64 research outputs found

    Perturbed breakup of gas bubbles in water: Memory, gas flow, and coalescence

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    The pinch-off of an air bubble from an underwater nozzle ends in a singularity with a remarkable sensitivity to a variety of perturbations. I report on experiments that break both the axial (i.e., vertical) and azimuthal symmetry of the singularity formation. The density of the inner gas influences the axial asymmetry of the neck near pinch-off. For denser gases, flow through the neck late in collapse changes the pinch-off dynamics. Gas density is also implicated in the formation of satellite bubbles. The azimuthal shape oscillations described by Schmidt et al., can be initiated by anisotropic boundary conditions in the liquid as well as with an asymmetric nozzle shape. I measure the n = 3 oscillatory mode, and observe the nonlinear, highly three-dimensional outcomes of pinch-off with large azimuthal perturbations. These are consistent with prior theory

    Mechanical and microscopic properties of the reversible plastic regime in a 2D jammed material

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    At the microscopic level, plastic flow of a jammed, disordered material consists of a series of particle rearrangements that cannot be reversed by subsequent deformation. An infinitesimal deformation of the same material has no rearrangements. Yet between these limits, there may be a self-organized plastic regime with rearrangements, but with no net change upon reversing a deformation. We measure the oscillatory response of a jammed interfacial material, and directly observe rearrangements that couple to bulk stress and dissipate energy, but do not always give rise to global irreversibility.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. A supplemental PDF detailing methods, and movies corresponding to Fig. 2(a, b, f), are availabl

    Generic transient memory formation in disordered systems with noise

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    Out-of-equilibrium disordered systems may form memories of external driving in a remarkable fashion. The system "remembers" multiple values from a series of training inputs yet "forgets" nearly all of them at long times despite the inputs being continually repeated. Here, learning and forgetting are inseparable aspects of a single process. The memory loss may be prevented by the addition of noise. We identify a class of systems with this behavior, giving as an example a model of non-brownian suspensions under cyclic shear.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Undulatory swimming in shear-thinning fluids: Experiments with C. elegans

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    The swimming behaviour of microorganisms can be strongly influenced by the rheology of their fluid environment. In this manuscript, we experimentally investigate the effects of shear-thinning viscosity on the swimming behaviour of an undulatory swimmer, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Tracking methods are used to measure the swimmer's kinematic data (including propulsion speed) and velocity fields. We find that shear-thinning viscosity modifies the velocity fields produced by the swimming nematode but does not modify the nematode's speed and beating kinematics. Velocimetry data show significant enhancement in local vorticity and circulation and an increase in fluid velocity near the nematode's tail compared to Newtonian fluids of similar effective viscosity. These findings are compared to recent theoretical and numerical results

    Multiple transient memories in sheared suspensions: robustness, structure, and routes to plasticity

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    Multiple transient memories, originally discovered in charge-density-wave conductors, are a remarkable and initially counterintuitive example of how a system can store information about its driving. In this class of memories, a system can learn multiple driving inputs, nearly all of which are eventually forgotten despite their continual input. If sufficient noise is present, the system regains plasticity so that it can continue to learn new memories indefinitely. Recently, Keim & Nagel showed how multiple transient memories could be generalized to a generic driven disordered system with noise, giving as an example simulations of a simple model of a sheared non-Brownian suspension. Here, we further explore simulation models of suspensions under cyclic shear, focussing on three main themes: robustness, structure, and overdriving. We show that multiple transient memories are a robust feature independent of many details of the model. The steady-state spatial distribution of the particles is sensitive to the driving algorithm; nonetheless, the memory formation is independent of such a change in particle correlations. Finally, we demonstrate that overdriving provides another means for controlling memory formation and retention

    Multiple transient memories in experiments on sheared non-Brownian suspensions

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    A system with multiple transient memories can remember a set of inputs but subsequently forgets almost all of them, even as they are continually applied. If noise is added, the system can store all memories indefinitely. The phenomenon has recently been predicted for cyclically sheared non-Brownian suspensions. Here we present experiments on such suspensions, finding behavior consistent with multiple transient memories and showing how memories can be stabilized by noise.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure