23 research outputs found

    Ocular tolerance and efficacy of short-term tamponade with double filling of polydimethyloxane and perfluoro-n-octane

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    Stefano Zenoni1, Mario R Romano2, Sonia Palmieri1, Natalia Comi1, Edoardo Fiorentini1, Piero Fontana11Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy; 2Istituto Clinico Humanitas IRCSS, Rozzano, Milan, ItalyObjective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the ocular tolerance and efficacy of double filling with perfluoro-n-octane (n-C8F18) (PFO) and polydimethyloxane (PDMS) as a temporary vitreous substitute in patients with retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR).Material and methods: Tamponade was performed in 30 eyes of 30 patients by double filling with 30% PFO and 70% PDMS for an average of 23 (standard deviation 2.2) days. The follow-up visits were scheduled 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after surgery. The main outcome measures were visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), PVR reproliferation, and electrophysiological parameters.Results: The primary success rate was 80% (24/30). Fourteen patients (46.7%) had a postoperative improvement in visual acuity, 12 patients (40.0%) maintained their preoperative visual acuity, and four patients (13.3%) experienced a reduction in visual acuity. The mean postoperative IOP was 19.7 mm Hg (11–32 mm Hg); nine cases (30.0%) developed an IOP increase that was treated with topical drops and/or systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. The electroretinogram (ERG) and the bright flash electroretinogram (bf ERG) parameters showed a statistically significant difference of means between 4- and 8-week follow-up visits.Conclusion: Our experience with double filling in selected cases of retinal detachment has been positive. No electroretinographic signs of retinal toxicity and a low incidence of PVR reproliferation were observed.Keywords: double filling, proliferative vitreo-retinopathy, perfluoro-n-octane, polydimethyloxane, retinal detachment, retinal detachment electrophysiolog

    Standardization of in vitro digestibility and DIAAS method based on the static INFOGEST protocol

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    Background: The FAO recommends the digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) as the measure for protein quality, for which the true ileal digestibility needs to be assessed in humans or pigs. However, due to high costs and ethical concerns, the FAO strongly encourages as well the development of validated in vitro methods, which complement the in vivo experiments. Method: Recently, an in vitro workflow, based on the validated static INFOGEST protocol, was developed and compared towards in vivo data. In parallel to the validation with in vivo data, the repeatability and reproducibility of the in vitro protocol were tested in an international ring trial (RT) with the aim to establish an international ISO standard method within the International Dairy Federation (IDF). Five different dairy products (skim milk powder, whole milk powder, whey protein isolate, yoghurt, and cheese) were analyzed in 32 different laboratories from 18 different countries, across 4 continents. Results: in vitro protein digestibilities based on Nitrogen, free R-NH2, and total amino acids as well as DIAAS values were calculated and compared to in vivo data, where available. Conclusion: The in vitro method is suited for quantification of digestibility and will be further implemented to other food matricesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intensive rehabilitation increases BDNF serum levels in parkinsonian patients: A randomized study

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    Background. Exercise may decrease the risk of Parkinson’s disease (PD) in humans and reduce PD symptoms in animal models. The beneficial effects have been linked to increased levels of neurotrophic factors. Objective. We examined whether intensive rehabilitation treatment reduces motor disability in patients in the early stages of PD and increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) serum levels. Methods. Thirty participants in the early stages of PD treated with rasagiline were randomly assigned to 3 hours of rehabilitation treatment that included aerobic exercise for 28 days (Group 1) or to not therapy (control; Group 2). BDNF serum levels were assessed at time T0 (baseline, before treatment), T1 (10 days), T2 (20 days), and T3 (28 days). At T0 and T3, we assessed the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) III in both groups, as well as the UPDRS II and total, Berg Balance Scale, and 6-minute walking test only in Group 1. Results. BDNF levels significantly increased at T1 in Group 1, an increase that was maintained throughout the treatment period. At T3 compared to T0, UPDRS III scores significantly improved in Group 1 along with scores for UPDRS II, total, Berg Balance Scale, and 6-minute walking test. Conclusions. Intensive rehabilitation treatment increases the BDNF levels and improves PD signs in patients in the early stages of the disease. These results are in line with studies on animal models of PD and healthy subjects. </jats:p

    El uso de ChatGPT como herramienta innovadora para la mejora de la calidad docente en filología inglesa, inglés general e inglés para fines específicos

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    Actualmente, la universidad enfrenta el desafío de integrar inteligencias artificiales (IA) como ChatGPT, un modelo de lenguaje desarrollado por OpenAI que genera textos en varios idiomas. Aunque algunos ven esta tecnología como una amenaza que podría inhibir el aprendizaje y fomentar la pereza académica, el proyecto ve en estas herramientas un potencial educativo significativo. La IA puede ser utilizada para fomentar un aprendizaje activo y crítico, alineado con las necesidades de estudiantes nativos digitales. La transición de una cultura del libro físico a una virtual requiere que la academia adopte nuevas tecnologías y metodologías. En lugar de competir con la IA, los profesores deben buscar formas innovadoras de integrarla en la enseñanza para mejorar la práctica docente y el aprendizaje estudiantil, aprovechando las oportunidades que ofrece para conectar mejor con los alumnos y prepararles para el futuro. El objetivo fundamental de este proyecto es la integración de herramientas LLM como ChatGPT, basadas en la comunicación con una inteligencia artificial para la producción de textos de diferente índole en cuestión de segundos, para la docencia de asignaturas de filología inglesa e inglés general (Grado de Estudios Ingleses) e inglés para fines específicos (Grados de Económicas, Comercio, Turismo y Ciencias de la Información y Documentación). De todo ello, además, se desprenden una serie de objetivos específicos especialmente orientados para los siguientes colectivos: el alumnado, el profesorado, la investigación y la transferencia a la sociedad.Depto. de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y LiteraturaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFALSEsubmitte