6 research outputs found


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    În lucrare sunt prezentate date noi despre relaţiile dintre activitatea enzimei antioxidante catalaza şi parametrii de producere a biomasei şi proteinelor la tulpina Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 sub influenţa nanoparticulelor ZnO cu dimensiuni de 10, 30 şi &lt;100 nm. S-a stabilit că cantitatea de proteine şi activitatea enzimei antioxidante catalaza la tulpina de levuri, la cultivare în prezenţa nanoparticulelor ZnO, se modifică în funcţie de dimensiunile şi concentraţiile utilizate. Nanoparticulele cu dimensiunile de 10 nm iniţiază o micşorare relativă a cantităţii de proteine în biomasă, valori care s-au observat la toate concentraţiile aplicate. Nanoparticulele cu dimensiuni de 30 nm au exprimat efect pozitiv numai sub influenţa concentraţiilor mici – de 1-5 mg/L. Rezultatele obţinute la aplicarea nanoparticulelor cu dimensiuni mai mari (&lt;100 nm) indică tendinţe de sporire a cantităţii de proteine la levura aflată în contact cu concentraţiile de 0,5-1 mg/L, iar concentraţiile de 5-15 mg/L micşorează aceste valori. Studiul privind relaţia dintre indicii cantităţii de proteine şi cei ai activităţii catalazei în biomasa Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20, la contact cu nanoparticule ZnO, a relevat o dependenţă medie şi slabă în funcţie de dimensiunile nanoparticulelor. Astfel, finalizând această analiză, putem presupune că nanoparticulele oxidului de zinc, pătrunzând în lichidul biologic al celulei, intră în contact cu componentele celulare, determinând accelerarea sau întârzierea proceselor biosintetice.PROFILE OF THE CATALASE ACTIVITY AND PROTEIN PRODUCTION AT SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE CNMN-Y-20 UNDER THE ZnO NANOPARTICLES INFLUENCEThis work offers new data regarding the relations between the antioxidant enzyme activity – catalase and the para­meters of biomass production and proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 strain under the influence of 10, 30 and &lt;100 nm ZnO nanoparticles. It was established, that the proteins amount and the antioxidant enzyme activity - catalase at the yeast strain at the cultivation in presence of ZnO nanoparticles has changed depending on dimensions and the ZnO nanoparticles concentrations. The 10 nm nanoparticles initiated a relative decrease of the protein quantity in the biomass, values observed at all applied concentrations. The 30 nm nanoparticles have given a positive effect only in the case when were used low concentrations of 1-5 mg/L. The obtained results with the application of nanoparticles with larger dimensions (&lt;100 nm) indicated trends of increase of the protein amount in the yeast strain in contact with 0,5-1 mg/L concentrations, but the 5-15 mg/L concentrations decreased these values.The study regarding the relation between the indices of proteins amount and the catalase activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 biomass in contact with ZnO nanoparticles revealed an average and low dependence in function of the nanoparticles dimensions.Thus, finishing this analysis we can assume that zinc oxide nanoparticles, penetrating into the cells cytoplasm, get in contact with cellular components, can determine an acceleration or a delay of biosynthetic processes.</p

    Biosynthesis of β-glucans and morphological features Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 yeasts under the action of zinc oxide nanoparticles

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    The paper provides new information on β-glucans biosynthesis capacity and the morphological features modification of cells and colonies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 yeast strain known as producer of β-glucans. It was found that the development cycle and bioproductive capacity of the yeast was affected by cultivation in the presence of ZnO in a concentrations and the contact duration manner. Within 6-24 hours, the reproduction of the nanomodified cell was decreased compared to the control, but after 120 hours of submerged cultivation an insignificant increase in biomass content relative to 1L culture medium was recorded predominantly related to nanoparticle concentrations 0.5-1.0 mg/L. ZnO nanoparticles (<100 nm). Concentrations of 0.5-15 mg/L initiated a 13-15% increase in average dimensions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 cells and 7-12% increase in the ability to form of β-glucans, especially at concentrations of 1 and 5 mg/L. The correlation coefficient between the cells area and the β-glucans amount is strong (R² = 0.8021). The results provide the possibility of enhancing of the range of analyzes and the formation of reference bases necessary for the strategy to enlarge the biotechnological performance of yeasts

    The Effects of ZnO Nanoparticles in Combination with Alcohol on Biosynthetic Potential of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    This paper reports about experimental results concerning the influence of 30 nm ZnO nanoparticles on biomass, carbohydrates, β-glucans, proteins accumulation and catalase enzyme activity at Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 yeast strain exposed to alcohol action. Alcohol in concentrations of 2%, 5% and 10% added to culture medium has been reported to stimulate β-glucans biosynthesis and to inhibit protein synthesis. Low biomass production, with 71% less that control, was detected in the experiments with 10% alcohol. ZnO nanoparticles in combination with alcohol do not offer sufficient protection for the proteins biosynthesis, but efficiently protect the carbohydrates and β-glucans biosynthetic processes, which contents in the biomass are with 16.6% and 19.9% higher than control, respectively. The maximum value of β-glucans content was established in case of cultivation of selected yeast strain on YPD medium supplemented with 5 mg/L nanoparticles ZnO and 2% alcohol. The obtained results allowed the elaboration of new procedure for directed synthesis of β-glucans that contributed to an increase of this component with 30.7%, compared to control

    The evaluation of nanoparticles ZnO and TiO2 effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 yeast strain

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    This paper investigates the action of nanoparticles ZnO (10 nm) and TiO2 (30 nm) on growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20 yeast. Nanoparticles in concentration of 0,5; 1,0 and 5,0 mg/L in YPD medium did not modify significantly cell proliferation, biomass production, the carbohydrate content and the content of β-glucans at Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN-Y-20. Nanoparticles ZnO and TiO2 contributed to the decrease in protein content, which demonstrated the appearance of the alterations of yeast cell membranes

    The Using of Millimeter Waves for Biosynthetic Processes Stimulation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    The results of influence of three frequencies of electromagnetic radiation of highfrequency range (EMR EHF) on the biosynthesis of carbohydrates, β-glucan, proteins, catalase activity by Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNMN -Y-20 yeast strain were analysed. It was established that frequency of f= 53,33 GHz stimulates the biosynthesis of carbohydrates, including β-glucan and frequency of f= 42,19 GHz promotes the increase of protein content and catalase. The indicated frequencies of EMR EHF are offered for the use in the biotechnology of cultivation of yeasts with the purpose to increase biosynthetic properties of yeast strai