. Over longer timescales, river channels adjust their geometry to accommodate the boulders supplied from adjacent hillslopes such that rivers can erode at the baselevel fall rate given their boulder size distribution. The delivery of boulders from hillslopes to channels, paired with the channel response to boulder delivery, drives channel-hillslope feedbacks that affect the transient evolution and steady-state form of boulder-influenced landscapes. At the event scale, boulder dynamics in eroding landscapes represent a component of geomorphic hazards that can be mitigated with an improved understanding of the rates and processes associated with boulder production and mobility. Opportunities for future work primarily entail field-focused data collection across gradients in landscape boundary conditions (tectonics, climate, and lithology) with the goal of understanding boulder dynamics as one component of landscape self-organization

    Site Dependence of Fluvial Incision Rate Scaling With Timescale

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    Global measurements of incision rate typically show a negative scaling with the timescale over which they were averaged, a phenomenon referred to as the “Sadler effect.” This time dependency is thought to result from hiatus periods between incision phases, which leads to a power law scaling of incision rate with timescale. Alternatively, the “Sadler effect” has been argued to be a consequence of the mobility of the modern river bed, where the timescale dependency of incision rates arises from a bias due to the choice of the reference system. In this case, incision rates should be independent of the timescale, provided that the correct reference system is chosen. It is unclear which model best explains the “Sadler effect,” and, if a timescale dependency exists, which mathematical formulation can be used to describe it. Here, we present a compilation of 581 bedrock incision rates from 34 studies, averaged over timescales ranging from single floods to millions of years. We constrain the functional relationship between incision rate and timescale and show that time‐independent incision rate is inconsistent with the global data. Using a power law dependence, a single constant power is inconsistent with the distribution of observed exponents. Therefore, the scaling exponent is site dependent. Consequently, incision rates measured over contrasting timescales cannot be meaningfully compared between different field sites without properly considering the “Sadler effect.” We explore the controls on the variable exponents and propose an empirical equation to correct observed incision rates for their timescale dependency.Plain Language Summary: The rate at which rivers cut into their own bed (incision) typically decreases with the age of past river surfaces used to infer it. This phenomenon, previously described for numerous geological processes, has been traditionally attributed to be a result of an unsteady incision process over the time of investigation. Alternatively, it has been argued that it is a consequence of a measurement bias that can occur when the modern river bed is used as a reference point. To test which of these contrasting hypotheses is valid, we designed specific tests for the competing models, yielding statistical criteria that can be used against actual data. We compiled data on river incision from 34 papers and compared them to the tests. A bias due to the choice of the modern river bed as reference point cannot explain the observations. Instead, we find a site‐specific dependence of incision on timescale. Thus, when comparing incision rates measured at different sites, time dependency needs to be corrected for. Using the field data, we offer a simple empirical equation that can be utilized for such a correction.Key Points: Fluvial bedrock incision rates decrease with the timescale over which they are averaged. Among the examined models, a power law model with a site‐dependent exponent is consistent with 26 previously published field data sets. An empirical equation is proposed to remove the Sadler effect and make incision rates measured at different timescales comparable.Israel Science Foundation (ISF) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003977Ben Gurion University of the Negev http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100014833National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (NAGRA

    Influence of Rarely Mobile Boulders on Channel Width and Slope: Theory and Field Application

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    Large, rarely mobile boulders are observed globally in mountainous bedrock channels. Recent studies suggest that high concentrations of boulders could be associated with channel morphological adjustment. However, a process‐based understanding of large boulder effects on channel morphology is limited, and data are scarce and ambiguous. Here, we develop a theory of steady‐state channel width and slope as a function of boulder concentration. Our theory assumes that channel morphology adjusts to maintain two fundamental mass balances: (a) grade, in which the channel transports the same sediment flux downstream despite boulders acting as roughness elements and (b) bedrock erosion, by which the channel erodes at the background tectonic uplift rate. Model predictions are normalized by a reference, boulder‐free channel width and slope, accounting for variations due to sediment supply, discharge, and lithology. Models are tested against a new data set from the Liwu River, Taiwan, showing steepening and widening with increasing boulder concentration. Whereas one of the explored mechanisms successfully explains the observed steepening trend, none of the models accuratly account for the observed width variability. We propose that this contrast arises from different adjustment timescales: while sediment bed slope adjusts within a few floods, width adjustment takes a much longer time. Overall, we find that boulders represent a significant perturbation to fluvial landscapes. Channels tend to respond by forming a new morphology that differs from boulder‐free channels. The general approach presented here can be further expanded to explore the role of other hydrodynamic effects associated with large, rarely mobile boulders.Plain Language Summary: Large boulders are a significant feature in mountainous landscapes. Recent studies suggested that boulders residing in rivers interfere with the flow and sediment transport, forcing their geometry, specifically width and slope, to change. Our ability to understand and predict such changes is challenged by scarce field data and a general lack of models capable of explaining the processes underlying channel geometry adjustment in the presence of boulders. Here, we develop a theory and several models for the variation of channel width and slope as with channel boulder coverage. Our theory builds on the assumption that the geometry of boulder‐bed channels evolves to a new configuration to maintain steadiness of erosion rate and sediment transport. Predictions from the various models are tested against data from the steep Liwu River in Taiwan. These data show that width and slope increase with more boulders. We find that channel slope increases to overcome the greater resistance to sediment transport due to the boulders. In contrast, the scattered nature of the width data and the overall models inability to explain width variability likely reflect a longer adjustment period for width than for slope. This study demonstrates the important role of boulders in shaping landscapes.Key Points: We develop a theory for steady‐state reach‐scale channel morphology responding to large, rarely mobile boulders in bedrock rivers. Predictions of boulder‐bed channel width and slope are derived based on grade equilibrium and bedrock erosional balance. Theory is tested against new data from the Liwu River, Taiwan, showing steepening and widening with increasing boulder concentration.Israel Science Foundation http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003977NSF‐BSFhttps://zenodo.org/record/6371224#.YjdBkOpByU