11 research outputs found


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    U radu su prikazani Å”tetni utjecaji bežičnih tehnologija na zdravlje korisnika. Istraživan je Å”irok spektar načina na koji zračenje može Å”tetno utjecati na korisnika s težiÅ”tem na Å”tetno djelovanje neionizirajućeg zračenja. S pomoću načela rada bežičnih uređaja objaÅ”njeni su termički i netermički učinci neionizirajućeg zračenja. U cilju zaÅ”tite zdravlja potrebno je provesti odgovarajuću zaÅ”titu da bi se ta opasnost uklonila ili svela na najmanju moguću mjeru.SUMMARY: This paper explores adverse impacts of wireless technologies on user health. A wide range of situations in which radiation may influence the user was investigated. Emphasis was placed on the adverse impact of non-ionizing radiation. Thermal and non-thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation were explained in accordance with the operating principle of wireless devices. It is necessary to implement appropriate forms of protection in order to eliminate health risks or reduce them to the lowest possible level


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    Tijekom radnog procesa korisnici zaÅ”titne odjeće i obuće često su izloženi poviÅ”enim temperaturama, djelovanju otrovnih kemikalija i plinova. Za siguran rad u takvim akcidentnim situacijama potrebna je prikladna zaÅ”titna odjeća. Odabir zaÅ”titne odjeće treba se temeljiti na zahtjevima radnog procesa, odnosno procjeni rizika. Osim funkcionalnosti, zaÅ”titna odjeća treba biti udobna za noÅ”enje, zdravstveno i fizioloÅ”ki prihvatljiva, te izrađena od prikladnih i kvalitetnih materijala. U radu su prikazane vrste osobne zaÅ”titne opreme za zaÅ”titu tijela i način njihove primjene, te preporuke dobre prakse. ZaÅ”titna odjeća je mjera kvalitete života industrijskog druÅ”tva.During work process the human body is exposed to numerous dangers and harms such as high temperatures, exposure to toxic chemicals and gases, etc. Thus, safe work requires the use of suitable protective clothing. Most injuries and ensuing financial costs can be reduced or entirely avoided by using appropriate protective clothing. The selection of protective clothing should be determined by the conditions of the work process and the assessment of the corresponding risks. In addition to being functional, protective clothing should be comfortable to wear, it should satisfy health and physiology criteria, and be manufactured from suitable, high-quality materials. This paper describes the types of protective personal equipment for the protection of the body and how they are used, as well as recommendations for good practice. Protective clothing may be regarded as one of the measures of the quality of life in industrial societies


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    Elektropredenje je postupak dobivanja nanovlakana iz polimerne otopine pod utjecajem elektrostatičke sile. Zbog svoje Å”iroke primjene proces je postao vrlo popularan, jer omogućava proizvodnju materijala ciljanih fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava. U ovom radu prikazan je kratak pregled potencijalnih Å”tetnih učinaka nanočestica na zdravlje, pregled opreme uređaja za elektropredenje, mjere sigurnosti, te osobna zaÅ”titna sredstva djelatnika u laboratoriju.Electrospinning is the process of nanofiber production from a polymer solution under electrostatic force. Due to the wide range of its application possibilities, the process has become very popular since it enables the production of materials with specific physical and chemical characteristics. The study presents a short overview of the potentially harmful effects of nanoparticles on human health and gives a detailed description of the electrospinning apparatus and safety measures, as well as of the personal protective equipment for the laboratory worker

    Testing heat transfer in protective clothing using a thermovision camera

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    Infracrvena termografija je beskontaktna metoda mjerenja energije zračenja objekta koji se promatra. Temperatura povrÅ”ine objekta dobiva se indirektno mjerenjem energije zračenja objekta promatranja. U radu su prikazane mogućnosti primjene infracrvene termografije za ispitivanje prijenosa topline u zaÅ”titnoj odjeći. Iz rezultata mjerenja zaÅ”titne odjeće može se odrediti efektivna toplinska izolacija za zimsku zaÅ”titnu odjeću pri niskim temperaturama pri radu u vanjskom okoliÅ”u.Infrared thermography is a contactless method of measuring radiation energy of an object being observed. The surface temperature of the object is obtained indirectly by measuring the radiation energy of the object under observation. The paper presents the possibilities of applying infrared thermography to test heat transfer in protective clothing. From the results of the measurements, it can be determined what comprises an effective thermal insulation for winter protective clothing when working in an outdoor low temperature environment

    Impact of anthropometric measurements on ergonomic driver posture and safety

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    Basic properties of vehicle interior are described. Car seat design, upholstery fabrics and passenger safety have been particularly emphasized. Textile fabrics as products providing comfort, safety and esthetics of the vehicle interiorwere dealt with. Safety belts, airbags and car seat covers were specially pointed out. Specific problems related to the safety of passengers, whose anthropometric measurements deviate from the average ones, were addressed


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    Za mnoge struke i zanimanja život i rad bio bi nezamisliv bez zdravih ruku. Rukavice za zaÅ”titu ruku izrađene su da bi zaÅ”titile ruke od Å”tetnih vanjskih utjecaja u svakodnevnom životu i profesionalnom radu. Bitno je da zaposlenici nose zaÅ”titne rukavice namijenjene za zaÅ”titu od opasnosti i Å”tetnosti kojima su izloženi na radnom mjestu. Na tržiÅ”tu su dostupne brojne vrste zaÅ”titnih rukavica, zbog čega je pravilan izbor posebno važan. U radu su opisane najvažnije vrste zaÅ”titnih rukavica i zahtjevi kojima moraju udovoljavati zaÅ”titne rukavice ovisno o njihovoj primjeni.SUMMARY: For many professions and occupations life and work would be unthinkable without healthy hands. Gloves for hand protection are designed to protect hands from harmful external influences in everyday life and professional work. It is essential that employees use protective gloves designed to protect against threats and hazards they are exposed to at the workplace. Many types of protective gloves are available on the market and therefore the correct choice is extremely important. This paper describes the main types of protective gloves and requirements protective gloves need to conform to depending on their application


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    Rad prikazuje stavove i ocjene studenata kao mlade populacije u gradu Karlovcu i njegovoj okolici u vezi onečiŔćenja životnog okoliÅ”a. Karlovačka županija ima dosta nerijeÅ”enih ekoloÅ”kih problema. Ti problemi su važni za studente karlovačkog veleučiliÅ”ta kao buduće akademske građane koji će trebati rjeÅ”avati ekoloÅ”ke probleme. U radu su istraživane ocjene studenata karlovačkog veleučiliÅ”ta o životnom okoliÅ”u grada Karlovca. Putem ankete istraživala su se njihova miÅ”ljenja u vezi uzroka, posljedica, odgovornosti i načina rjeÅ”avanja navedene problematike. Pomoću skale ocjena 1-5 rangirani su određeni ekoloÅ”ki problemi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su prioritetna pitanja iz ovog područja koja treba rjeÅ”avati (stanje će ostati i dalje nepromijenjeno, posljedice na zdravlje ljudi zbog onečiŔćenja vode i tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kih čimbenika kao i drugih izvora onečiŔćenja bit će na visokoj razini, te nedovoljna svijest i educiranost o ovim problemima svih građana i institucija sustava). Zbog toga ovo istraživanje treba biti u funkciji povećavanja i podizanja kvalitete života kao jedan stalni proces ostvarivanja i unapređivanja ljudskih i institucionalnih vrijednosti.SUMMARY: The paper describes opinions and assessments of students ā€“ as the younger population of the city of Karlovac and its surroundings ā€“ related to the pollution of their living environment. Karlovac County has several unsolved ecological problems. These problems are important for the students of the Polytechnic of Karlovac, as they are future academic citizens whose duty will be to solve ecological problems. The paper explores student assessments regarding Karlovacā€™s living environment. Their opinions about the causes, consequences, responsibilities and methods of solving the aforementioned problems are investigated by means of a student survey. Particular ecological problems are ranked on a range from 1 to 5. The research findings indicate some priority questions which need to be solved (the conditions will remain unchanged, consequences for human health due to water pollution and technical- technological factors as well as other pollution sources will remain at high level, and insufficient awareness and education about these problems of all citizens and institutions is still present). For this reason this investigation should help increase the overall quality of life, as a continuous process towards achieving and improving human and institutional values


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    SAŽETAK: U ovom radu prikazan je problem topline i kvalitete zraka radnog okoliÅ”a u odnosu prema zaÅ”titi na radu. Pri tome se poÅ”lo od zakonskih i podzakonskih propisa kao i kriterija koji su iskazani s pomoću standarda EN i ISO. Istaknuto je da pri obavljanju radnih zadataka nije samo značajno osigurati sigurne uvjete na strojevima i uređajima, već treba voditi računa o toplinskim čimbenicima i kvaliteti zraka kao značajnim ergonomskim čimbenicima, te racionalnijem pristupu u vezi uporabe energije za te namjene u određenom tehnoloÅ”kom procesu.SUMMARY: The paper focuses on the issues of heat and air quality in the work environment, considered as being part of occupational safety. The starting points were drawn from relevant legal provisions and regulations and from the criteria set out in the EN and ISO standards. The key point argued in the paper is that, in performing a work task, safe operation of equipment and machinery is not the only prerequisite, but that heat and air quality should be regarded as equally important ergonomic factors. Furthermore, a rational approach to energy utilisation for these purposes in technological processes should be adopted


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    Radnik migrant je svaki radnik koji je radio ili radi na poslu za koji dobiva naknadu u državi čiji nije državljanin. U radnike migrante ubrajaju se i skupine radnika koje u sklopu svojeg zanimanja rade u inozemstvu ili poslovno putuju. Globalizacija dovodi do stalnog porasta broja radnika migranata. Radnici migranti najčeŔće žive u loÅ”im uvjetima, često rade na radnim mjestima gdje je niska razina zaÅ”tite na radu i na dulje vrijeme izbivaju iz obitelji. Često su izloženi visokom riziku od ozljeda na radu. Podložni su raznim bolestima, od kojih mnoge izravno smanjuju njihovu radnu sposobnost. Uz to, veliki dio radnika migranata izložen je zaraznim bolestima poput tuberkuloze i hepatitisa te sve raÅ”irenijoj zarazi virusom humane imunodeficijencije (HIV).A migrant worker is a worker who has worked, or works, and receives pay for his work in a state of which he is not a citizen. Migrant workers also include groups of workers working abroad or travelling as part of their work. Globalisation has increased the number of migrant workers. Commonly, migrant workers live in poor conditions, often work in workplaces with low levels of occupational safety and are forced to live away from family for longer periods of time. Frequently, the risk of injury at work is high. Migrant workers have a higher incidence of a variety of diseases, many of which directly affect their work ability. Significant numbers of migrant workers are exposed to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, as well as to the ever growing incidence of HIV infection

    Novel aryl hydrocarbon receptor modulator promotes immunosupressive immune response by stimulating T regulatory cells in the gut

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    Introduction: The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor which is highly expressed in mucosal tissues - by epithelial cells and immune cells such as Th17 CD4+ and T reg- ulatory cells (Treg). Besides its function of clearing environmental pollutants from the body, it was also revealed that AhR has immunoregulatory effects, thus becoming a potential therapeutic target for mod- ulating the immune response. For that purpose we tested a novel synthetic AhR modulator under the code name C43. Methods: CYP1A1 (downstream effector of AhR) activation was tested by the EROD assay. Sort-purified CD4+ cells from mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) were treated with C43 for 24 h. Zebrafish embryos were used to test the toxicity of C43. Male C57BL/6 mice orally received C43 (10 mg/kg) for 5 consecutive days, after which MLN were harvested. Phenotype and function of the cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: C43 showed mild AhR agonistic activity. After treating the sort-purified CD4+ cells with C43, there was a shift in the Th17/Treg ratio in favour of the latter. C43 showed no signs of toxicity when tested on zebrafish embryos. MLN cells from mice that received C43 revealed a shift in the Th1/Treg ratio in favour of Tregs, with a documented rise of the portion of Tregs that expressed CYP1A1 in comparison with the control group of mice. Conclusion: C43 can modulate the immune response through the intestine by promoting the im- munosuppressive Treg population