1 research outputs found
Prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas con estudiantes con discapacidad: un estudio de caso en una escuela en el campo de Feira de Santana - BA
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelos professores de uma escola do campo da Rede Municipal de Educação de Feira de Santana-BA, situada no Distrito de Maria Quitéria, no processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência, matriculados nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental. Tal investigação foi desenvolvida por meio de uma pesquisa descritiva de natureza qualitativa, com uso de entrevista semiestruturada como instrumento de investigação, que foram realizadas a duas professoras da referida escola, que trabalham com alunos com deficiência, matriculados nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental. Os resultados demonstraram que dentre as principais implicações deste estudo, destacamos que, apesar dos estudantes com deficiência terem suas matrículas e o acesso à escola garantidos por lei, a falta de acessibilidade, de formação qualificada faz com que esta educação fornecida a eles seja negligenciada. Além disso, as professoras investigadas apontaram algumas dificuldades para o ensino e aprendizagem de estudantes com deficiência, e mostraram que apesar das dificuldades enfrentadas pela escola do campo e por elas, como a falta de materiais didáticos especializados, falta de recursos e pela falta de interesse dos órgãos públicos, elas se preocupam em levar para a sala de aula uma metodologia diferenciada, que possa atender e motivar a compreensão que necessitam.
Palavras-chave: Práticas Pedagógicas, Aprendizagem, Alunos com Deficiência, Escola do Campo.
Pedagogical practices developed with students with disabilities: a case study at a rural school in Feira de Santana - BA
ABSTRACT. This research aims to understand the pedagogical practices developed by the teachers of a school in the countryside of the Municipal Education Network of Feira de Santana-BA, located in the District of Maria Quitéria, in the process of including students with disabilities, enrolled in the final years of the Elementary School. Such investigation was developed through a qualitative descriptive research, carried out through a case study, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews with two teachers who work with students with disabilities. The results showed that among the main implications of this study, we highlight that, despite the fact that students with disabilities have their enrollment and access to school guaranteed by law, the lack of accessibility and qualified training causes this education provided to them to be neglected. In addition, the investigated teachers pointed out some difficulties for the teaching and learning of students with disabilities, and showed that despite the difficulties faced by the rural school and by them, such as the lack of specialized teaching materials, lack of resources and the lack of interest government agencies, they are concerned with developing differentiated strategies to include them.
Keywords: Pedagogical Practices, Learning, Students with Disabilities, Rural School.
Prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas con estudiantes con discapacidad: un estudio de caso en una escuela en el campo de Feira de Santana - BA
RESUMEN. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo comprender las prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas por maestros de una escuela en el campo de la Red Municipal de Educación de Feira de Santana-BA, ubicada en el Distrito de Maria Quitéria, en el proceso de inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidades, matriculados en los últimos años de la Enseñanza fundamental. Dicha investigación se desarrolló a través de una investigación descriptiva cualitativa, realizada a través de un estudio de caso, cuyos datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas con dos maestros que trabajan con estudiantes con discapacidades. Los resultados mostraron que, entre las principales implicaciones de este estudio, destacamos que, a pesar del hecho de que los estudiantes con discapacidades tienen su inscripción y acceso a la escuela garantizados por la ley, la falta de accesibilidad y capacitación calificada hace que esta educación se les descuide. Además, los docentes investigados señalaron algunas dificultades para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes con discapacidades, y demostraron que a pesar de las dificultades que enfrentan las escuelas rurales y para ellos, como la falta de materiales de enseñanza especializados, la falta de recursos y la falta de interés agencias gubernamentales, se preocupan por desarrollar estrategias diferenciadas para incluirlos.
Palabras clave: Prácticas Pedagógicas, El Aprendizaje, Alumnos con Discapacidad, Escuela del Campo.ABSTRACT. This research aims to understand the pedagogical practices developed by the teachers of a school in the countryside of the Municipal Education Network of Feira de Santana-BA, located in the District of Maria Quitéria, in the process of including students with disabilities, enrolled in the final years of the Elementary School. Such investigation was developed through a qualitative descriptive research, carried out through a case study, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews with two teachers who work with students with disabilities. The results showed that among the main implications of this study, we highlight that, despite the fact that students with disabilities have their enrollment and access to school guaranteed by law, the lack of accessibility and qualified training causes this education provided to them to be neglected. In addition, the investigated teachers pointed out some difficulties for the teaching and learning of students with disabilities, and showed that despite the difficulties faced by the rural school and by them, such as the lack of specialized teaching materials, lack of resources and the lack of interest government agencies, they are concerned with developing differentiated strategies to include them.ABSTRACT. This research aims to understand the pedagogical practices developed by the teachers of a school in the countryside of the Municipal Education Network of Feira de Santana-BA, located in the District of Maria Quitéria, in the process of including students with disabilities, enrolled in the final years of the Elementary School. Such investigation was developed through a qualitative descriptive research, carried out through a case study, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews with two teachers who work with students with disabilities. The results showed that among the main implications of this study, we highlight that, despite the fact that students with disabilities have their enrollment and access to school guaranteed by law, the lack of accessibility and qualified training causes this education provided to them to be neglected. In addition, the investigated teachers pointed out some difficulties for the teaching and learning of students with disabilities, and showed that despite the difficulties faced by the rural school and by them, such as the lack of specialized teaching materials, lack of resources and the lack of interest government agencies, they are concerned with developing differentiated strategies to include them.ABSTRACT. This research aims to understand the pedagogical practices developed by the teachers of a school in the countryside of the Municipal Education Network of Feira de Santana-BA, located in the District of Maria Quitéria, in the process of including students with disabilities, enrolled in the final years of the Elementary School. Such investigation was developed through a qualitative descriptive research, carried out through a case study, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews with two teachers who work with students with disabilities. The results showed that among the main implications of this study, we highlight that, despite the fact that students with disabilities have their enrollment and access to school guaranteed by law, the lack of accessibility and qualified training causes this education provided to them to be neglected. In addition, the investigated teachers pointed out some difficulties for the teaching and learning of students with disabilities, and showed that despite the difficulties faced by the rural school and by them, such as the lack of specialized teaching materials, lack of resources and the lack of interest government agencies, they are concerned with developing differentiated strategies to include them