1 research outputs found
Sources of Innovation and Competitiveness:
this report. Firstly, it has to be recognised that work organisation is obviously developing in a multitude of forms. Based at least on the empirical data from the representative German employee questioning already mentioned (Nordhause-Janz & Pekruhl 2000), we can say that there is some evidence for an increasing polarisation of work structures and working conditions in Germany (see fig. 4). This is even strengthened if information on the income and wages is additionally taken into account: those people working in flexible, more autonomous work structures could earn higher wages than those working in traditional heteronomous work structures (the same result also holds for Finland as mentioned above). There are increasingly more people working in a flex ible work environment with higher degree of autonomy and earning more money while at the same time, there is an increasing group of employees earning less money and working in an unfavourable, heteronomous environmen