4 research outputs found

    Научно обоснованная модель укрупнения регионов в целях обеспечения экономической безопасности и устойчивого развития Российской Федерации

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    Purpose: the main objective of preparation of article consists in formation of conceptual reasons for the new approach to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation corresponding to the relevant calls facing the country in the modern economic conditions. For achievement of this purpose in article the following research tasks are delivered and successfully solved: 1) to create new approach to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation on the basis of stability of her subjects; 2) to develop conceptual model of acceptance of the administrative decision on enlargement of regions by use of the modern methods of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of nature of regional development and a status of an economic security of the territory; 3) to define composition and structure of regional clusters, to give their characteristic in specific parametric space; 4) to develop recommendations about formation of administrative decisions on enlargement of regions taking into account specifics of development of the territories in a section of each cluster. Methods: by preparation of article general scientific methods of researches, such as systematization, generalization, cause-effect analysis and also receptions of the quantitative are used (hierarchical and iterative methods, statistic analysis) and qualitative (methods of the spatial analysis, theory of image identification) analysis. The new conceptual model based on synthesis of qualitative and quantitative methods of assessment of effectiveness of association of territories is developed for achievement of the goal of a research. According to the offered model making decision on association of the region is carried out in four steps. At the first stage justification of expediency of integration of territories is carried out and the general concept of association of regions is formed; at the second stage – holding a procedure of the cluster analysis and registration of results of a clustering by definition of uniform groups of regions on the basis of identification of similarity of the quantitative values characterizing stability of development of regions and a condition of indicators of their economic security; at the third stage – diagnostics of proximity of objects in a cluster on the basis of the principle of territorial contiguity and formation of the list and structure of regions concerning which the procedure of integration can be recommended; at the fourth stage – development of recommendations of integration of regions for stability of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and ensuring economic security of the Russian Federation. Results: the new approach to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation on the basis of stability of subjects assuming that in case of making decision on combining of regions the requirement of increase in level of stability of development of the territories and their economic security shall act as the purpose and the expected result of process is developed. The conceptual model of making decision on enlargement of regions concretizing logic and content of process which application in practice of public administration by regional development will allow to provide framing of adequate approaches to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation is created. The recommendations concerning making decisions on combining of regions allowing to consider adequately specifics of social and economic development and level of an economic security of the territories are provided. Conclusions and Relevance: the researches conducted in article represent development of scientific ideas of the modern approaches to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation. Practical application of the received results will allow to enhance procedures of acceptance of administrative decisions concerning enlargement of regions taking into account the current trends in development of the country and on this basis to ensure steady positive social and economic dynamics and an economic security of the Russian Federation. Цель: Основная цель подготовки статьи заключается в формировании концептуального обоснования нового подхода к экономическому обоснованию административно-территориального деления Российской Федерации, соответствующего актуальным вызовам, стоящим перед страной в современных условиях. Для достижения данной цели в статье поставлены и успешно решены следующие исследовательские задачи: 1) сформировать новый подход к экономическому обоснованию административно-территориального деления Российской Федерации на основе устойчивости ее субъектов; 2) разработать концептуальную модель принятия управленческого решения об укрупнении регионов путем использования современных методов количественного и качественного анализа характера регионального развития и состояния экономической безопасности территории; 3) определить состав и структуру региональных кластеров, дать их характеристику в конкретном параметрическом пространстве; 4) раз- работать рекомендации по формированию управленческих решений об укрупнении регионов с учетом специфики развития территорий в разрезе каждого кластера. Методология проведения работы: При подготовке статьи использованы общенаучные методы исследований, такие как систематизация, обобщение, причинно-следственный анализ, а также приемы количественного (иерархические и итеративные методы, статистический анализ) и качественного (методы пространственного анализа, теория распознавания образов) анализа. Для достижения цели исследования разработана новая концептуальная модель, основанная на синтезе качественных и количественных методов оценки результативности объединения территорий. В соответствии с предложенной моделью принятие решения об объединении региона проводится в четыре этапа. На первом этапе осуществляется обоснование целесообразности укрупнения территорий и формируется общая концепция объединения регионов; на втором этапе – проведение процедуры кластерного анализа и оформление результатов кластеризации путем определения однородных групп регионов на основании выявления схожести количественных значений, характеризующих устойчивость развития регионов и состояние показателей их экономической безопасности; на третьем этапе – диагностика территориальной близости объектов внутри кластера на основе принципа территориальной смежности и формирование перечня и состава регионов, в отношении которых может быть рекомендована процедура укрупнения; на четвертом этапе – разработка рекомендаций об укрупнении регионов в целях устойчивости субъектов Российской Федерации и обеспечения экономической безопасности РФ. Результаты работы: Разработан новый подход к экономическому обоснованию административно-территориального деления Российской Федерации на основе устойчивости субъектов, предполагающий, что при принятии решения об объединении регионов в качестве цели и ожидаемого результата процесса должно выступать требование повышения уровня устойчивости развития территорий и их экономической безопасности. Сформирована концептуальная модель принятия решения об укрупнении регионов, конкретизирующая логику и содержание процесса, применение которой в практике государственного управления региональным развитием позволит обеспечить выработку адекватных подходов к административно-территориальному делению Российской Федерации. Представлены рекомендации относительно принятия решений об объединении регионов, позволяющие адекватно учесть специфику социально-экономического развития и уровень экономической безопасности территорий. Выводы: Исследования, проведенные в статье, представляют собой развитие научных представлений о современных подходах к экономическому обоснованию административно-территориального деления Российской Федерации. Практическое применение полученных результатов позволит совершенствовать процедуры принятия управленческих решений относительно укрупнения регионов с учетом современных тенденций в развитии страны, и на этой основе обеспечить устойчивую позитивную социально- экономическую динамику и экономическую безопасность Российской Федерации.

    Evidence-Based Model of Integration of Regions for Ensuring Economic Security and Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation

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    Purpose: the main objective of preparation of article consists in formation of conceptual reasons for the new approach to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation corresponding to the relevant calls facing the country in the modern economic conditions. For achievement of this purpose in article the following research tasks are delivered and successfully solved: 1) to create new approach to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation on the basis of stability of her subjects; 2) to develop conceptual model of acceptance of the administrative decision on enlargement of regions by use of the modern methods of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of nature of regional development and a status of an economic security of the territory; 3) to define composition and structure of regional clusters, to give their characteristic in specific parametric space; 4) to develop recommendations about formation of administrative decisions on enlargement of regions taking into account specifics of development of the territories in a section of each cluster. Methods: by preparation of article general scientific methods of researches, such as systematization, generalization, cause-effect analysis and also receptions of the quantitative are used (hierarchical and iterative methods, statistic analysis) and qualitative (methods of the spatial analysis, theory of image identification) analysis. The new conceptual model based on synthesis of qualitative and quantitative methods of assessment of effectiveness of association of territories is developed for achievement of the goal of a research. According to the offered model making decision on association of the region is carried out in four steps. At the first stage justification of expediency of integration of territories is carried out and the general concept of association of regions is formed; at the second stage – holding a procedure of the cluster analysis and registration of results of a clustering by definition of uniform groups of regions on the basis of identification of similarity of the quantitative values characterizing stability of development of regions and a condition of indicators of their economic security; at the third stage – diagnostics of proximity of objects in a cluster on the basis of the principle of territorial contiguity and formation of the list and structure of regions concerning which the procedure of integration can be recommended; at the fourth stage – development of recommendations of integration of regions for stability of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and ensuring economic security of the Russian Federation. Results: the new approach to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation on the basis of stability of subjects assuming that in case of making decision on combining of regions the requirement of increase in level of stability of development of the territories and their economic security shall act as the purpose and the expected result of process is developed. The conceptual model of making decision on enlargement of regions concretizing logic and content of process which application in practice of public administration by regional development will allow to provide framing of adequate approaches to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation is created. The recommendations concerning making decisions on combining of regions allowing to consider adequately specifics of social and economic development and level of an economic security of the territories are provided. Conclusions and Relevance: the researches conducted in article represent development of scientific ideas of the modern approaches to administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation. Practical application of the received results will allow to enhance procedures of acceptance of administrative decisions concerning enlargement of regions taking into account the current trends in development of the country and on this basis to ensure steady positive social and economic dynamics and an economic security of the Russian Federation

    Biological diversity dynamics in forest biological community at Western Siberia subtaiga ecological monitoring index plot

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    This article presents results of a 2001-2021 research into an index plot forest biological community in the Western Siberia subtaiga zone (Tyumen Region, Russia), providing data on dynamics and biological diversity of vegetation cover, fungi and terrestrial vertebrate communities. The current research analyses the influence of climate and weather conditions of certain vegetation seasons and perennial climate trends pertaining to global processes, on biodiversity. Over the observation period as a whole, the xerophily of the forest ecosystem increased