2 research outputs found

    Non-variant phenomena in heterogeneous systems. New type of solubility diagrams points

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    The article gives a general classification of non-invariant points in phase equilibrium diagrams of all possible types. The complete topological isomorphism of the diagrams of fusibility, solubility, and liquid-vapor equilibria in various sets of variables is demonstrated. The stability of mono-variant equilibria near the non-variant points is investigated. Recurrent formulas for calculating the number of topological elements of phase diagrams are given. A previously undescribed type of non-invariant points and phase processes in the solubility diagrams is described and characterized. The last ones have no topological analogs in other types of diagrams. Thus, we have carried out, as far as is available to the authors, a complete classification of invariant points and invariant processes in phase equilibrium diagrams of an arbitrary type and with an arbitrary number of components

    Approach for the Description of Chemical Equilibrium Shifts in the Systems with Free and Connected Chemical Reactions

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    Approach for the description of chemical equilibrium shifts in the systems with free and connected chemical reactions was elaborated. Driving forces of chemical equilibrium shifts were temperature change (at P = const), pressure change (at T = const), and input or output of reagents or products (at T, P = const). It was demonstrated how the conditions for passing through the extremes of the state parameters (T, P, and components molar numbers) in one of the reactions transmitted to other reactions, connected with the first one by reagents or products