15 research outputs found

    Interaction of natural and technogeneous brines of Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit with basic minerals of salt strata

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    The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need to increase the reliability of identification of "accidental" suprasalt brines in mines of the Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit. The main aim of the study is to investigate the equilibrium of suprasalt and mine brines of the Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit with basic chloride (halite, sylvine, carnallite) and sulfate minerals (gypsum, anhydrite). The methods used in the study. The saturation of brines relative to minerals of the salt strata were calculated based on physico-chemical modeling for normal atmospheric pressure and at solution temperature of 10 °C. The saturation index (SI) was used for characterizing the degree of saturation with respect to minerals. Taking into account the high salinity of brines the model of K. S. Pitzer was applied when calculating the activity coefficients. Geochemical modeling code PHREEQC (prepared by David Parkhurst and Tony Appelo) was used as the main calculation module. The results of the study have shown that the mine brines of the deposit of both natural (postsedimentation) and technogeneous (condensation, hydraulic stowing) genesis is in equilibrium or as close to equilibrium as possible with halite (mean SI=0,00; Std. Dev 0,09) and sylvine (mean SI=0,00; Std. Dev. 0,16) based on data of 324 samples obtained in 2011-2014. Depending on genesis and chemical composition the brines are saturated in varying degree with carnallite (mean SI= -2,00; Std. Dev.1,08). The brines are in equilibrium with gypsum and slightly undersaturated with anhydrite. Suprasalt high salinity brines distributed in the bottom of the salt-marl strata and related to leaching of overlying rock salt, due to their Cl-Na composition, are in equilibrium or near to equilibrium with halite but undersaturated with respect to sylvine

    Interaction of natural and technogeneous brines of Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit with basic minerals of salt strata

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    The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need to increase the reliability of identification of "accidental" suprasalt brines in mines of the Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit. The main aim of the study is to investigate the equilibrium of suprasalt and mine brines of the Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit with basic chloride (halite, sylvine, carnallite) and sulfate minerals (gypsum, anhydrite). The methods used in the study. The saturation of brines relative to minerals of the salt strata were calculated based on physico-chemical modeling for normal atmospheric pressure and at solution temperature of 10 °C. The saturation index (SI) was used for characterizing the degree of saturation with respect to minerals. Taking into account the high salinity of brines the model of K. S. Pitzer was applied when calculating the activity coefficients. Geochemical modeling code PHREEQC (prepared by David Parkhurst and Tony Appelo) was used as the main calculation module. The results of the study have shown that the mine brines of the deposit of both natural (postsedimentation) and technogeneous (condensation, hydraulic stowing) genesis is in equilibrium or as close to equilibrium as possible with halite (mean SI=0,00; Std. Dev 0,09) and sylvine (mean SI=0,00; Std. Dev. 0,16) based on data of 324 samples obtained in 2011-2014. Depending on genesis and chemical composition the brines are saturated in varying degree with carnallite (mean SI= -2,00; Std. Dev.1,08). The brines are in equilibrium with gypsum and slightly undersaturated with anhydrite. Suprasalt high salinity brines distributed in the bottom of the salt-marl strata and related to leaching of overlying rock salt, due to their Cl-Na composition, are in equilibrium or near to equilibrium with halite but undersaturated with respect to sylvine

    A proposed assessment method for image of regional educational institutions

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    Market of educational services in the current Russian economic conditions is a complex of a huge variety of educational institutions. Market of educational services is already experiencing a significant influence of the demographic situation in Russia. This means that higher education institutions are forced to fight in a tough competition for high school students. Increased competition in the educational market forces universities to find new methods of non-price competition in attraction of potential students and throughout own educational and economic activities. Commercialization of education places universities in a single plane with commercial companies who study a positive perception of the image and reputation as a competitive advantage, which is quite acceptable for use in strategic and current activities of higher education institutions to ensure the competitiveness of educational services and educational institution in whole. Nevertheless, due to lack of evidence-based proposals in this area there is a need for scientific research in terms of justification of organizational and methodological aspects of image use as a factor in the competitiveness of the higher education institution. Theoretically and practically there are different methods and ways of evaluating the company’s image. The article provides a comparative assessment of the existing valuation methods of corporate image and the author’s method of estimating the image of higher education institutions based on the key influencing factors. The method has been tested on the Vyatka State Agricultural Academy (Russia). The results also indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the institution, highlights ways of improving, and adjusts the efforts for image improvement

    Regulation of the Concentration Heterogeneity and Thermal Expansion Coefficient in the Metastable Invar FeNi<sub>31.1</sub> Alloy

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    Mössbauer spectroscopy and electron microscopy study of the active redistribution of Ni atoms during the process of polymorphous transformation α→γ in the metastable FeNi31.1 alloy revealed that slow heating (at the rate of 0.2 K/min) results in the depletion of the initial α-phase with a beneficiation of developing disperse γ-phase plates according to the equilibrium diagram. A regulation possibility of the concentration heterogeneity and austenite thermal expansion coefficient resulted from the polymorphous transformation α→γ was shown. Comparison with data of FeNi35 alloy irradiation by high-energy electrons responsible for the variation of atomic distribution and thermal expansion coefficient (owing to the spinodal decomposition) was performed

    A proposed assessment method for image of regional educational institutions

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    Market of educational services in the current Russian economic conditions is a complex of a huge variety of educational institutions. Market of educational services is already experiencing a significant influence of the demographic situation in Russia. This means that higher education institutions are forced to fight in a tough competition for high school students. Increased competition in the educational market forces universities to find new methods of non-price competition in attraction of potential students and throughout own educational and economic activities. Commercialization of education places universities in a single plane with commercial companies who study a positive perception of the image and reputation as a competitive advantage, which is quite acceptable for use in strategic and current activities of higher education institutions to ensure the competitiveness of educational services and educational institution in whole. Nevertheless, due to lack of evidence-based proposals in this area there is a need for scientific research in terms of justification of organizational and methodological aspects of image use as a factor in the competitiveness of the higher education institution. Theoretically and practically there are different methods and ways of evaluating the company’s image. The article provides a comparative assessment of the existing valuation methods of corporate image and the author’s method of estimating the image of higher education institutions based on the key influencing factors. The method has been tested on the Vyatka State Agricultural Academy (Russia). The results also indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the institution, highlights ways of improving, and adjusts the efforts for image improvement

    Structure–Phase Transitions in the Friction Contact Zone of High-Nitrogen Chromium–Manganese Austenitic Steel

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    The influence of contact stresses on the phase and concentration composition of thin surface layers and wear products in the tribological contact zone of high-nitrogen FeMn22Cr18N0.83 steel was studied using Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray structural analysis, and electron microscopy. It was shown that contact compressive stresses developing under the conditions of dry sliding friction in the surface layers (20–25 microns) resulted in the strain-induced dissolution of cellular precipitation products (nitrides Cr2N) and increased the average content of nitrogen in austenite. Antiferromagnetic ordering in austenite caused by the precipitation of secondary nitrides with low chromium and nitrogen content was observed in tiny external layers (~0.1 microns) of the friction surface and products of steel adhesive wear. The effect of tension stresses in the friction contact zone on the formation of strain-induced martensite and nitrides with α″-Fe16N2 structures was established in the wear products

    Mechanosynthesis of High-Nitrogen Steels Strengthened by Secondary Titanium Nitrides

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    The solid-phase mechanical synthesis of high-nitrogen ferritic and austenitic steel composites in the course of mechanical activation in a ball mill is studied by the method of M&ouml;ssbauer spectroscopy and electron microscopy. For mechanical alloying, mixtures of iron alloys doped with transition metals (Ni, Cr, Mn, and Ti) and nitrides with low stability to deformation (CrN and Mn2N) were used. The correlation between the phase&ndash;concentration composition of the mechanically synthesized samples and the heat of formation of transition metal nitrides, which are part of the initial metal mixtures, is investigated. It is established that the use of titanium as an alloying additive of the Fe component of the mixture accelerates the processes of dissolution of primary nitrides and allows the transference of chromium and manganese to the position of substitution in the metallic solid solution. In addition, the titanium additive entails the formation of secondary nitrides with stabilizing the nanostructure of the mechanically synthesized samples

    Dual Effect of Low-Molecular-Weight Bioregulators of Bacterial Origin in Experimental Model of Asthma

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    Asthma is one of the most common noncommunicable diseases, affecting over 200 million people. A large number of drugs control asthma attacks, but there is no effective therapy. Identification of reasons for asthma and preventing this disease is a relevant task. The influence of bacterial components is necessary for the normal development of the immune system and the formation of an adequate immune response to antigens. In the absence of microorganisms or their insufficient exposure, the prerequisites are formed for excessive reactivity to harmless antigens. In the present study, we analyzed cellular and humoral factors in a standard mouse model of OVA-induced asthma modified by 5-fold intraperitoneal injection of bacterial cell wall fragments of glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP) 5 μg/animal or 1 μg lipopolysaccharide (LPS) per animal for 5 days before sensitization by ovalbumin (OVA). Preliminary administration of LPS or GMDP to animals significantly reduced goblet cells as well as the number of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage, wherein GMDP corrected neutrophilia to a 2-fold degree, and LPS reduced the severity of eosinophilia by 1.9 times. With OVA administration of GMDP or LPS at the sensitization stage, an increase in the total number of bronchoalveolar lavage cells due to neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, and eosinophils in relation to the group with asthma without GMDP or LPS was observed. The administration of GMDP or LPS to normal mice without asthma for 5 days had no statistically significant effect on the change in the number and population composition of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage in comparison with the control group receiving PBS. As a result of a study in a mouse model of asthma, a dual effect of LPS and GMDP was established: the introduction of LPS or GMDP before sensitization reduces neutrophilia and eosinophilia, while the introduction of LPS or GMDP together with an allergen significantly increases neutrophilia and eosinophilia. The study of the immunoglobulin status shows that in normal-asthma mice, GMDP and LPS slightly increase IgA in bronchoalveolar lavage; at the same time, in the asthma model, injections of GMDP or LPS before sensitization contribute to a significant decrease in IgA (2.6 times and 2.1 times, respectively) in BALF and IgE (2.2 times and 2.0 times, respectively) in blood serum. In an experimental model of asthma, the effect of GMDP and LPS was multidirectional: when they are repeatedly administered before sensitization, the bacterial components significantly reduce the severity of the allergic process, while in the case of a joint injection with an allergen, they increase the influx of macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils into the lungs, which can aggravate the course of pathological process. Thus, the insufficient effect of antigens of a bacterial nature, in particular, with prolonged use of antibiotics can be compensated for by substances based on low-molecular-weight bioregulators of bacterial origin to establish the missing signals for innate immunity receptors, whose constant activation at a certain level is necessary to maintain homeostasis

    Interaction of natural and technogeneous brines of Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit with basic minerals of salt strata

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью повышения достоверности идентификации «аварийных» надсолевых рассолов в горных выработках Верхнекамского месторождения солей. Цель работы: исследование степени равновесия надсолевых и рудничных рассолов месторождения с основными хлоридными (галит, сильвин, карналлит) и сульфатными минералами (гипс, ангидрит). Методы исследования. Расчеты насыщения рассолов по отношению к минералам соляной толщи месторождения были выполнены на основе физико-химического моделирования для условий нормального атмосферного давления и температуры растворов 10 °C. При характеристике степени насыщения в работе использован индекс насыщения минералов (SI). С учетом высокой минерализации рассолов при вычислении коэффициентов активности была применена модель К. С. Питцера. В качестве основного расчетного модуля был использован код геохимического моделирования PHREEQC (разработчики Д. Паркхурст, Т. Аппело). Результаты исследования показали, что рудничные рассолы месторождения природного (постседиментационные) и техногенного (конденсационные, закладочные) генезиса находятся в равновесном состоянии или максимально близки к равновесию с галитом (ср. знач. SI=0,00; ? 0,09), сильвином (ср. знач. SI=0,00; ? 0,16) c учетом данных 324 проб, отобранных в 2011-2014 гг. В зависимости от генезиса и химического состава рудничные рассолы в различной степени насыщены по отношению к карналлиту (ср. знач. SI= ?2,00; ? 1,08). Рассолы равновесны с гипсом, несколько недонасыщены по отношению к ангидриту. Надсолевые рассолы высокой минерализации, распространенные в нижней части соляно-мергельной толщи и связанные с выщелачиванием покровной каменной соли месторождения, ввиду их Cl-Na состава равновесны или близки к равновесию с галитом, но недонасыщены по отношению к сильвину.The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need to increase the reliability of identification of "accidental" suprasalt brines in mines of the Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit. The main aim of the study is to investigate the equilibrium of suprasalt and mine brines of the Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit with basic chloride (halite, sylvine, carnallite) and sulfate minerals (gypsum, anhydrite). The methods used in the study. The saturation of brines relative to minerals of the salt strata were calculated based on physico-chemical modeling for normal atmospheric pressure and at solution temperature of 10 °C. The saturation index (SI) was used for characterizing the degree of saturation with respect to minerals. Taking into account the high salinity of brines the model of K. S. Pitzer was applied when calculating the activity coefficients. Geochemical modeling code PHREEQC (prepared by David Parkhurst and Tony Appelo) was used as the main calculation module. The results of the study have shown that the mine brines of the deposit of both natural (postsedimentation) and technogeneous (condensation, hydraulic stowing) genesis is in equilibrium or as close to equilibrium as possible with halite (mean SI=0,00; Std. Dev 0,09) and sylvine (mean SI=0,00; Std. Dev. 0,16) based on data of 324 samples obtained in 2011-2014. Depending on genesis and chemical composition the brines are saturated in varying degree with carnallite (mean SI= -2,00; Std. Dev.1,08). The brines are in equilibrium with gypsum and slightly undersaturated with anhydrite. Suprasalt high salinity brines distributed in the bottom of the salt-marl strata and related to leaching of overlying rock salt, due to their Cl-Na composition, are in equilibrium or near to equilibrium with halite but undersaturated with respect to sylvine