5 research outputs found

    Assessment of Selfie addiction among undergraduate medical Students

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    Background: Selfie’ means “A photograph that one has taken of oneself or a self portrait photograph typically taken with a smart phone or digital camera and shared via social media”. Considering the dependency on Internet and selfie taking behavior among professional students, the study was undertaken. Aims and Objective- to determine the demographic profile of selfie users and different variables related to selfie taking and posting and its association with risky dangerous selfie. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted among 220 undergraduate medical students were using smartphone. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: Male students of middle class family of urban areas were more involved in taking selfie. Females were comparatively spending more time (2-3 hrs) on Internet (X2 =19.494 and p = .001).Total 14% students were taking 3-5 selfie and posted on social media(Statistically significant,X2 =7.882,p =0.019). 19(8.63%) participants admitted of taking dangerous selfie of which male 13(14.0%) more than female 06(8.4%).  Conclusion: Age and gender affects the number of selfies one clicks. This is developing a new mental disorder ‘selfitis’ as well as desire to take dangerous selfie. There is need of health awareness programme, IEC regarding importance of healthy life style


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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the knowledge and practices of road traffic safety measures among undergraduate medical students and recommendation to prevent road traffic accident. Methods: It was an institutional-based cross-sectional study among undergraduate medical students who knew driving. Total 138 study subjects were purposively selected from three batches. A self-structured questionnaire based on knowledge and practices related to road traffic safety measures with Yes/No answer pattern. Data were collected, compiled, and analyzed using appropriate software. Results: Overall level of knowledge for road traffic safety measures was good/moderate among 37.7% of medical students each while poor among 24.6% students (more among 1st year/39.3% than 2nd year/19.0%, 3rd year/10.0%) (statistically significant X2 =13.304, p-value=0.01). Road traffic safety practices were followed by students (%), namely, wearing a seat belt while driving/seating in four-wheeler’ by 84.1% and neither keep specified speed limit on road/2.9% nor obey all traffic signals/lights/signs’/2.9%. Few students use mobile phone while driving, namely, 2nd year/19.0% and 3rd year/10.0%. Some students “Not Wear Helmet while driving a two-wheeler”/21.7%; “Wrong overtaking from left side”/17.4%; and “drive even when alcoholic”/4.3% of participants. Conclusions: Knowledge for road traffic rules/regulation was good/moderate among average number of students. Majority of medical students’ obey all traffic rules/light signal and signs while some students still did not follow it; use mobile phone while driving/not stop at zebra crossing and neither use indicators while turning nor keep valid DL. To improve the current scenario, road traffic safety rules/measures should be added in our medical curriculum and there is need of frequent awareness campaign related to road safety measures to change their behavior while driving and save their precious life

    Antikonvulzivno djelovanje Schiffovih baza- derivata isatina

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    Schiff bases of N-methyl and N-acetyl isatin derivatives with different aryl amines have been synthesized and screened for anticonvulsant activities against maximal electroshock (MES) and subcutaneous metrazole (ScMet). N-methyl-5-bromo-3-(p-chlorophenylimino) isatin 2 exhibited anticonvulsant activity in MES and ScMet with LD50 > 600 mg kg-1, showing better activity than the standard drugs phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid. Thus, compound 2 may be chosen as a prototype for development of new anticonvulsants.Schiffove baze N-metil i N-acetil derivata izatina s različitim aromatskim aminima sintetizirane su i ispitane na sposobnost suzbijanja konvulzija uzrokovanih elektroĆĄokom (MES) i subkutanom primjenom metrazola (ScMet). N-metil-5-bromo-3-(p-klorofenilimino) izatin 2 pokazao je nisku neurotoksičnost i jače antikonvulzivno djelovanje nego standardni antikonvulzivi fenitoin, karbamazepin i valproična kiselina. Zbog toga se spoj 2 moĆŸe smatrati prototipom za razvoj novih antikonvulziva

    Antimicrobial resistance patterns of pseudomonas aeruginosa in a tertiary care hospital

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    Objective: To evaluate the antibiotic resistance patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from various clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: Between Mar 2013 to Feb 2014, 386 strains of P. aeruginosa were isolated from different clinical specimens and fully characterized by standard bacteriological procedures. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of each isolate were carried out by Kirby- Bauer disk diffusion method and results were interpreted according to Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute guidelines. Results: The isolation rate of P. aeruginosa in this study was 11.5%. Pus,urine and tracheal aspirates were important sources of P. aeruginosa. The highest resistance was reported to Ciprofloxacin while the lowest resistance to Imipenem. 17% of P. aeruginosa isolates were foundto bem ulti - drug resistant (MDR). Conclusion: The clinical significance of thesefindings emphasizes the importance ofjudicious and rational treatment prescription to limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance among P. aeruginosa strains. There is a need for periodical antimicrobial surveillance to monitor the resistance patterns in hospitals and prevent further spread of MDR strains