56 research outputs found

    The hyperbolic geometry of random transpositions

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    Turn the set of permutations of nn objects into a graph GnG_n by connecting two permutations that differ by one transposition, and let σt\sigma_t be the simple random walk on this graph. In a previous paper, Berestycki and Durrett [In Discrete Random Walks (2005) 17--26] showed that the limiting behavior of the distance from the identity at time cn/2cn/2 has a phase transition at c=1c=1. Here we investigate some consequences of this result for the geometry of GnG_n. Our first result can be interpreted as a breakdown for the Gromov hyperbolicity of the graph as seen by the random walk, which occurs at a critical radius equal to n/4n/4. Let TT be a triangle formed by the origin and two points sampled independently from the hitting distribution on the sphere of radius anan for a constant 0<a<10<a<1. Then when a<1/4a<1/4, if the geodesics are suitably chosen, with high probability TT is δ\delta-thin for some δ>0\delta>0, whereas it is always O(n)-thick when a>1/4a>1/4. We also show that the hitting distribution of the sphere of radius anan is asymptotically singular with respect to the uniform distribution. Finally, we prove that the critical behavior of this Gromov-like hyperbolicity constant persists if the two endpoints are sampled from the uniform measure on the sphere of radius anan. However, in this case, the critical radius is a=1log2a=1-\log2.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117906000000043 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A small-time coupling between Λ\Lambda-coalescents and branching processes

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    We describe a new general connection between Λ\Lambda-coalescents and genealogies of continuous-state branching processes. This connection is based on the construction of an explicit coupling using a particle representation inspired by the lookdown process of Donnelly and Kurtz. This coupling has the property that the coalescent comes down from infinity if and only if the branching process becomes extinct, thereby answering a question of Bertoin and Le Gall. The coupling also offers new perspective on the speed of coming down from infinity and allows us to relate power-law behavior for NΛ(t)N^{\Lambda}(t) to the classical upper and lower indices arising in the study of pathwise properties of L\'{e}vy processes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP911 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The genealogy of branching Brownian motion with absorption

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    We consider a system of particles which perform branching Brownian motion with negative drift and are killed upon reaching zero, in the near-critical regime where the total population stays roughly constant with approximately N particles. We show that the characteristic time scale for the evolution of this population is of order (logN)3(\log N)^3, in the sense that when time is measured in these units, the scaled number of particles converges to a variant of Neveu's continuous-state branching process. Furthermore, the genealogy of the particles is then governed by a coalescent process known as the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. This validates the nonrigorous predictions by Brunet, Derrida, Muller and Munier for a closely related model.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP728 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Beta-coalescents and continuous stable random trees

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    Coalescents with multiple collisions, also known as Λ\Lambda-coalescents, were introduced by Pitman and Sagitov in 1999. These processes describe the evolution of particles that undergo stochastic coagulation in such a way that several blocks can merge at the same time to form a single block. In the case that the measure Λ\Lambda is the Beta(2α,α)\operatorname {Beta}(2-\alpha,\alpha) distribution, they are also known to describe the genealogies of large populations where a single individual can produce a large number of offspring. Here, we use a recent result of Birkner et al. to prove that Beta-coalescents can be embedded in continuous stable random trees, about which much is known due to the recent progress of Duquesne and Le Gall. Our proof is based on a construction of the Donnelly--Kurtz lookdown process using continuous random trees, which is of independent interest. This produces a number of results concerning the small-time behavior of Beta-coalescents. Most notably, we recover an almost sure limit theorem of the present authors for the number of blocks at small times and give the multifractal spectrum corresponding to the emergence of blocks with atypical size. Also, we are able to find exact asymptotics for sampling formulae corresponding to the site frequency spectrum and the allele frequency spectrum associated with mutations in the context of population genetics.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117906000001114 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Small-time behavior of beta coalescents

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    For a finite measure Λ\varLambda on [0,1][0,1], the Λ\varLambda-coalescent is a coalescent process such that, whenever there are bb clusters, each kk-tuple of clusters merges into one at rate 01xk2(1x)bkΛ(dx)\int_0^1x^{k-2}(1-x)^{b-k}\varLambda(\mathrm{d}x). It has recently been shown that if 1<α<21<\alpha<2, the Λ\varLambda-coalescent in which Λ\varLambda is the Beta(2α,α)\operatorname {Beta}(2-\alpha,\alpha) distribution can be used to describe the genealogy of a continuous-state branching process (CSBP) with an α\alpha-stable branching mechanism. Here we use facts about CSBPs to establish new results about the small-time asymptotics of beta coalescents. We prove an a.s. limit theorem for the number of blocks at small times, and we establish results about the sizes of the blocks. We also calculate the Hausdorff and packing dimensions of a metric space associated with the beta coalescents, and we find the sum of the lengths of the branches in the coalescent tree, both of which are determined by the behavior of coalescents at small times. We extend most of these results to other Λ\varLambda-coalescents for which Λ\varLambda has the same asymptotic behavior near zero as the Beta(2α,α)\operatorname {Beta}(2-\alpha,\alpha) distribution. This work complements recent work of Bertoin and Le Gall, who also used CSBPs to study small-time properties of Λ\varLambda-coalescents.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AIHP103 the Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e - Probabilit\'es et Statistiques (http://www.imstat.org/aihp/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Effect of scale on long-range random graphs and chromosomal inversions

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    We consider bond percolation on nn vertices on a circle where edges are permitted between vertices whose spacing is at most some number L=L(n). We show that the resulting random graph gets a giant component when L(logn)2L\gg(\log n)^2 (when the mean degree exceeds 1) but not when LlognL\ll\log n. The proof uses comparisons to branching random walks. We also consider a related process of random transpositions of nn particles on a circle, where transpositions only occur again if the spacing is at most LL. Then the process exhibits the mean-field behavior described by Berestycki and Durrett if and only if L(n) tends to infinity, no matter how slowly. Thus there are regimes where the random graph has no giant component but the random walk nevertheless has a phase transition. We discuss possible relevance of these results for a dataset coming from D. repleta and D. melanogaster and for the typical length of chromosomal inversions.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AAP793 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Mixing times for random k-cycles and coalescence-fragmentation chains

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    Let Sn\mathcal{S}_n be the permutation group on nn elements, and consider a random walk on Sn\mathcal{S}_n whose step distribution is uniform on kk-cycles. We prove a well-known conjecture that the mixing time of this process is (1/k)nlogn(1/k)n\log n, with threshold of width linear in nn. Our proofs are elementary and purely probabilistic, and do not appeal to the representation theory of Sn\mathcal{S}_n.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOP634 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org